New Vegas

>Here is your mod bro

Attached: 61931-12-1479273503.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is why modding is cancer. Garbage like this is killing gaming.

so the people who pay for retail wow and new CoD games arent killing it but mods are?

Well hate me if you want but TES has beast races and they are lore friendly. I don’t see any problem using one on FO.

Oh c'mon don't be so grumpy.

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delete this right fucking now

Attached: LEGIONARIES.png (1370x713, 1.18M)

modding new vegas is really dumb imo, it's not about the gameplay it's about the dialogue and the story
The whole game could've been isometric with turn based combat and it would not have suffered from it. In fact i think it would've been even better.

This is one of favorite mods for New Vegas (I roleplay something like Star Fox Adventures) please no bully :(

>people are making things I don't like reeeeeee

Is there a no clothes pic so I can admire the modeling work?

Goddamn Legion.

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but it's a great sniping and hunting simulator. i doubt i would like the game as much if i couldn't snipe.

So fluffy.

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I don't get it. If you don't like it, then you don't install the mod. I'm sure there is vast choice of other mods you want to install.
Besides this model is quite bad.

But user enjoy your mod.

Attached: arcade.jpg (1920x1080, 430K)

>playing on PC
>being a degenerate
Nothing new.

The problem is why the fuck people make mods like that.
I mean I can understand textures models new content even waifus but this is disgusting.

>Garbage like this is killing gaming.
You were born in 2000

>playing on console
nothing new

That bitch gets scared with a speech check, why do people idolize him so much.

Different people, different tastes.
And due to years of shitposting on Sup Forums I guess I managed to not get triggered by furry baits.

That's the magic of the mods and why I love theme. You can do what ever the fuck you want with your game.

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Shit bait, but why do you play like this? if every fucking character in fallout nv looks like a shitty zootopia OC it would take me out of the experience

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>NCR Fag

It's fun and at this point I don't even play NV because 'Fallout' or the quests I played because it's an open world shooter.

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he is /ourguy/

And people cartoonishly exploding into gore doesn't? Or when you talk to someone and time freezes?

>your dad is a furry

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Kinda funny you used Vulpes as a reaction image don't you think

If that's the case wouldn't you be better playing 4?

Can't run it.

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I want a shirt with that thing.

Since nobody else posted it yet

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rolling desu

I want to pet that dog.

lol don't give him THAT much credit now

stop posting this, this isn't a general.

I would probably fuck a fox

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It is that time once again

Any word on a release date for project brazil, seeing as how the frontier will likely never come out.

>edgy lesbians the mod


Project brazil characters.

I'd be interested in a post ragnarok adventure game with animal people.

woof woof

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gibe role

I honestly haven't looked too much into it, but I'd like to give it a try before I start a new run.

rollin on

>he doesn't know
The chracters from New California mod (aka project brazil) are mostly edgy strong females.

well he's mentally unstable.


>here's your new mod bro
Project Brazil is shit. Only Frontier looks like Fallout.

Attached: lol.png (1334x707, 2.24M)

I love that dog so much.

gibs me dat

Okay fuck that, that looks awful. Thanks user, I'll just start a modded new vegas run instead.

Also look at girl at the background lol
I don't who the fuck was the edgy teen behind Fallout New California but the mod looks so fucking disgusting.
As modern games full of weirdos and strong female chracters.
>I'll just start a modded new vegas run instead.
This is the best thing you can do for now. someguy2000's mods are great btw you can try some of his work.

Attached: lol2.png (1339x707, 1.65M)

rollin for the memes, I didn't touch F:NV for years, time for a revisit

Another project ruined by SJW bullshit.

There is literally nothing wrong with furries.

Already tried them out but thanks for the suggestion. I've been meaning to do autumn leaves though so I'll definitely do that one.

>SJW bullshit
I don't think so. The mod is just edgy and autistic like leather jackets or scars. The team behind the mod probably thinks this looks badass but looks cringe as fuck.

Ayy bro, not cool! You can't go around and saying shit like that.

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t. furry

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Autumn Leaves is great, you will enjoy it. Rockwell Series and Tales of the Burning sands are also good
Coito Ergo Sum is the best mod

The only normal looking person is the dude in the back with the security armor. And what the fuck is with the two people on the rights hair?

Thanks bruv.
Here;s Punished Doctor Mitchell

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My fucking nigga.
>Making the handler your sub

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Why did they change the hair, it looks awful. This is what the two on the right use to look like before.

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I dunno maybe it looks 'cool' the asian lesbian is called Kira.
Even the fucking art design is hideous.

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They think people in a post-apocalyptic wasteland run around like some cyber-goth faggots.
Fallout 4 modding has it much worse though.

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RAGE did it well.

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>ctrl-f fallout Miami
>no results

Not surprised. Ever since they let the retarded cuckslug onto the team the whole project has gone to shite.


>Fallout Miami
Of course we are NOT talking about Fallout 4 modding.

Likulau is my husbando!
Please accept him into your heart.

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That game was a fucking dumpster fire.

All Fallout 4 big projects are destined to fail. All of them are vaporware

>pink hair
I can smell the soy from here

>here's your new vault suit sist

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At least the mod probably has more content than the main game.

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This shit looks like TES bikini mods. Make the game uncomfortable and silly.

Like thats difficult

post couriers

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I still don't know why they gave them that shitty hair. They weren't that bad when the mod originally came out.

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Holy fuck, link(s) please. I will reinstall New Vegas right fucking now if it can be all furry. I will settle for just furry main characer!


anyone have some info about how the NV mod for FO4 is coming along?

that, RDR2 and Bannerlord are the only things I'm looking forward to in vidya anymore


I think they're still working on it, but don't they can't use audio from the game or something?

they are gonna revoice the whole game, but it has over 60k voice lines so don't expect the voice part to ever be finished or sound remotely as good.

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