Do you love Warcraft 3 as much as I do?

Do you love Warcraft 3 as much as I do?

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I love it!

Yes, the OST is also really fucking good.

Yes, custom maps defined my life.

Probably more

I played warcraft 3 every day for years of my life, so yeah

>the portraits are Kel'Thusad, Thrall, Arthas and Tyrande and not some nameless skeleton, orc, human and elf

all those years were a lie

>I played warcraft 3 every day for years of my life, so yeah

Warcraft 3 was a way of life for me for at least a decade.
I want another more than anything.

Basically shaped my knowledge of western fantasy, but imo the real draw of WC3 were the custom maps and the world editor tool.
I used to make own OC donutsteel stories there.

If it's good why is there no WarcraftIIII

I'm also offended that Dark Deeds and or Who's the Werewolf still hasn't been made into it's own stand alone indie strategy game.

To me that was pretty much THE best custom game.

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way too slow, broodwar and AOEII all the way

playing as skeletons was pretty fun
brood war was better than MOBA heroshit tho

I wish they had made Warcraft 4 as soon as they could before blizzard became what it is today. Also fuck wow

The melee games are fun. Started playing again after like 10 years and still get some wins on the ptr feels good.

It was fun and nice for its time, but had some really bad problems when you get down to it.
>spawned dota

I haven't played too much of it, but I loved Warcraft 2

>Basically shaped my knowledge of western fantasy,
And this is why most western fantasy sucks donkey dong country

No. I never got why it was THAT popular. I didn't like the rpg/rts mix and the ost was forgettable. I like wc2 much much more because it's classic rts and ost is a godlike

>way too slow
What does it mean?

Well, on the bright side, I get to appreciate stuff like Warhammer Fantasy that has been virtually ignored in vidya in the 90s and 2000s.

One of the games i really love but horrible suck at it.

Because it put a huge chunk of money into its single player campaign and bleeding edge cinematics. When you talked about cool as fuck cinematics, you immediately thought of Warcraft back in the day.

>custom niggers
Go back to Dota, subhuman filth

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it was a really fucking slow rts compared to AOE and broodwar which were frantic as fuck. Not really my cup of tea and the story was kinda mediocre, good fmv's though.

Warcraft as a game stopped being a thing the moment WoW came out. Meanwhile, custom maps were the only thing making WC3 relevant at that point.

>all these wcII contrarians ITT

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>stuff like Warhammer Fantasy that has been virtually ignored in vidya in the 90s and 2000s.
Warhammer fantasy is so fucking generic that any other fantasy is basically the same as it

Absolutely. I don't really care much about the normal multiplayer.
The campaign was fun, but the real meat was in the custom maps. A golden time of creativity and gameplay diversity, which unsurprisingly spawned several game genres of their own. My most played game to date by far.

Still not sure what you mean. It's common knowledge that WC3 is more micro-intensive than Brood War

I laugh in the face of danger! Ha ha HA HA HA HA

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Name me a fantasy game that has a human faction based on renaissance era Germany, or where orcs are actually fungi. You'll actually see more fantasy games copy The Elder Scrolls than it does Warhammer Fantasy.

>everyone who don't like my game is a contrarian
>phone file name
Not surprised. Drink bleach.

Agreed. Dark Deeds is great.

I think he means that units take a while to die, especially in early game. In most RTS games, entire armies can be vaporized in seconds like Red Alert 2.

>when matches last 10 minutes

>Name me a fantasy game that has a human faction based on renaissance era Germany
every fucking human fantasy faction is based on medieval/renissance germany

i was always sad u couldn't build walls in war2

It was obvious the human portrait was Arthas, but for the longest time I always assumed the other three were just generics.

the orc is obviously thrall, the other two dont really look like the characters

>every fucking human fantasy faction is based on medieval/renissance germany
Lol no it's fucking not. A lot of them are either based on 13-14 century France or England. Renaissance era germany has guys wearing this, that and a lot of motherfucking pike and shot.

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Buy Spellforce 3.

Literally Warcraft, including the part where Orcs are descended from giants who were made flesh through fungal spores gradually replacing their stone bodies.

The lich and nelf were pretty clearly KT & Tyrande.
Orc was hard to differentiate as Thrall, though it does make sense after you play the game.

Warcraft III's slowness meant that you weren't as penalized for low APM like in any other RTS, though the fact that armies were rarely bigger than 40 units was always offputting for me.

