DIdn't play MGSV on launch

>DIdn't play MGSV on launch
>Finally get around to it about a week ago
>Boss has shrapnel in his brain
>Hardly speaks, Ocelot and Miller talk to his men for him
>Keeps getting explained basic shit by Ocelot and Miller
Does Boss have fucking brain damage? Like, mentally retarded, needs his men to wipe his ass for him brain damage? That's sure what it feels like.

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8 year coma and having 2 weeks to get /fit/ and be Big Boss again will do that to ya, along with other factors in play. Snake being a relatively silent protagonist is some bull shit, but Ocelot acting nothing like Ocelot frustrated me even further.

He always had autism.

He is not BB.

>Hardly speaks
That's an improvement over mindlessly echoing the phrases other characters say.

>echoing the phrases other characters say?

Mindlessly echoing?..


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I hate the fact this game punishes you for killing enemies but by the end you want to build nukes and shit make up your mind kojima

Other characters?

Pretty much. Except the twist is that you are not BB at all and just some retard that got plastic surgery to look like him.

But even before that Kojima did watch Mad Max and ruined Big Boss by making him a silent protagonist, yes.

How does it "punish" you? Afaik you can still get S ranks if you go lethal.

>Paying attention to scores
>Not just enjoying the game in your own playstyle and seeing the lower score as you sticking it to the devs

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The first time you try to inerrogate someone you get told that your part of the brain that is for language got damaged. Maybe he got more brain damage than just that.

Kojima needed tp somehow explain where the Big Boss in the first game came from, why not make his most expensive game yet another game set in the past, except this time have Snake not speak even though the cheesy dialog is half the reason people played the more modern games in the first place?

Not that guy, but soldiers are resources. Also killing generally makes your job harder, the game rewards skipping everything.

That's what happens when hire big cool hollywood man and can only afford to pay him for two dozen lines.

at a certain point it forces you to look like this, and it's permanent unless you start doing good actions in the game

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But most soldiers are trash. Just "recruit" the S tier ones and murder everyone else. The binoculars let you identify their rank, don't they?
And engaging the enemy lethally or non-lethally doesn't change much, as long as you do it stealthily. And even then, the deciding factor is usually the mission time.
Sure you won't get the "no traces" bonus, but it's not really required for S ranks.

>soldiers are resources
Recently went back to replay the game and Konami added a bunch of "challenge tasks" and rewards. By chapter 13, I've got a bunch of A ranks in every department because the rewards include soldiers.
>killing generally makes your job harder
take out comms and it's all good. As long as you're never spotted, you can drop bodies everywhere and still get A or even S rank. Doesn't matter if the base is on alert. Combat alerts are the ones to avoid.

yes snake phrases, a group of words expressing a particular idea or meaning. some of the most popular phrases have been passed on through word of mouth over the centuries and remain as relevant today as when they first coined.

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Can't you just shower?

No, enjoy your jamface.

So? That seems pretty metal.

>phrases that remain relevant today? You mean phrases like Pax Hamburgana?

Going lethal IS the best way to get S ranks, especially if done super quick.

Improvement, huh?

Second floor basement?
Super baby method?
A Hind-D?

>expressing a particular idea or meaning

Yes, but you have to reach S rank somehow and that is fultoning the shit early.
Challenge tasks were a godsend. Made the terrible grinding faster and bearable. Originally the game was like 200+ hours to get every achievement, now you can do it almost half the time.

Honestly, once you realize S ranking missions are usually just running to the endpoint and sniper/rocket the main guy makes the entire game meaningless. I never felt more I wasted time doing the missions properly. And what is with the dumb side challenges?
>main mission: save ocelot in a village
>side challenge: go to the other three village miles away and murder/extract three fags who have nothing to do with the mission

>you have put artificial restrictions and invent meta-motivations for the game to not suck

Wow that sure sounds fun bud

Eh, I dunno. "No traces" bonus ALONE is enough to get you S-rank no matter how long you take to finish the mission. It's just that it's not possible to achieve on every mission, since some require you to blow up stuff, which I think makes it impossible to get.

keifer said in an interview that he recorded way more dialogue than actually ended up in the game though.

>A game sucks depending on numbers on a screen

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backup, back down can go fuck itself.
apparently mines deactivate if you go a few hundred meters away but the tanks can still move over them just fine and your mines will still be sitting there, WHY EVEN HAVE THEM IN THE GAME

Metal Gear?

hamburgers will always be relevant snake, an unbroken chain of nutrition stretching back into the past and on and on into the future. somethings never go out of style.

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I unironically repeat back what someone said like Snake when I want that point clarified, but I didn't pick the habit up from MGS. It's just a really efficient way to ask for clarification, and avoids having to come up with a real question about something you don't know how to ask.


>avoids having to come up with a real question about something you don't know how to ask
That will likely result in the same explanation, just slower and louder.

Hmm, but how do they taste?

The blood drips & garners enemy attention

Efficient clarification?

That's even more metal. Just means you get to slaughter even more dudes and soak your hands even further. Considering the super mega amazing secret plot twist, carving a bloody swath through enemies in this particular metal gear game kinda makes sense.

you are playing as Venom Snake, not Big Boss himself

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>A medic going out of his way to kill people makes sense

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He doesnt know hes a medic, he thinks hes Big Boss

God why are getting female soldiers so fucking hard in this game? All I want is my own qt bossfu with a good combat rank instead of the chain smoking woman you get at the end of the game

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Venom is equally BB as Naked.

Yeah because Venom Snake is easily superior with ROCKETUU PUUUUUUUUUNCH

That's a complete bluff done to hide the fact that the real Big Boss speaks Russian(Almost all of his lines in MGS3 are in Russian, in fact).

Obviously this new guy didn't learn the language like the real Big Boss did, so he has to use an interpreter. There's no evidence he actually had any kind of significant brain damage.

>That's a complete bluff
And the fucking shrapnel stuck in his skull is papier-mache?

If you're on PC there are mods for rescue female side ops. There's also a FOB called outer harem.

Only if you count Liquid Ocelot as being just as much Liquid as the original who died in MGS1.

Fuck off retard, Solid and Naked Snake were fun characters.
The shit that V fans come up with.

Liquid Ocelot was all a fucking act.
BB status isn't determined by just being some particular person who at some distant point in his past life was on a mission in Tselinoyarsk. BB status is defined by the actions. Venom built a new Motherbase and later Outer Heaven to be the home of ex-military soldiers, who later gave birth to the PMCs in MGS timeline.
Big Boss is more than a person, it's a symbol, and both Venom and Naked embody it equally. Even the game acknowledges it, but apparently some people still don't.