Nothing wrong with it

>nothing wrong with it
>doesn't have porn which is actually a good thing

No wonder Sup Forums never talks about it. I'm gonna buy it on switch again just to make you autists mad. And also cause they did a great job.

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It's a great game. There is no controversy about it, so why would Sup Forums talk about it?

Eh, they could have done better job with reveal at the end, making it less in your face. But otherwise there is nothing wrong with it.

im looking forward to "the messenger", remind me of classic NG

>done a better job with reveal at the end


If the game isnt controversial, Sup Forums doesnt really talk about it

One of the best 2D stealth games I've played in ages. I might need to give it a replay at some point now that you mention it.

got this on pc but never really took the time to play it. Maybe i'll pick it up again, it seemed cool

Ora being clearly an illusion during last level. They should have just continued with her using same the same moves as you.

There's not that much to talk about. It's a great game and I've finished it like 3 or 4 times but never did the dlc. Is it any good?

It's a great, well rounded game that does everything it tries very well. Sup Forums is here to complain about AAA trash.

One of the worst stealth games I've ever played, but it gets a pass because it's 2D I guess?

the definition of an 8 out of 10

Played for the first time this month, amazing game.
>...never did the dlc. Is it any good?
It's more of the same, really. Kinda boring actually, the main game is much better.

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I thought it was pretty obvious even long before that considering literally nobody else interacts with her at all, or even acknowledges her existence.

Everyone has played it six fucking years ago.
Are switchfags not self-aware to realize in what position they put themselves with these threads?

is Aragami any good?

Played this once. Very overrated. It was highly shilled when it first came out. Turns out it's 2d indieshit.

I enjoyedthe DLC - it plays pretty differnent compared to the main game because you play as the moth guy.

OP here, I own a $2500 pc. Did you notice the word "again"? Probably not.

We're all dying to hear about your superb taste.

terror is best

>Path of Nightmare is the most fun playstyle
>literally every single enemy in the last 2 levels is immune to it

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>choose your own bad ending
Great game but it's almost 6 years old.
Even Humble Bundle gave it away in a $1 tier by now.
Are Switchfags really so desperate for good games to pay full price for this?

What are they remastering? It’s a 2d game

Wasn't it made first for the XBox so they had to excessively shill it during the PC re-release?

Seriously what in the fuck?

Get a job.

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It's very buggy and reloading a checkpoint bars you from getting a perfect score. It's very pretty and has a nice OST though.

>doesn't have porn which is actually a good thing

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>reloading a checkpoint bars you from getting a perfect score
This doesn't sound like an issue. Please explain.

A shitty 2d version of tenchu that somehow manaages to have a worse story than tenchu 2, simply ebic

Levels are quite long and if you like ghosting/murderghosting/going for ratings, which the game encourages, it's often a pain because even a glimpse of you from a guard means you need to start the stage over. Meanwhile in MOTN a distracted guard has the same value as an undetected one, and even if that weren't the case you wouldn't have to start from the beginning of the stage.

Not much to talk about, everybody agrees it's a great game.

Also how the fuck did we get Shank 2 before MotN 2?