
Never again

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What was even the point of Pichu

He'll be back

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A worse joke character than someone like WFT. A joke character should be janky, but valid. Not whatever the hell Pichu was.

Snake is the only one I miss because of the weird fun playstyle the "no guns" rule generated

They'll be back as dlc. Jusssst wait

Giving the fans an entirely new bonus character by tweaking Pikachu a bit

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Perhaps they could reintroduce Pichu and Raichu as alternate characters for Pikachu just chance the stats a little for each

>Young Link
But he's been in every game since Melee.

I fucking wish. Raichu in smash is on my dream roster.. even if he were a clone

what about alolan raichu?

I'm more sentimental about normal Raichu.. and i like his design a little better.

Alolan Raichu isn't bad.. but honestly Alolan Raichu i would prefer to have psychic abilities and not be a clone.

Who the fuck asked for Ivysaur?

Young Link was just replaced by Toon Link, he still exists in a way
I'm hoping Corrin and Lucina get cut, they're awful
Also Wii Fit Trainer is an obvious one

so what happened to the original pikachu? Did he die?

And nothing of value was lost.

there's a difference between youg link and toon link tho

Squirtle is my favorite Pokémon so I was really bummed to see him cut.

Had too much overflowing power. Discarded his mortal skin and became energy incarnate.

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Do you think Snake will be gone for good because Sakurai was friends with Kojima and Kojima ain't working with MGS anymore?
Maybe just give him a spiritual successor of a fighter in form of an Advance Wars character.

I wanna strugglesnuggle with Wolf.

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Well I assume as much was the reason he was dropped so yeah he's probably gone.

Please no, I like both of these characters

Wolf might return again, I'm not sure about the other ones.

I'm 100% sure that Greninja and a Fire Emblem character will be cut, but that won't be Corrin, it'll be either Roy, Lucina, or Robin.

Should have worded it better, do you think Sakurai wouldn't care about putting Snake back in, even if Konami was open to negotiations, because of the whole disaster between Konami and Kojima?

Probably. Kojima's involvement might be a hardline issue for him.

You forgot to add the climbers.

Man, I use to think Pichu was just a faster or more damage dealing Pikachu in return of constant specials hurting him, but he was ust fucking weaker AND took damage from his specials just because.

nah squrtle ans Ivysaur have a chance of returning, their always popular and have finished movesets

Pichu has a tremendous speed advantage over most of the character, AND he can walljump. He's able to much more fluently utilize his aerials for combos thanks to his speed, and he can juggle fastfallers more reliably than Pikachu can. Also, if you don't hit yourself with thunder, you won't damage yourself. Also, Pichu's Skull Bash is much deadlier than Pikachu's. Fully-charged, it hits like a runaway train, and travels a supreme distance.

There are advantages to learning him.

I really liked Pokémon Trainer as a character desu. I found him really fun to use.

Thats because Ice climbers were smash 4 characters "in spirit" according to the man himself.

The only 2 characters i have been 100% money down about in smash 5 are ice climbers and inklings... looks like ive at least made my money back so far.

I want squirtle and ivysaur back. They had original move sets at the very least

I wouldn't complain

Or they could not because thats a waste of time.

The melee moneymaker

promoting its respective gen like lucario and greninja

He was one of the most popular Pokemon at the time, and the only gen 2 Pokemon people really cared about. Also he's a clone so he took little effort to add.

Greco-Roman strugglesnuggle?

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Can the switch really handle 16 online climbers on screen?

I don't give a shit what anyone says, Snake was the absolute best fucking Smash reveal. It was at that point that people saying things like Goku and Geno didn't seem like the fevered dream of a preteen and a bit closer to reality.

8 player Smash isn't even online

8 player Smash was shit anyway, I wouldn’t even care if they cut it

Goku isnt a video game character. Hes never getting in smash.

nana @

Ice climbers are coming back because it's the only representative of their series.

