"Yea dude I'll add you"

>"Yea dude I'll add you"
>see profile
>anime profile picture
>anime groups

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What's wrong with anime?

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>Be me
>Add kid on my track team on steam
>Furry groups galore
>He has a female cat fursona

>What's wrong with anime?

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Everyone, and I mean everyone, that watches it is an insufferable faggot. It shows with these threads when the inevitable weaboo butthurt brigade show up and avatarfag just to be snide, insufferable faggots.

>be old
>get friend request from some youtuber
>check their channel
>it's some shit-talking 10-year old

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That's a videogame, good job.
It might have to do with the website your on.

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>wrestling gifs

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>Assblasted SMT cuck
They are outdated user sorry.

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>Anime central
Read nigga read

I don't think that's true

Maybe in 2006, but not anymore.

Weaboo butthurt brigade incoming, right on time. Like clockwork.

Then you too, as well, might be a weaboo faggot.

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Its a anime game faggot

Anime fan here, I don't own a body pillow, I have no statues of lolis (that shit's nasty anyway, I'm not a pedo) and I watch more regular porn than hentai. Some of us are actually normal people.

you know that's an edit, right

You sound more insufferable.

Is this pasta?

weebs absolutely SEETHING at this ding dong diddly based user

>What's wrong with anime?
You're likely a virgin
Have no real friends
A white Skelly
Hates everything that isn't anime
Probably STILL hasn't outgrown One Piece
They thinks any girl that talks to them nice is in to them
They stink and don't shower


>frog poster

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Not an argument.

>weebs worked into a stumblin' bumblin' mess

>watching anime past the age of 14

Poor bastards

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>posting emojis past the age of 14

You talked with the guy long enough to want to be friends. Why back out now because of an interest he never felt the need to bring up?


There's still friend lists on youtube?

If you didn't know until looking at the profile, most likely they weren't being an obnoxious faggot about it.
That rules out them lurking Sup Forums automatically too. Sounds like a win to me

Nice bait Cecili

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What if it's good anime though?

Friend request from from somebody met in a video game. Who looks for friends on youtube?

I have a buddy who ironically made a fursona, a gay as fuck steam profile page and literally (not fucking exaggerating) joined between 900 and 1,000 furry groups on steam.
He constantly gets messaged by depressed / horny furries and complains to me about getting messaged by depressed and horny furries. It's kind of funny but this has been going on for months and I feel like he might actually have some form of autism. Is there someone I should call to help him.

Attached: you did this to yourself.png (256x173, 27K)

exactly, just like people who play videogames

post his steam id

>anime profile picture
Instant ban desu, they kill discords

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True, but it is a valid reason to disregard your opinions.

report people for "offensive profiles"
I do it all the time and you'd be surprised how easily people get warned, or even screenshots and profile privileges removed. A guy I've seen on the steamforums has a lvl1 profile even though he's level +60 because it was full of ecci shit, after I reported it.

>Good anime

Literally doesn't exist

texhnolyze exists

>have katakana or weeb name so people don't talk to me, they do
>awkwardly afk
>it is a team a game
>get called chink and nip
>their reaction when you speak English back at them or u call them nigger
>instantly shutdown

"Hey bro, I'll add you after this game."
>Yeah sure.
>Leave the match
>Never hear of them again.

I know some people just want someone to play with but I can t do it. I prefer vidya by myself. If people don't want to add me I play on with them.

I have "add as friend" disabled anyway.

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>"Haha bro your voice is deep, what age are you pedo."

Little shits always say sorry once in threaten to report them for playing adult games while underage.

>look at top of scoreboard
>top 2 players have anime avatars on both RED and BLU

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Sup Forums is full of normniggers who arrived in the middle 10s who don't know Sup Forums is a discussion board for anime fans like everyboard on this site.
>n-no most of the boards on this site aren't for anime!
Yeah that's true but everyboard on this sight is for weebs. It's called Sup Forums CHAN. Not 4 normie. Everyboard on this site was added so anime fans could discuss those topics without having to post on anime and anime random. Norm niggers will deny this until they are blue in the face. NO REDDITORS CAN USE Sup Forums TOO WHY CAN'T I USE THIS SIGHT IF I HATE ANIME NOT UR SEKRET CLUB (even though this sight was made to be moot's secret anime club)

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>genetic fallacy


If somebody didn't come to Sup Forums for the anime you can assume they came here for the memes which puts them in the absolute worst group of people.

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you shouldn't care about your steam friends profiles if they don't spread their cancer everytime you talk and play with them
i got some anime, furry and even ponyfags on my friendlist but none of them talk about anime/furry/ponies while playing videogames
get over it or search for better lads to play vidya with

I don't disagree. But I hate anime and love videogames. And I will stay here.

why are you still here user, just to suffer?

anime is fine as long as youre not cancerous about that but guess what you fail at that
the worst ones of your kind are always the biggest losers not because youre a virgin but because youre a shitty and annoying person that tries to act smug when in reality youre a weakling that has problems with talking to anyone irl

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I don't have anything against people who likes anime and sometimes there is a good thread.
What I don't like is the average ">playing western games" or >MY GOD, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT JAPAN IS THE BEST?" posts and threads, but I just ignore.
I did post in this one because actually has a point.

That's a shame since normies are a detriment. Sup Forums and /jp/ are among the nicest, least arrogant, least hostile, least shitposting most on point and discussion boards. Too bad we can't have every board like that because a bunch of normie redditors came here in the last decade for epic memes declare this their new stomping ground.