>MFW im the only person on Sup Forums who wants a full HD remake on the SC2 engine simply because its one of the best RTS campaigns of all time and a ton of people now a days who would love the fuck out of it refuse to play it because of how bad it looks and those fucking mouths

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post GOAT soundtracks

>how bad it looks
Warcarft 3 has aged like wine, it has a more active community than SC2

>tfw no Warcraft RTS HD collection with all the RTS games remastered on the SC2 engine

I always hated the game for the grinding and rpg mechanics on heroes. Units in general seemed really awfully designed.
I also liked Metzen based concept art which 1 & 2 was based on way more

>Warcraft III's slowness meant that you weren't as penalized for low APM like in any other RTS
I can tell you never climbed high on the ladder, otherwise you'd know how catastrophic losing even one dude can be. Experience system punishes you even further, making your loss double as enemy's profit. Skill at denial (elegant mechanic later to be bastardised in Dota) is considered to be a hallmark of a good player

>Skill at denial (elegant mechanic later to be bastardised in Dota)
my fedora just entered orbit

I'm pretty sure the orc ISN'T Thrall as his most clear defining trait is having blue eyes. I'm pretty sure that was planned for as early as WC3 so I don't think it's any sort of retcon, either. I might be wrong though.

And while the night elf one likely was suppose to represent Tyrande both her hair color and facial markings have changed since then, so, another inaccuracy.

Its elegant because its only something a good player can pull off, maybe 3-4 times throughout the game. Dota decided to take this one weird mechanic and make it a core part of experience, so now everyone has to go through the monotony of murdering dozens of their own troops which doesn't even matter because they're AI controlled and spawn automatically

Well, wowwiki does list the nelf picture on Tyrande's profile, so it gives some credence to it being her, same for Arthas and KT, but Thrall isn't, so its possible it was just meant as a way to get all races into boxarts.

>an extremely imbalanced game with a horrible single player campaing
only thing it did arguably better was better aging visuals

me too, thats why i made custom maps

Last good thing Blizzard ever made so yes


>compared to AOE
>the RTS with the voice clip "you played 2 hours to die like this?"

>that kid who mained creeps

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>if you play customs you play dota

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What if instead of releasing warcraft 4 or a remaster they add official new frozen throne campaigns about small scale stories that don't conflict with wow


It would be great to have a new expansion following the story of wc3 and not the trash that was WOW.

denying in dota wasn't included intentionally, it was just there cause it was there in wc3, its not very important in dota either


No but it's still a great RTS that I always enjoy playing through. Except that one Orc mission where you have to gather the lumber.


thats like the best orc mission

I just miss multiplayer games where your character was saved as a 40 long alphanumeric code that you loaded at the start.

What was the custom mode where you pick a character and have to go through this huge ass dungeon
It was meant for a team of 4 but I used to solo it when I was a kid
Was fun as fuck

While I agree
Nu-Blizzard would never retcon their new garbage because they live in their own echo chamber
Sad reality

The Orc is probably meant to be Thrall since the others all feature the main characters of their campaign (without spoiling Death Knight Arthas). I guess it could also be Grom Hellscream.

Death Knight Arthas is on the Frozen Throne cover

>disliking the best mission
Drinking corruption cum and slaying Kenarius felt amazing

Nope. It ruined RTS with its half-assed "RPG elements" gimmick.
Also, C&C > [power gap] > GookCraft

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you are just ultimate faggot rpg elements was the best thing

Go play your commie rts shit and fuck off

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Sheep/ent tag FOREVER

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Out of all the shitty missions (Cry of the Warsong, all cave missions, and The Dark Lady) you chose the lumber mission

its not the same mission

so this is the power of melee fags?

Wrong mission my friend.

I didn't say there weren't other shitty missions, that's just the shitty mission I disliked the most.

Dota was my life blood i only had 28/kbs dial up all the way up to 2011 so it was about the only game i could play and was active.

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I guess you're right, got it mixed up because its basically the continuation of a lumber mission.
>you get lumber
>elves get fucked pissed and destroy your bases

yes. still have fond memories of custom maps.

how the fuck do you beat the the awakening of stormrage on hard? the time limit is way too small

Also this. I won a few ladder matches but on team. Because i dont like microing. Or whatever and just focus on one certain build/ control all units. Switching frantically through individual types hurts my wee little brain .

And i only did ladder to get those sweet undead icons for public chat where i ran a trivia bot and pretty much spent all my time there

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That's the notorious worst mission in the game. There is no shame in reading a walk through for it.

but he was already a death knight by that point, it would be a spoiler for Reign of Chaos

>Kel’Thuzad: Dead
>Thrall: Retired
>Arthas: Dead
>Tyrande: Bitch

Where did it all go so wrong?

Never understood the whining about RPG elements. I can maybe understand Starfags complaining about downsized scale, or reduced importance of macro, but RPG elements made the game infinitely more complex and fun. Heroes were basically customizable generals of your army, raised and made powerful by your efforts. Blizzard clearly wanted to have something like this all the way back in Starcraft where units have kill counts

Blizzard started hiring numales and women

>moving the camera with arrowkeys
>doesn't have any control groups
>doesn't use any hotkeys
>barely microes his units
I dont want to hear from the shitters that the campaigns were 'hard' ever again

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he uses building hotkeys

That mission isn't hard if you know the exact build order and training timing. It is just horrible game design.
You can also cheat like in the link above, something which Blizzard clearly didn't mean to be possible.