What has she fuck the problem??

What has she fuck the problem??

Attached: catalina-grand-theft-auto-san-andreas-7.23.jpg (210x240, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


feminism done right

Carl was a beta cuck

>That scene where it's implied she fucked CJ with a strap-on.


>tfw didn't realize that Catalina in SA was the same Catalina that betrays Paulie in GTAIII because I didn't understand that SA took places years before III and despite the fact that Catalina is seen with Paulie in SA
>tfw brainlet

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in your defense she looks and sounds 10 years older even though it takes place 9 years before III

For a second I thought it was the sister.

That was never implied you retarded homophile.

Source on his name being Paulie?

Always thought it was Claude Speed.



I'm such a brainlet I couldn't even remember his name right. Obviously meant Claude.

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how did Woozie beat Carl when playing video games if he is blind

It's honestly why I love latinas. My ex bullied the fuck out of me. They're always so fucking loud and passionate. I fucking hated her but she knew her shit and just wanted me to do shit right.

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SA was and is unironically the best GTA


It's Claud you Dolt

Are... are you sure she didn't just manipulate you into doing what she wanted, saying that it's the "right" thing?

The game has been out for damn near twenty years and you still think Woozie is actually blind.

That was not how the scene went user.

W-Wait, he's not?

He is,he's just extremely lucky. That and his subordinates let him win at everything.

>damn near twenty years

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he isn't fully blind

Stick close.

Attached: Woozie.jpg (232x248, 32K)

So who was best gf?


Did you have a stroke typing this?

>Play as a black guy from the hood
>His brother is the leader of a gang
>Still a beta and gets pushed around by everybody


>hates gays
>cums from reckless driving
She was pretty based.

>my ex was abusive to me
>b-but she was alright, she just wanted what was best for me!
You sound like you've been drinking certain bean products.

So if you could only have sex with one female character from GTA: San Andreas who would it be?

None because the gta sa models were fugly
But from the GTA series in general, karen/michelle, molly, and tracey de santa



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I get the impression Tracy only likes black guys.


Gun-toting, lives-on-a-farm, batshit crazy lawyer.
Mechanic girl also an acceptable choice.

Why was mr. beanie in GTA?

Rode the cock carousel and became emotionally unstable but it also coupled with hispanic temper.

she literally tells you she was abused by her father.

Wait what?


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>that anger
>her car is called "buffalo"
What did they mean by this?

>What has she fuck the problem
Fucking what.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Grove Street..

Attached: mta-screen_2018-03-21_13-02-56.png (1920x1080, 2.91M)

It's where I beat my meat

At least it was before I couldn't even tell it was Grove Street without looking at the radar.

I've looked at this thread 3 or 4 times and only now I've realized he wrote it like that

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Cit2. home.

Who bitch this is? We never meet her in the game.

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You finally caught on to Rockstar's "make artwork of a girl that has little to no appearance" meme?

Closest I could find. She's obviously a streetwalker.

I just thought they were idiots for not making Lola del rio an actual model.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Gta 4 girl was better.

Attached: lola2.jpg (2560x1600, 254K)

ye, with her 6 fingered hand

she was molested by her cousins a lot and she can't cope with her natural sex drive so it comes out in the form of twisted, hyperaggressive male hatred.


i thought id had a stroke and couldnt read properly anymore
no one else in the thread bought it up until just now
>welp, im a retard now i guess. might as well make the most of it


This image is forever ruined


That never happened, user.

Dudes name is Claude. I have no idea where you got Paulie from.

>Denise grew up in Ganton Courts in Grove Street, and some time in her life, became a supporter of the Grove Street Families. She later moved into a house a block away from her childhood home. At an unknown point in her life, she became pregnant and gave birth to three children, who she later gave away to foster care.

Why is this mentioned nowhere in game? I found it on the wiki

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What is it with Hispanics and molestation?


oh fuck what

>What has she fuck the problem??
That's hot

She was Colombian. They're like that.


Reminder to watch The Introduction and learn a few things

>[Playing black jack with CJ]
>Hit me
>You sure?
>Yeah, I'm feeling lucky
>You got like, uh 47, man

she alludes to giving away her kids in their random banter during dates. She also remarks "I think I'm completely worthless, don't you think Carl?" to which Carl will give one his stock affirmative responses