Hideki Kamiya appreciation bread

Hideki Kamiya appreciation bread

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Fucking rekt

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His tweeter feed is like going back to high school.

I'm glad to be an adult now.

Muh irony

Based as fuck. No wonder /nu-v/ doesn't' like him.

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get fucking bodied

I still remember what that "Thanx!" was in response to
>your game sell 101 copies

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You either die a hero, or live long enough to become Inafune

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he's joking, dumdum

>Capcom might go full retard and westernize new Devil May Cry lmao, never ever like Resident Evil 7
Nothing he typed out is wrong.

The madman
One of my accountrs was blocked by him even though I never tweeted anything at him.

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>ask if his clothes are made of hair like bayonetta and that is why he doesn't have any in his head
>get blocked

Good one

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>he can't see the difference between them

the average dick size in japan is actually the same as the U.S now.
The 56% meme is truer than you'd think.

meme magic is literally real

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why has national average dick size changed within 10 years, can you actually answer that one?

El goblino...

>le funny wojak
xd i see your point xd!

Nutrition is always a huge factor. China's height grew 6 inches since Mao IIRC.

she looks like bayonetta's retarded sister

The difference is that Kamiya is actually a great director. No one debates that he acts like a dick on twitter, but it really doesn't matter if he makes good games.

Living in Japan. I've been in the public baths and Japanese dudes are like an inch shorter than whites on average I'd estimate. They're not as tiny as stereotypes would suggest, but they aren't as big as other races for sure. And I've never seen one fucking guy who was bigger than what would be consider average in the west.

china was shorter for so long because of government food rationing

when that ended the height of asians in general shot up because they had literally been forcibly malnourished for centuries

i genuinely believe in meme magic, im convinced the day we see la luz extinquido the world will end


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>he doesn't think soyjack is funny
get out from

Exhibit A
>acts like a cunt all day
>because he made a shitty indie game, he thinks he's God
>not even a very good game

Exhibit B
>acts like a cunt all day
>actually made some pretty good games, but still remains somewhat humble

No difference at all m8

8/8 b8

Stop talking about dicks and post Kamiya being a cunt, I love him

graphics whores are the worst thing to ever happen to gaming
prove me wrong

2nd from the right looks like he loves bbc

>looks at other dudes penises
kys faggot

Won't lie, that's amazing.

I've never liked any of the post-2014 Wojak and Pepe stuff, to be honest.

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Has Phil Fish even been relevant since around 2012 and 2013? The last I heard of him was his Twitter meltdown that made him cancel Fez 2.

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which is more important though?

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The amount of replayability of bayo2 amazes me. I just discovered you can also buy costumes for jeanne. Also there are a ton of gamechanging gear.
Also balder taunt you in infinite climax, shit is real.

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