Do you tell people the actual truth when they ask you why you play as a female character in all your games?

Do you tell people the actual truth when they ask you why you play as a female character in all your games?

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I never play as a female character because I hate women

Sure, I do that if it's a second or third playthrough or if there are specific bonuses like Black Widow in New Vegas


Literally nobody ever asked me that before.

If there's customizable outfits it's more fun to dress women up.

I like cute shit and I find girls cute

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I've never been asked. The real reason is I like dressing them up and I find the inherent underdog position of a fighting female interesting. Also it's nice to at least pretend women can have drive and purpose other than leeching.

Yes? And if they ask i will tell them im a fucking waifu fag and want to suck on Asuka’s huge teen tits

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holy shit are you me?

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>dad finds dresses and panties etc
>"well you see dad, the real reason I wear them is that I find the inherent underdog position of being a female interesting. Also it's nice to at least pretend women can drive and have a purpose other than leeching"

Why are this artist's faces so bad?

>dad finds the dragon dildoes and HRT meds
>"don't worry dad I just want smaller hitboxes"

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In the west
>anything starring males is for guys
>anything starring females is for girls

In the east
>anything starring males is for girls
>anything starring females is for guys

The west has an obsession with trying to act macho or self-inserting themselves into vidya characters. Meanwhile, everyone else just want to look at something visually interesting. For most guys, females are visually interesting. I'd rather dress up my virtual sex doll than play with a polygon G.I. Joe.

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If anyone ever asked I'd just tell them I have problems, in a joking way.
I actually don't have dysphoria of any kind fortunately

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I play as a girl because I like girls. Why do you keep asking me the same question, you mentally impaired fuck?


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Then hurry up and pretend to be a cutie with mega-milkers for me!

I just like the visuals more, but apparently that isn't a valid reason at all looking at everything slightly related to this topic.


Japs are the ones with seasonal harem anime. Be honest now.

China and Korea eat it up. Have you seen their vidya, comics and animation? They are becoming like Japan.

But those countries are shitholes, becoming more like Japan can only be an improvement


I like being cute, and I find girls cute, so I play as the girl when it's an option.

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It's pretty obvious when you look at me that I'm the kind of degenerate neckboar that faps to fictional characters 24/7. I don't need to tell anyone anything.

this, holy shit
so many people either project their own insecurities or call you a tranny in denial, but the truth is I just love cute stuff.

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This is another fucking stealth lgbt converting thread, isn't it? I'm onto you this time, damn tranny. I crossdress because it turns me on, nothing more and nothing less.

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My people

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it's time to buy the girl pills alice

Cute is life.

Liking traps is gay.
Get over it closetfaggots.

Men aren't allowed to like cute things, you're clearly a faggot tranny in denial.

no one mentioned traps in this thread faggot

It's pretty damn gay alright.

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OP's image is from a trap doujin

Kaname is the best.

But the topic is tranny bait

>tfw straight porn doesn't do it anymore

Wouldn't it feel so much better to dress up and be cute yourself?

no that would be gay

no, it wouldn't.

No because just wearing the clothes doesn't make me cute and in addition to lacking any gender dysphoria I like having money.

Applying make-up is also pretty shit.

t. autogynephilia

Not really.

I've never had to explain myself. I have a friend with whom we play as cute girls together

No, because I'm not cute. I'm a guy.

Because men in dresses and make up doesn't look cute at all, it's revolting.
I'd rather look at cute girls then freaky masculine she-hes.

What about 2D men in dresses?

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>tfw Autogyne but not trans
I hate existing.

2D is always better than 3D.
