Is this the least inspired image ever produced by the human race?

Is this the least inspired image ever produced by the human race?

Attached: anthem.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

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I'm already fucking sick of sci fi games, when is the next fad

also the fucking suits are overdesigned cluttered garbage holy shit, they just made a thumbnail and settles on it never bothering to think about the functionality

shutup and buy my lootboxes faggot

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The game has good design in my opinion, its not trying to be overly original. It has great visuals and it is good fun when you finally learn what the fuck the item system is.

It isn't sci fi, it's the fact that every concept artist/art director in the industry now has an exact mental picture of what sci fi is, and now we have these ugly segmented suits from tribes:accend to destiny to every other fucking game.

How can anyone shill for this trash

thank halo for that.
after halo everyone copied them

halo's design wasn't even close to this cluttered, at least not until 343

How can anyone be this delusional? I said its good not worth money you faggot.

>it is good fun when you finally learn what the fuck the item system is.
what the fuck, is it out?
how can you know


This video made me realize that its not Paragon, the red due totally threw me off.

Its possible. Are normalfags even looking forward to this tripe?

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Looks like the division HUD merged with Titanfall art merged with destiny gameplay.

>destiny gameplay
oh shit, looks like Anthem is ded on arrival

>le ruined everything and future sucks meme
>space marine armors
>"natural environment"
Most generic video game screenshot of the decade

Bioware is so fucked.

I promise you the real game's graphics will be a massive downgrade from this image.

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>thank series with good designs for the unoriginality of the faggots in the industry who cannot come up with something new to save their lives
Nah fuck off, halo literally did nothing wrong. Also the worst part of this shit is they can't even copy it right, they always add so much cluttered shit to it to try to pretend to be original and realistic when it just makes it look more stupid and generic.

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I wish sci-fi dressed you up like 16th century spanish nobles or something, only with subtle technological differences

Normies like it
Normies have jobs and money unlike you so companies produce thbings they like.

>console controls

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It's gay that the jetpack flying stuff is traversal only and you can't use it during combat

whats the fucking point

It looks like the typical faggotry that is trying to copy another game and tick off a bunch of boxes that appeal to normies. Rip Bioware this shit isn't going to save them.

You mean like Treasure Planet?

It's bugging the shit out of me how dis-proportioned they are because of the extra leg joint.
I wish they'd just given us proper mechs instead of power armor. Having the game be Pacific Rim like with giant mecha vs kaiju wildlife could have been cool.

>yfw you will see bioware go defunct in your lifetime

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>Mass Effect got raped for this
Feel bad man

And possibly EA too. Kinda. They'll probably settle to spit out a NFL & the likes every year and stop passing studios through their digestive track.

>and it is good fun when you finally learn what the fuck the item system is
Either good flase flag or really bad shilling.

So it will be The Division but in generic modern sci-fi environment?

t. Hank

When are game companies going to go back to the superior middle-screen overhead camera angle Sup Forums> This "tight, directly over the shoulder" only works in cinimatic corridor shooters like gears of war or Dead Space.

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holy shit what's the fucking point

>another generic open world shooter
>game as service
>microtransactions / lootboxes
>bland generic design
Will probably sell millions.

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>dead space
also what game

Treasure planet was a miracle of art

I'm sick of all Sci Fi looking the fucking same, there was a point where I thought I hated Sci Fi before remembering that I love 40K.

>what game

Why do they bother overdesigning it to this point, when they always scale it back since consoles can't handle it in the first place?

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This is the most uninspired pile of shit that I’ve seen. No seriously, it’s like the fucking king of it. I’ve never seen something that looks so god damn boring and just awful all-around

normalfags play mobile games

welcome to design by committee and suits using careful focus testing

That's not Turd in the Wild which got raving dicksuckery reviews by video game bloggers because of MUH NINTENDO MUH CHILDHOOOD!!!! bonus

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>movie tie in game

Halo is an aesthetic void that exists on a level beyond even boring. Halo kiddies were insufferable in the early 2000's and have only grown into insufferable adults I see

this looks like god of war from thumb

>whats the fucking point
WOW effect.

When days gone releases it will be zombies again.

40k isn't sci-fi though. Sci-fi by definition is SCIENTIFIC fiction. 40k doesn't bother with science and uses "magic and shit" as an explanation. 40k same as for example Ray Bradbury's books are fantasy set in futuristic setting.

