Haha this is so true

Haha this is so true

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based. console cucks on suicide watch

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gamefaqs is majority console and they have mods that will ban you for calling someone a nincompoop.

Nice one.


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I like this


HELP ME FELLOW XBROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>pc gaming circlejerk: the thread

This is easily the best thread on Sup Forums, if not all of Sup Forums.

Thanks lori

Agreed. This is the first time in a long while I've even seen a thread on Sup Forums that appears wholesome as opposed to the forced edgy irony people rely on these days. It's refreshing.


?????????? Stop


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more like game today

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good thread to be honest family

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>9gag watermark

what do you call a console gamer on a ship?
a snailor!


He was destroyed.

Okay this one actually made me laugh.

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i fucking love pc gaming

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i played FFxv for a couple of days and yesterday the controller stopped to work on my pc.

This is basically pc gaming in a nutshell stuff randomly stopping to work.
This is a constant of shit hell even if you deactivate windows updates you STILL get fucked.

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You have to recharge your controller bro. Or at least plug it in!

>wait for dawn of war 3 like the rest of us


go back to your wojack posting console friend