Nintendo is planning to release a new Switch revision which has 8gb of RAM instead of the regular amount, it has been claimed by SuperMetalDave64. What are your thoughts on this?

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>Youtuber saying this stuff
>The Switch has only been for 1 year

Fuck off Fake News

I'd still be waiting for the inevitable slim or "new" revision anyways.

Switch _still_ doesn't have a compelling library for me, since most of the big titles were just Wii U ports.

>Haha, fag. You bought a Wii U!
Yes, because 2 years in it was seeing big discounts, remasters of big titles not seen in almost 10 years, and lots of titles that weren't just Wii ports.

Switch so far as been Odyssey + a bunch of Wii U ports. I'm still waiting for compelling NEW titles to get into this.

Surely not in the second fucking year though right? Jesus I only bought mine last month

>inb4 exlustive games
That would be cheap as shit

Having an attachable RAM upgrade = fine.
Having an entire new version forcing people who want to keep up with it to buy it = angry customers.

well if supermetaldave64 says so...

The N3DS and DSi both had less than a dozen games that were exclusive to them, and none were major releases. I wouldn't worry about it.

Only revision it will get for years is a hardware upgrade to give the same ammount of power at a cheaper price. And maybe upgraded joycons of some sort.

Won't happen so soon, 2020-2021 maybe

Mario rabbids bro

Also a built-in mic so people don't have to use the dumb phone setup to use voice chat.

>being this much in denial

include me in the screencap please

early adopters btfo as usual.
>paying 600$ to play 720p 60$ steam shovelware

I forgot the dsi existed and I own one.

They specifically said in an interview they're not doing hardware revisions yet and are focusing on peripherals and accessories instead.

It's just a quiet revision to plug up security holes. You won't even notice anything.

They are also changing the chipset to make it harder to homebrew it.

Wasn't he 100% COMPLETELY FUCKING WRONG about the Switch not being a hybrid device? I remember him talking about with the utmost confidence that Nintendo's next console was gonna be super powerful and VR capable and how there's no chance in hell the Switch was gonna be a hybrid thing

Then Nintendo unveiled the Switch and he got pooped on.

Yeah, but there are games that run like absolute trash on the normal 3DS.

>i was wrong once therefore I can never be right about anything ever again

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t. SuperMetalDave64

Considering everyone and their mother was saying it was gonna be a hybrid console, yeah, being so wrong about that in particular kind of hurts your credibility.

Switch XL
Switch Mini
Switch 3D
Switch that's just a tablet

mark my words one of these will happen

I bet you believe those tranny leakers too.

>everyone and their mother says something that turns out to be wrong
>ZOMG dave was stupid for not thinking otherwise

t. SuperMetalDave64 the sequel

You seem to be really invested in this guy. Is there something you want to tell us?

Go to bed Dave you're out of your element

Nice, if NES, SNES, GB, and GBA comes to the Switch by September with Metroid 1-4 and Metroid 5 is announced for the Switch, I will buy the shit out of this.

>It's ok ONLY when sony does it

People still don't wait for revisions? I at least wait for the first one.

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Probably in the joycon.

He sniffs tranny farts in return to shilling their social media pages.

So switch 3d is the only one that has a chance of being a thing then.
All the others would require a controller redesign and too many multiplayer games rely on the retarded sideways gimmick.

Devkits always, ALWAYS have double the RAM of consumer units.

This is nothing new. Move along.

Exactly. That's how little different these "hardware upgrades" that people are freaking out about actually make.

There's no way they'll start releasing Mario/Zelda or any other major game exclusively on the new version, at best it'll play them at a slightly higher resolution.[

>t. butthurt low T posters who bought gen 1 Switches
>mfw me playing Switch 2.0 with higher res and bigger screens

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It absolutely needs it. Faulty D pads, Faulty charger, badly designed stand that won't let you charge it while its placed. Retarded morons designed the switch, it most certainly needs it. I'm glad i'm not a launch faggot. Thanks for beta testing, i'll be buying the switch plus when its on sale on black friday/cyber monday.

Hello I have AIDS

>shit I'm getting owned
>I better meme at them!

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>tfw not SuperMetalDave64

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Why would I want a bigger screen?
It's already half an inch too wide.

It's probably dock expansion. I really don't think they're gonna update the portable unit this soon.

>duuuur consoles dont have upgrades like pc buy ps4, its good for 5 years
>had to buy ps4 pro
fool me once japanese viral marketers. Im waiting till 2020 for switch 2.0

>posts meme back
original writing skills ther kiddo
keep thinking that squinty eyes

Id rather do a lot of things than slog through a nintendo game. They are for children discovering new paradigms of thought, not for any adult to spend leisure time on.

