What are you emulating right now?

What are you emulating right now?

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Will to live

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After hearing about that Citra update I tried emulating Pokémon X. Didn't work, so I had to decrypt it. Still didn't work, because of some required dumps being missing so I looked up the fix and applied it. After finally getting the game to work, I'm greeted by the professor, the game is running at 70% and there's no audio for some reason. Before the first text box finishes, the game freezes. Tons of fun.

Playing through all the final fantasies in order on 5 currently.

Nocturne and Yakuza 2

where do you get Mario ROMs? Maybe im just dumb but I can't seem to find them anywhere


Star Ocean the first departure, psp

Nothing. I'm not a scumbag pirate nigger

>using skype in 2018

Wait a minute.
Something doesn't seem right here.

Your post is worthless. Nobody cares how much you want to prove h


Attached: IFeelNothing.png (720x480, 41K)

>windows 10

Attached: mike scott.webm (720x404, 137K)

...how much better you are than everyone else.


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Treasure of the Rudras


Currently working on setting up MAME.
I downloaded a 100GB ROM archive and now i'm just getting the CHDs I need.

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super mario galaxy

Smash 3DS

Street Fighter III Third Strike

Reminder that If you play Ken SA III you're a faggot

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It's not you. Around 2014/2015 is when a lot of rom hosting sites got shut down. The ones that exist are shells of what they used to be. I still regret to this day not downloading everything I would need in the future. I was naive to think coolroms would last forever.
Honestly, take it upon yourself to build an archive. I'm doing so because memory is so cheap and it's not worth the effort to look for things after they disappear.

Me too.

I love those backgrounds

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A Japanese anime themed image board.

Which console specifically are you looking for?



smash for project m and budokai tenkaichi 3

good job hiding your wallpaper OP, but I can tell ywtcird

>emluating N64
I regret everything. Holy shit the games suck. It's almost funny to think that this is what toddlers worshipped while we played PC games like functional human beings


Playing the ps2 ace combats for the first time. I just finished 4, should I play 5 or 0 next?

looks like this got taken down

It works fine for me.

Someone's trying a bit too hard

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I apologize for having an opinion. I enjoyed Majora's Mask's atmosphere, it was a breath of fresh air after rancid shit that that Ocarina of Time

mandatory grinding, what a joy...

Attached: PS2 Grinding For Days.png (976x790, 113K)

Nothing, actually. And I'm not a moralfag, I love piracy and emulation, but guess what: there's no motherfucking Xbox emulator, and I'm on an original Xbox kick right now, playing through JSRF and Ninja Gaiden Black

MEgaman 8
fuck swordman stage

Good man. MM is the chad

Megaman ZX

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nothing im running linux

>emulating Genesis games I beat easily as a kid
>getting my shit pushed in

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play doom instead fagboy

Phantasy star IV

Never played the series. Really grindy, but I'm enjoying the atmosphere.

here fully updated no intro snes set links,

>Your download speed will be limited to 500 KB/s.

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The best Phantasy Star, and one of the best RPGs of all time. They don't make em' like this anymore...

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urien/oro fag reporting in, currently learning yang, hes really predictable and really hard to be effective with but fun regardless

>tfw the maximum download speed i get even without any limit is 200 kbps
all good for me.
also just suck it up its just a one time deal, i have collected sega, nes, pc engine and also thinking of download final burn alpha full romset but its too big and will take ages with my internet

Most emulators run fine on linux. There just aren't many good frontends available for it besides retroarch.

Just grab a torrent, my dude.

JP Ace Combat 3 with an English fan translation patch. Played it a shitload as a kid and I had no idea that 90% of the story wasn’t translated in the NA release.

Can a 1070 handle emulating PS3 games?

i do have torrent of that fba, but still download 11 gb takes a lot of commitment because while downloading a big thing it means bothering all my family because internet because really slow, god its tough being 3rd worlder

Is suikoden 1 any good? Thinking of giving it a shot but I only ever see people talking about 2 onward.

ePSXe is driving me nuts: How the hell do you configure the controls for a DS4?

And don't tell me to use Mednafen; I hate that shit.

Turn your fucking brain on and use Beetle PSX.

Fucking casuals

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>don't tell me to use Mednafen
>he can't figure out Mednafen

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Was playing some Dark Cloud but got bored of it.

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Retroarch + Mednafen frendo

Rune factory 3
Dont see what all the fuzz is about yet thou

Mother 3 fan translation
I never realized there was a fan sub until last week

It's been almost 10 years. It came out October 2008. Where the FUCK have you been?

Atelier Iris 3
Just finished 2, what a fucking broken mess of a game


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I only just realized what the desktop image is.

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Disgaea 4

oh I just did too

what a faggot


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Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. The post game is really disappointing compared to earlier titles, which is a shame because the general gameplay is so much better.
you really need to be a kid with more free time than taste to enjoy dark cloud

Tried the 3DS Metroid and it was disappointing. Now I'm catching up with Layton games.


Just 1 credit cleared Spin Masters. Great game! Cute art style and solid level design, a bit easy by arcade standards.

Attached: spin masters.jpg (304x224, 47K)

>Marvelous Another Treasure Island fan translation

I can't get into it. The controls feel clunky then again I'm still in the first camping area. Idk if it's worth continuing.

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Double Dash currently

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Dirty ePSXe Peasant
Glorious Mednafen Master Race

You don't even deserve to play PS1 games for having to use one of the worst emulators ever made and still clinging on it.

Don't stop there user, it gets better by absolute miles
The beginning's a little slow but when it ramps up it ramps WAY up

I always wonder why the game starts on madrid

Ok you motivated me, thanks.

Hot damn, vanilla W10 is ugly. How can people stand that shit without classic shell?

The same way they use skype: by being retarded

X-men 2 clone wars.
Not cool as mutant apocalypse, but still a decent superhero game.
Also you can use motherfucking Magneto

Always glad to help someone experience Marvelous, it's one of my all-time favorite vidya

I actually felt the same way you did the first time I played it and quit at the camp segment, only picking it back up to finish months later
The regret I felt afterward has haunted me for years

Attached: Marvelous - Mouhitotsu no Takarajima (Japan)014.png (512x448, 24K)

Do you have any other arcade recommendations?

>classic shell
my nigger

You'd have to tell me what genre you'd be interested in, since I know many great arcade games. And if you're comfortable with tough games, I mentioned spin masters because it's incredibly accessible (it only took me 24 attempts to 1 credit it).

its not bad

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>somehow lost my psp charger
>no will to emulate anything

I was playing Nocturne earlier. I recently got a method to work where I connect a DS4->android->PC but for some reason circle and r1 don't work so I have to bind them to other shit. I should probably just get a bluetooth adapter.

Do it, user.
PPSSPP has pretty simple setups for playing online multiplayer in any multiplayer-compatible game if you play any

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Got a little bored of World so I decided to head back to XX on Citra. Works pretty well and it gives my poorfag friends a chance to try MH with me before PC World comes out. Shame Astalos makes the emu shit itself and fall to 60% speed

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how do i setup arcade??

I played most of the 1st one, are they connected or can I just skip to 4?

Persona 3

Digital Devil Saga. It's cool but quite grindy and macca is annoying to manage.
Also, fuck the stomachache system. It's not easy grinding every character to unlock iron stomachs when they keep getting tummyaches.

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>emulating anything on Citra
Did they release a huge performance improvement recently?