China buying Ubi


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The gacha/microtransactions nightmare is only beginning.

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Nice clickbait faggot, worse than a "journalist" I bet you're american fat fuck

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Tencent bought 5% of shares, Ubi owns like 40%. I would expect at least Sup Forums to read more, but I keep forgetting what year it is.

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Nobody cares about facts on Sup Forums. It's the way information is presented that matters


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i like how you conveniently cropped the image so we don't see that they only have 5% of the shares as opposed to Vivendi's previous 30%.

>This post is approved by the grandmother of French monarch

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He's Norwegian.


>Inb4 a China exclusive version of the Asscreed Multiplayer but it is a giant city with 100 players and tons of NPCs.

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>B-but th-the free market solves everything!

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Didn't ubisoft just defend themselves from a hostile takeover from Vivendi?

>yfw Assassin's Creed Dynasty is really in China

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With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese monocrystal turbines, plasma stealth technology, quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.


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How the fuck did vivendi go from having nearly half the shares of the company to selling the entire fucking thing? Did they realize they were a sinking ship and hopped off or something? Do they know something we don't?

To make a hostile takeover they had to buy a fuckton of shares, making the takeover cost an incredible amount. This would mean vivendi had to wait probably several years until their investment is making any returns.
They could also sell everything now and make 1,4 billion€ in profit.

man i really fucking hate the chinese subhumans, by that I mean the mainlanders. they really are subhuman barbarians
never do business with them either, these subhumans will cheat you in any way possible just like how they play video games

Who cares? Ubisoft stopped making good games when they started telling people to call them You Be Soft.
Though I am wtfing at them now being owned by a fucking teachers pension plan somehow.

>I am wtfing at them now being owned by a fucking teachers pension plan
Actually this surprised me a bit, too.

Too bad they're not because they could continue the series for the best Assassin's Creed.

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Never underestimate chink gold nuggets, user.

Who cares, ubisoft sucks.

Yeah, I know you love them, I like them, too.

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sounds fun

>teachers' pension plan
post yfw educational vidya kino is upon us


>china hates niggers
ubisoy devs are literally shaking

>i-i-its only 5%
lmao the mental gymnastics of ubishills, tencent have the backing of their gov and unlimited funds. soon the frenchman will bow to the chink.

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I am not a burgerlander tho

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I thought he was being un-JUST-ified

are you saying china is best or chronicles is best

the entire chronicles series
I enjoyed it more than I thought I would

I guaranfuckingtee this year's AC will have a battle royale mode.
>set in massive city
>standard battle royale mechanics with AC controls
>emphasis on stealth and blending into crowds
>traps, blades and poisons spawn everywhere

Big if true

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never played chronicles, I'm just mad that they threw china on a 2d portable platformer instead of a full fledged asscreed game

Ubisoft already made a deal with the same company to feature their character in a mobile game in china

>anyone better than you at vidya is cheating

lel, can you sound any more salty?

Gay if fake

Oh boy this means Ubisoft will somehow be shittier and even more of a cheapskate with multiplayer servers

It does though. It's been proven time and again that private organizations do things at a rate that is faster and more efficient than organizations owned by the government.

Did memes really ressurect Fraser? Why am i seeing so many photos of him in important looking places and shit recently?

They didn't buy enough to be on the board you cuntface. Similarly, you shouldn't be on this board. Fuck off and get AIDS.

Damn you're dumb.

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They are still considering it for a full game

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If companies are so damn worried about takeovers, why don't they just never sell more then like 49% of their stock?

I wonder what games can chinese creativity come up with
Maybe we'll get R6: Battle Royale on mobile

they tried a hostile takover by slowley buying shares which caused the shares to rise in price.
at the same time vivendi lost a shitton on money on their other investments and were at the point that they cant pay up the full price to take over ubi anymore.

so they decided to sell what they have now and make 1.4 Billion back to get cash flow again.

Also ubi fighting them didnt help their cause, for example gameloft was way easily takenover as they accepted that.

>not understanding what 5% is and that tencent announced that they dont want to buy more or intervene with ubi work

most what well get from this is ubi games being sold officially in china as the have tencent as partner now

How did the ultimate jew race the chinese become a "communist" country?

>ultimate jew race
lay off the pol for a while my man



third user, not half

The chinese dominate politics and business in SEA. Now they're expanding their domination of the West with immigration. I for one, welcome our new oriental masters.

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Whose's that and why should I care about them?

oh well siege has been patched into oblivion

>not knowing the biggest and richest gaming company in the world

Until they fucking collapse under their own size and need to be bailed out.

Chinese would still be living in ice caves without whitey to steal from.

Are you serious?

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Wasn't Tencent the company that dropped Runic Games? I remember it was a Chinese company that did that.

how is , SegaSquare and Konami are bigger than Ubisoft when probably they combined together generate as much money as Ubisoft alone?

>try to take over company by buying as much stock as you can
>get outflanked by china instead
>company you were trying to take over buys back their own stock
>lost an almost 30% stake

>t.ubisoft shill
no niggers for you. maybe for your mom since shes a fan of BBC LMAO

>I would expect at least Sup Forums to read

americans and their cuckold fetish ...

its outdated
ubisoft has like 2x the amount of revenue like Konami for example

Vivendi made 1,4 bn€ out of that sell, I'm pretty sure they're happy right now.

>Sup Forums - business and finance

Comforting to see that Sup Forums perceives reality just as upside down for business as they do for gaming quality, however. Consistent.

That would actually be fun, if playing online games with total strangers weren't so goddamn awful.

Don't forget glorious chink quantum computing

>telltale making that much money

>Hostile Takeovers are legal

Capitalism was a mistake

dead is dead

Americans will suck Chinese cock no matter what.

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They're legal for public companies.
If you don't want to be taken over, you simply stay private.

How can they know Valve's revenue when it's a private company?

These are from 2016 revenue reports

This is MY president.

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>if playing online games with total strangers weren't so goddamn awful.
This feel is painfully relevant in an Ubi thread. I'm certain games like Division and Wildlands fly under the radar because so few people know how to play them properly.

I end up playing most co-op games solo just because 99% of other players rush through chasing loot and achievements, not hunkering down their playstyle down to a more immersive pace that allows these games' strengths to shine.

At least PvP games are designed to be played in the way most retards are able to play it (besides some using meta tactics). Everyone knows where their at with that. Probably why Siege has so much longevity compared to their bigger budget titles.

>no matter what
Not if they stop being super capitalist, realizing they've betrayed Communism and stop making us nice plastic things using cheap labor we can abuse.

Luckily, that'll never happen.


They're basically EA, if EA didn't have a conscience and didn't rigidly adhere to morally acceptable business practices

>anything china
>massive numbers simply due to population alone
I just cant take their market seriously. Just a teeny-tiny per mille of the population need to place their money on some shoveware and boom, gorillions of dollars and biggest hit 2018.

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>certain phrases and names in china are literally banned because someone used them to joke about their leader one time

It's kind of sad really. Video game developers are gonna start pandering to the Chinese just like Hollywood is starting to do.

this is in watchdog2

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>certain phrases and names are verboten in America because someone used them in a holocaust one time

I thought vivendi was called vieola now?

Sure but they own half of epic which has UE4 as well as Fortnite BR, all of Riot and the whole world plays LOL, 15% of Activision Blizzard and now 5% of Ubisoft.