>PS4 Pro
>Slim vita

And that's just the most recent "revisions." But hey, it's only a problem when Nintendo does it.

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If they are going to do a major revision they'll probably end up making a home console version rather then a major redesign of the tablet form.

I just want the Switch TV that is only a home console

So a way to add memory externally via the dock and possibly overclock the cpu a bit more? It better have some fans included.

>think "lol very funny user"
>it's actually 2 years from now

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>people think there will be home or portable only models
That would lead to a lot of disappointed children getting the wrong thing and turning their backs on Nintendo in adulthood.

It's possible for nintendo to show restraint for idealistic reasons like that but there's also a strong economic advantage to a home console version.
Left over inventory and RMA'd unit's with faulty screens, control connections, batteries, whatever can easily be connected to a dock circuit board, slapped in a plastic box and shipped as a new product. It's the same shit that led to the PSTV and the iphone SE/ipad 2017.
Portable only makes less sense though.

It might just be a revision of the devkit to allow better development tools, apparently the current one kinda sucks and that fact is mainly made up for by how simple it is to get to behave itself.

>Nintendo did it with 3ds
>Sony did it with ps4 pro
>Microsoft did it with Xbonex
Revisions are becoming the norm, New Switch in 2020 wahoo

I hear the switch doesn't even support unreal engine 3

I mostly bought my Switch now just because of CFW so don't really care if they release a new model desu.

I don't see why the switch needs extra ram. It's already a steaming pile of shit and it would not help. What is the point of that besides locking enhanced edition games behind a pay wall?

>source: a literal who
Are you him just shilling your youtube channel?

Nintendo was doing it before it was cool, the gameboy color and DSi also had processor and memory upgrades.



RAM doesn't improve performance much.
Setting the Switch to use full clocks, instead of half, would.

I'm not interested in one. I am interested in a portable PC but only with high specs.

Serious question, are you mentally challenged?

Yeah, that way docked mode can produce better image, maybe even 4k. And customer base doesn't get divided. DF talked about how Nintendo updated scaling recently and maybe getting ready for expansion.

The current Switch hardware is never doing 4k and I doubt they can do extra processing power with the dock

4k is stupid. Switch should have used 240i. Would have made ports much easier. When docked the tegrax1 uses full clocks and 1080p.
It's ridiculous to run it at half clocks, though that does save battery life.

Resolution degrades graphics and gameplay always.

They wouldn't do either because then it wouldn't be a Switch. It's in the name, the selling point of the device is that it can be a console or a tablet when you need it to be. The brand is hinged on this gimmick.


You're right, nintendo has never made a hardware revision that contradicts the original console's name and core gimmick

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o3dsXL came out after 1 year o3ds release

Call me when retarded parents are tricked into thinking portability is bad for kids.

How long between Ds and dsxl though?

Okay, what's your phone number?

It's just going to run cooler to prevent bending. Thats all. Also less openings for hackers to ruin the economy

To be fair unlike the Switch the first year of the 3DS was a disaster.

early adopters are necessary, otherwise there would not be new consoles at all. Just don't be one and you will not be a retard.

>record sales numbers
I don't think so

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Bunch of switchfags in denial here

They want people to double-dip.

Due to the design of the device, the only revisions they can do consist of slightly more ram, if that's even possible.

Fuck off

Remaster and port begging fucks meet their well earned karma. A remastered Switch hardware. Keep that remaster brainlet beg spree coming, they could make a 3rd 4K version of Switch at this rate.

Hello brainlet.

Okay one, they already said not happening this year so it'll be 2019 at the earliest, and two, the 8gb thing was involving dev kits not a switch power upgrade

Isn't there a gpu or something in the dock? What are the chances they'll do a revision of the dock if that's the case to help boost performance?

>americ*ns dickriding a nation they NUKED TWICE all by themselves


if you think they wish anything but death upon your kind you're delusional

I would be surprised if they release a better version of the Switch using an updated graphics chip, 1080p resolution screen, etc. within 2018 or 2019.

Sadly though, by the time Nintendo reaches 4k, Sony and Xbox will be streaming games at 4k @ 60FPS.

>bought a ps4 pro

3dsxl didn't change its hardware beyond a larger screen

not enough

>Americans are all asleep
Do you think about Americans 24/7?

If they do, I got a Switch and a spare PS4 I can get rid of to get one.


Agreed. It needs a revision.

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>it has been claimed by SuperMetalDave64
Wow sounds like a great source

What would 8 gigs actually do? The people in this thread mentioning that this is an anti piracy move make the most sense. Why upgrade a device this soon when it's still selling great? Smells like sony in here...

can we get some fucking SNES coloured buttons like the N3DS? I'm sick to death of this monotone soulless bullshit