Why can’t a game like The Witcher 3 have combat like a game like Shadow of Mordor?

Why can’t a game like The Witcher 3 have combat like a game like Shadow of Mordor?

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becuase people are shit
and make shitty things
for shitty reasons

They're both fucking garbage

BOTW was a good open world game with good combat.

but it literally does

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>Good combat.

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Literally every fucking game has Arkham clone combat these days retard.

It's just worse Dark Souls.

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They're both pretty agregious. But shadow of mordor flowed better, imo. That one move alone that let you teleport forward as far as you could aim and shoot an orc with an arrow made the combat in that so much better then even other bamhams and bamham clones like mad max and made it feel way looser.
But both are too easy and mindless in their own ways, and would need some serious work. And no, I can't imagine something like dark souls being a serious option.

Imagine being this much of a contrarian

>POI of the wild
>witcher 3: the POI hunt

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Arkham combat was neat when it was a new thing that the Arkham games were pioneering. It unfortunately has no depth and once you've played enough of it, it becomes boring as sin. Fuck games that use it as a crutch, they are complete trash. Shadow of Mordor is one of the most boring fucking games I've ever played.

>If I go out of my way to do things the dullest way possible the game isn't fun
>clearly the game is at fault
Might as well say Bayonetta has bad combat because of the Kilgore glitch trivializing everything.

>BOTW was a good open world game with good combat.

It's serviceable that's all. I'll give credit where it's due as it's not trash.

It isn't anything special it isn't bad but it isn't good

Varied enemies was the key to it's monotomy. It was getting there by the time Arkham Knight came out but by then it was too little too late.

>why cant every game be bamham
was 4 games, mad max, and two mordors not enough??

>Why can't a lackluster system with a base that can be imoroved upon degrade down to fucking BamHam levels
go kill yourself

Why couldn't both of those games have had good combat? Why does gameplay feel so lackluster in video games lately?

>Why does gameplay feel so lackluster in video games lately?

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It's a great tech demo with a GOAT physics engine and combat that just werks.

both the combat of those games are shit

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Why are the simplest swordplay mechanics the most fun? It's so satisfying getting a kill in say M&B.

Its better to be a simple system that just works then a system that trys really hard to be good that ends up almost good its why i like fallout 3/nv combat more then 4