>thinking armored parachute pants look good
>thinking pauldrons that come down to the elbow look good

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The only insufferable ones are the faggots that after all these years still fell the need to look cool by knocking halo, saying shit like
>aesthetic void that exists on a level beyond even boring
that make no sense whatsoever, but they're hating a popular thing so they hope by voicing their opinions they'll get mad underground cred

You're a fucking idiot. Halo had a distinct and clear artstyle inspired by 90s FPS game legends that came before it. Everything was very clean with very minimal post-processing to mess with the image. Enemies were color coded and came in various sizes to stand out on any background or scenery for players to identify their positon, telegraphed attacks, and strength. Fuck you for making me reply.

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Meant to reply to

Halo babies were the Cowadoody kids of their time and they will never be anything more no matter how old and bitter you get.

I mean destiny had that award previously, but this game is ripping off destiny so it has a good chance to dethrone it

>Anthem will be a massive success and Sup Forums will cry rivers of tears as Bioware reaps the rewards

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Yeah whatever grandpa

"I'm going to be upset at people who enjoyed GOOD games I was too afraid to play because it was popular and I can't be seen playing culturally relevant video games!!!" - (You)

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Please buy Anthem so I can see my waifu in DA4 again please

When you put it like that, EA is basically holding everything good (or almost good) about Bioware hostage. If we don't buy into this, it all goes away. Or maybe they'd get turned into a dedicated Anthem factory regardless.

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Looks fine

I always give third person action games a shot, especially when you can make a girl

Like Mass Effect Andromeda and Battlefront 2?

It's "next gen's" fault. Suddenly you could shove all this detail onto a normal map and make your meshes look really intricate so every character artist started shoving segments and panel lines and gizmos and doo-dads on every surface. Then PBR textures and procedural textures means you can do automatically generate scratches and rust and glossiness and masks for maps really quickly where as you used to have to hand paint that shit in. So now everything is dirty and grimy as well. Go to polycount, artstation, or any 3d game art site and you'll see tons of this crap. Everyone's portfolio looks the same. It's been that way for years. If you can produce super detailed generic sci-fi shit quickly, you have a job in character/environment art.

Nice cheap Elex clone.

Andromeda was made by Bioware's B team while the A team has been making Anthem, Battlefront 2 isn't a Bioware game sweetie.


All of the Halo dudebros BECAME COD dudebros, and then they moved onto battlefield and fuck knows where they are now.

The only people who have given a shit about halo in the past decade are actual fans of the series and not dudebros and the 12 year olds who screamed nigger on xbox l

I thought anthem looked cool

Considering their recent track record, that's a no, Joe.

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normalfags just exist in much higher numbers, that's why they're catered towards

The background looks kinda cool?

You have way too much faith in your corporate overlords.


I honestly thought those were the in game characters shooting the shit during a mission. Imagine my surprise when I learned it's scripted "friends" playing.

user, how stupid is you

lmao epic win

u got em!

DA4 is never going to make it out and if BioWare survives it'll just be an Anthem factory. They've already got all the DA people working on Anthem, all that's left is to officially announce it.

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how can you retards even complain about anthem and at the same time want more da4 when cisquisition was a boring, casualized shitfest much like what anthem will be

You think 40k begins and ends with the Adeptus Astartes?

That's hardly any different from the Sci Fi games we get, though.

Will I can agree the open world shit and awful combat were a drag on Iniquistion the story through Trespasser was really enjoyable. Plus with a single player game you can tweak and mod combat rules / balance and make things more enjoyable (that is closer to Origins).

>unironically wanting another DA or Mass Effect game
Just let it die.

Haven't played a bio Ware game in years but this looks OK I'm sure they will fill it with bad writing and SJW trash though, too bad

>anthem flops
>bioware dies (literally)
>anthem is a success
>bioware dies (figuratively (even more))
it's a lose lose, dudes

Kill yourself

I am so excited for this game because I know it will kill Bioware.

>brat sis

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>it's the fact that every concept artist/art director in the industry now has an exact mental picture of what sci fi is
That's not why, either. It's because it's too dangerous to be creative and publishers hate danger.

>culturally relevant

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bioware is already dead
what you're seeing is just a shambling corpse, reanimated and controlled by EA

>cod does future a few times

You haven't seen Kratos in his blue shirt yet, have you

>game as service
>generic sci fi suits
>loot grind mmo lite
>prerendered """"Gameplay"""" trailer with almost certain downgrade
>least creative visuals since destiny

AAA gaming in the current year

>Mass Effect: Andromeda
>sci-fi RPG about a task force that paves the way for space colonists in a distant galaxy

>sci-fi RPG about a task force that paves the way for space colonists in a distant galaxy

>people still trust bioware to make good games
Fucking retards seriously, bioware hasn't put out a single good product this decade
>Much shittier version of dragon age
>Garbage wow clone
>Much shittier dragon age 2

All they make now is shit

games not even out yet you fucking mongrel