Good news everyone!!!

Bitcoin is dead!
Bitcoin is dead!

Attached: bitcoinisdead.png (715x627, 803K)

What does this have to do with video games OP?


Oh no! The next step is to make the Internet illegal because it also contains CP! Help us Papa Trump!

If bitcoin was outlawed, it would presumably decrease the cost of video cards as crypto mining would become less popular. Unfortunately for OP, the jews will not allow it

graphics cards will finally return to reasonable prices. and tons of stupid college aged idiots who thought they had the world figured out will be thrown in jail.

>I didn't buy bitcoin when I heard about it 8 years ago and now I'm mad: The Posts

source or it's bullshit

what rock have you been hiding under?
cryptocurrency mining has skyrocketed the prices for GPUs

now it's mostly other cryptocurrencies that require GPUS
but this stuff is on the Bitcoin blockchain
and when that crashes, so do all the others

just google "Bitcoin porn"
it's everywhere

the difference is, you don't automatically download illegal files by connecting to the internet
if you download the blockchain (which is required to run it)
it's technically possession, since some transactions have embedded images / links

Attached: 14c.jpg (600x733, 27K)

nice plant, chinese nsa

i hear they allow conjugal visits. maybe they'll let your mom bring in your fleshlight.

aren't the blockchains just really long string of numbers and letters?

how did they get porn out of it?

With all this crypto I can afford an awesome lawyer and will never see the inside of a jail cell.

i'm 90% sure this is a government fraud but i'm completely fine with it
fuck cryptocunts

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yeah I didn't know it until today either
apparently you can embed text with transactions, which means links and even images


i don't think lawyers accept pornography as a form of payment. maybe in california.

All data are long strings of numbers essentially, as long as a computer has the means to take those numbers and translate them into something usable then it's very easily possible.

If your lawyer doesn't accept porn then you need to find a new lawyer

I love anime girls

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Stop posting anime

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You can't stop anime

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And thats a good thing!