What was your first time playing Skyrim like?

What was your first time playing Skyrim like?

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I got bored within the hour and went back to play New Vegas.
I never got the appeal.


I still feel like Skyrim dropped two years ago or something

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2011 was 7 years ago...

Bot bored after 20 minutes
Tried again in a few years and it was still boring

Pretty fun for a while, I liked how dual-wielding spells felt. Then I eventually realized you couldn't craft your own spells and it was a slow trickle into unfun mediocrity.

>went back to play New Vegas

New Vegas was bad.

>buy it for $5 on steam sale
>install and boot
>have to sit through cut scene of riding in car
>oh no I'm gonna be executed. Not. Let's see what happens
>place bursts in flames, still basically hand holding cutscenes. I would have been stealing or killing things by now if it was morrowind
>get first "big" choice right away. I bet they want me to play through the game twice to get both story quests. Fuck that
>finally finish tutorial
>out in the wilderness
>head to the first big city
>do a few quests, see dungeons are basically all the same and remember there is level scaling
>proceed to never play the game after getting the first scream power or whatever

There will never be another great RPG like Morrowind. All it'll be is dumber and dumber action games with leveling to please brain dead normies.

pretty good because i waited until the ck came out to get it.

Fell in love the moment I heard the title theme. I played for 30 hours straight, with only a few breaks for food. Even now I still play vanilla Skyrim on my Switch at work, it is literally the best game ever made.

>1933 was 85 years ago

Damn. Feels just like it was yesterday.

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i killed the chicken in the first town and the villagers killed me. exited the game and never went back.

bethesda games suck.

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I saw the trailers and wanted to FUSRODAH everyone for the lulz
I played until I beat the first dragon and was so disappointed that I only got useless weakass FUS and I never bothered playing again

These werent the responses I was expecting from you guys.

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Fuck off Todd, you don't fool me.

boring for a while, fun for 30 minutes when I ran into giants for the first time, boring again until I stopped playing halfway through.

I was excited for it after that E3 presentation, I bought it the day it released, played through the main quest once, did a few side things and never touched it again.

who is this succubus (male)?

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i don't know but if you find more of her (him), pls respond.

Kind of like when I first played Fallout 3 but far less entertaining or interesting.

I didn't put as much time into it as I did into Oblivion but it's still a fun fucking game with a few big flaws that've been with the series since day 1.

We didn't need it rereleased every year or so, though.

Every new release of Skyrim is better and more exciting than the last.

>I wasn't expecting honesty about one of the most overrated and mediocre games to ever hit pop culture

Fuck off.

pretty boring

Sup Forums shitposted it to death so i had low hopes

i still get schadenfreude over all those people who bought leatherbound journals to write their adventures in

i would swallow her semen no questions asked

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What's the link with Skyrim and this ultimate faggotry?

>not faggotry itself
there's a reason so many women play, or claim to play that game

>it's a girl (female)
boner is kill
i don't a fuck about skyrim or games really

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this shit's so much better than i remember from the console

>7 years ago

played it for 2 hours and it promptly froze great game, never touched it again.

I don't have for that.
I spent those times with my classmates. which is vastly better. than sitting alone at home.

I grow up out video games. but I cant seem to leave Sup Forums.
I'm browsing right now at campus wifi. yup, i'm doing Sup Forums at school. which is weird.

meme on it all you want, but i still remember playing Skyrim at christmas when it was dark and snowy outside.
I wandered around over the snowy mountains with the polar lights and that great music. Fucking great experience not many games have managed to do so

I had the same impression while playing Morrowind. I don't know what the difference is, other than that detailed quest log that changes nothing.


I played for like 2 hours but it felt hollow
never even grew on me

I was super excited and thought the game would be amazing.
Todds lies about dynamic economy and shit made me want to be a trader and fish/hunt for money and game the fluxing economy.
But then I quickly found out that he just lied out of his ass and dropped it.