Is complaining about anime in an anime image board the new meme?

>Started going to Sup Forums around 2010
>Honestly can't remember why I started coming here
>Only go to Sup Forums out of habit these days

Attached: Tired Stu.png (389x325, 95K)

normalfag Wednesdays
where the fuck do you think you are?

This is what happens when Sup Forumsedittors invite reddit normalfags to leak all over Sup Forums's other boards

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This isn't an anime imageboard you retard. This is Sup Forums for videogames.

is for anime.

>Sup Forums
>least arrogant
Sup Forums is the definition of delusional elitist. Go to /an/ or /out/ if you want decent discussion about its topic

Yeah, the only boards I visit is /v and /vg for /hbg/. The reddit problem for me is actually Sup Forums, not because what they like or defend, just because everything has to turn into Sup Forums. This is the problem called reddit for me.

>Sup Forums and /jp/ are among the nicest, least arrogant, least hostile, least shitposting most on point and discussion boards

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>v/ is a discussion board for anime fans like everyboard on this site.
>not normie tier entertainment

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Anyone else just didn't care for anime past the age of 21-23? I can read manga still but just don't bother with anime at all now..

>You will never have an orgy with Makoto, Ann, Haru, Chie, Yukiko, Yumi, Mitsuru and Fuuka
Why even live?

>Sup Forums has least shitposting
*blocks your path*

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It is true that people with anime avatars and are in anime-related and/or ironic weeb groups are insufferable faggots, though.

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Something tells me he actually enjoys the attention.
Otherwise he'd leave the groups.

Just like video game players

>Visit anime org in my uni because of a groupmate
>A lot of the girls are in "open relationships"
>A lot of the guys have weird fetishes and fuck with the girls in the org
>A couple asked me if I wanna join them for a threesome even though I was there only for an hour listening to their sex stories

I know they get a lot more sex than me, but they have fetishes I can't do.

>Sup Forums and /jp/ are among the nicest, least arrogant, least hostile, least shitposting most on point and discussion boards.

You fucking kidding me right? Sup Forums is infested with recurring threads that are breeding grounds for shitposting, ever been to a thread that isn't about seasonal anime?

>tfw joined for the maymays
I regret nothing except being born and not killing myself.

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he enjoys the attention ironically :^)^))^)^)^:^)^)^:L^)^:^)K^L^)^)^)

Getting upset when people make shitposting off-topic threads and posts isn't arrogance. If you aren't a retarded Sup Forums monger who abuses reaction images and the rules they are perfectly agreeable and friendly. Unlike the posters here who are real arrogance and post a thousand bait threads and are insincere.

There are lots of people who don't reveal their power level in public such as myself

>anime profile picture
>profil has his gay as fuck bio
>all his friends have anime profile picture too

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>ringing up female customer at my dept store retail job
>they pull out an anime-themed wallet

Attached: Chuunibyou-7_5-Nibutani-Shinka-licked-by-dog.jpg (670x377, 24K)

for me its more like i cant be bothered because finding something id like and would binge watch in 1 day is hard

"Anybody got a mic?"

Imagine unironically thinking “normie“ was a good insult

>H-hey guy I bet you have a lot of friends, a well paying job, a healthy sex life and probably happy lmao rekt

I hate this shit so much. Especially if it's some kid who keeps saying "Helloooooo????"

Why don't you just browse reddit instead if you can't comprehend that normalfags aren't welcome here? Why come to Sup Forums of all places? For the epic memes and shitposting?

And yet it works and makes normies mad.
Weird how they want to have that glorious brand of a virgin neckbeard so much that they are willing to spend hours at a time to lower the cutoff for it.

Imagine unironically thinking "virgin" was a good insult.

Your entire post reeks of shallowness and emptiness, like a basic white bitch, of sorts.

Go get yourself a hobby and stop shitposting on le 4chins, faggot.

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I don't mind them unless they try to act like one of those "sissy boys". Can't stand them.

t. normie

So people who actually belong on Sup Forums unlike you?

>calling it frog posting

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every fucking time.

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could you try being less of a normie

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>add someone with an anime avatar
>they're invariably an ironic weaboo who, in addition to using Sup Forums, also is active on Reddit, Twitter, and usually Tumblr
>they use ">" outside of Sup Forums and post Twitter links and screencaps nonstop
>they need social validation to the point where they feel the need to tell everyone to watch series they like instead of enjoying it on it's own merits
>they're either gay or bisexual and are very open about their own sexuality, with an insistence that "but traps aren't gay, bro!"
>they feign smugness and snide aloofness constantly instead of any genuine emotions
I have quite literally never come across someone with an anime avatar that I've liked.

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You seem like a fun dude do you have steam?

Not everyone. Only moefags

Non-moefags are generally insufferable in how non-moefag they are (and, for some reason, always type in all-lowercase like a ponce).

>You're likely a virgin
>Have no real friends
I do but only two
>A white Skelly
Not skelly but not fat either
>Hates everything that isn't anime
Nope. I watch a lot of western movies mostly old ones
>Probably STILL hasn't outgrown One Piece
I never cared for big three myself
>They thinks any girl that talks to them nice is in to them
>They stink and don't shower

That's because they center their personality around anime and so want their life to be full on anime.
Normal anime fans exist though, even with anime profiles of sorts.