>got home from work
>brought back a 2GB ram stick тo pair it with the one I already had
>installed new drivers for my HD5670 with 1GB of ddr 5
>read about the game on Sup Forums and waited for the torrent to complete
>played a Nord, and wanted to do a wizard/enchanter but the skill system seemed shallow and there was even less options than in Oblivion
>went on to do some generic bland lighting destruction caster shit build
>had fun electrocuting things to death for several hours until morning, then went to work

After coming back home from work I finished all the mage guild quests, got some shouts and shit, than i uninstalled the game.
Played it a few times since but never actually wasted to much time on it and never finished the main quest.
I still play Morrowind a lot though and have played Oblivion several times.


>i was dropped on my head as a baby

what level of hick do you have to be to serve a cake still in the cooking pan?

Looks like chocolate covered meat.

I would love to go back in time and have a chat with him and his parents about the life of suffering this poor nerd is gonna go through.

I was 16 at the time
Started up my 360 and went into chat with a friend who was a big elderscrolls fag
Then i was like wait, i need to be stoned, so i went to the garage and smoked a joint
Then my dad came in and i reaked like weed
He yelled "you did that while i was at home you fucking asshole"
Friends heard it on the mic and acted all awkward about it but thats how we talked to eachother idk.

It was fun, of course I knew the quests and stuff would be dumb but I still enjoyed myself playing a Warrior and doing like 2 spells in the Mage's Guild. Was great killing a Dragon Priest while blasting Fresh Prince songs.
I still have it installed and play occasionally but not without it being fully modded up. So whenever I got that itch I'll start it up, or New Vegas.
After playing Fallout 4, I have no faith in whatever they have in store in the future for ES 6.

>ps3 version

smoke outside you fucking idiot. stop giving weed smokers a bad name by being stupid.

>ps3 version

poor little motherfucker.

this, new vegas fanboys are some of the most delusional faggots I've ever seen

ass. hade a shit pc at the time so i could not run it. even when i finally upgrade and played the game, it was average at best.

I was forcing myself to finish the game
It's really fucking dull, like most Bethesda game i played

Went to the garage, calm down cheech

No kidding, was the game that made me understand the normie phenomenon and realize I have transcended from that, I wish I gotten my 60$ back tho

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I was studying and had to prepare my internship. I had moved my PS3 to my dorm room and had bought the game, but I didn't really have much time. I quickly finished up my work, so that I'd be able to play for an hour or so before bed. I played a bit too long because I couldn't stop.

Why does that picture look so old though? It looks like its from the 90s.

>playing Bethesda games on console

take me back

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Spent a hundred hours wanting oblivion back

Two handed sword wielding amazon with healing.
Did couple of side quests, some exploring and finished main quests. Never played again.

good morning Todd

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never played skyrim and never will

That's because there probably was a release 2 years ago

Played it in 2014, after reading countless comments and reviews about it. The first 7-10 hours are really fun but then you realize the game is extremely shallow, all quests are the same (chosen one trope) and that the main quest is a very secondary thing. The game is only fun if you turn it into a sandbox experience afterwards.

The game has no capes (what kind of fantasy game has no capes?), the dragons are actually wyverns, the difficulty system is shit and all factions and guilds suck, especially the Dark "Brotherhood". I was disappointed overall.

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>Pirated it
>Wandered around
>Found mage college, became archmage at level 6 or some shit
>Mindlessly played for a few hours every day after high school for a month or so.
>Figured out alchemy exploit, ended up with a one handed daedric sword that did several thousand damage and absorbed health and magicka
>Blitzed through the main storyline except for like 3 instances where a main quest bugged and I had to use console commands to fix it.
>Killed Alduin in 1 hit.

>skyrim is considered retro now

It was released 7 years ago. It's not retro, but it's getting there. Morrowind and Daggerfall are retro.

never played it, even when steam sales were good and it was