True, but the moment Snake popped up in the trailer there was a glimmer it could happen. I know MG was on NES as well as Ghost Babel but people don't really associate MG with Nintendo, the NES version of MG and Ghost Babel being non-canon having a bit to do with it.

I did too, and it was actually a neat gimmick.

It still bugles me that they couldn't bring Wolf back not even to cross-promote Star Fox Zero.
Not that it would have worked, but marketingwise it would have made a lot of sense.

Sakurai knew the game would be shit and didnt want to draw negativity to smash's instal base.

Why do you even play this series anymore if not for the cute girls?

I can see Pokemon Trainer and Ice Climbers coming back. Wolf and Snake should come back, but only if Sakurai gets Kojima's blessing.

I think they really should add a system for having multiple alternate characters on each slot, THEN let the player choose colours/costumes.
>Different Link versions together
>Trainer opens up small menu of pokemon to choose three from
>Separate slot for individual poke fighters
>Fox/Falco/Wolf together
>Kirby/Meta Knight/Dedede

You believe Corrin has a better chance than Robin? Hah.

My dude, considering movesets and the fanbase of each respected game Robin is here to stay.

>Liking the literal special snowflake frog
Literally tumblr-tier special snowfake considering they planned to add him in while XY was still in the works, then give him some special form

Why suddenly Sup Forums?

...You're the only one talking about pol.

>suddenly Sup Forums
I didn't say anything racist or political, or are tumblr insults Sup Forums only now?

If Pokemon trainer comes back to excuse the large amount of Pokemon representation by hiding 3 in 1 then i guess im ok with that... UNLESS they also bring back the stamina change over mechanic.. then i hate it again.

Wolf is on the line honestly.. it depends how much Sakurai is willing to delve into third parties and take up valuable dev time on non-nintendo characters.

Snake and Kojima aren't part and parcel anymore, and therefore has nigh no chance of appearing.

How is what he is saying pol?

How come they can put little boys in the game but not little girls?

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What is Inkling Girl

That's a squid, silly.

Fuck, I forgot.

They will in this one, they can't hold off any longer. The time of lolis must come.

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sakurai is a shotacon, i mean just think about it, the roster includes or included pit/dark pit, ness, lucas, megaman, young link/toon link

>If Pokemon trainer comes back to excuse the large amount of Pokemon representation by hiding 3 in 1 then i guess im ok with that

What I'm getting out of this and the Smash 4 clone controversy is that people seem to care more about how many squares a series has on the character select screen than the amount of effort the developers spent that could have actually gone to a character they wanted.

They're so unsuferable I started seeing Sup Forums everywhere

Wolf needs to come back, there was no reason for him to be cut. pichu returning is a pipe dream, but one i pray for every smash, no one fills the “humiliating your opponent with the supposed worst character in the game” archetype like pichu did. I wouldn’t mind a rework either, maybe making his resting animation (his crouch) heal himself in compensation for damaging himself

>They're so unsuferable I started seeing Sup Forums everywhere
Look at this pancake fag. God will you shut the fuck up about pancakes?

At least he's interesting. You know stupid shits like Charizard and Mewtwo only got in because of the Ashime right? I can't remember if Lucario's popularity was before or after the Anime...but he's still shit.

They'd be fools to permacut Wolf, and Young Link could easily be a fucking costume.
Smash is the one game that SHOULD have a bunch of DLC characters and Costumes yet nintendo does the opposite of a good thing.
Snake will probably never come back, no matter how hype he was and how much we want him back, unfortunately.

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It'd be great to have Snake back, and if Wolf comes back then that fuck needs some goddamn polish because he looked rushed as fuck in Brawl.

Toon Links animations are too "toony" and over the top to look decent when executed with a normal characters skin.

It wouldnt work, the entire character movements would need to be reworked.

This is the same reason things like Pichu/Raichu havent been costumes of pikachu.. the character might know the exact same moves but the movement of the character naturally doesnt fit.

I dont want Pokemon trainer back purely because i feel awkward being a "trainer" sicking my pokemon on humans.. it feels wrong.

Wild Pokemon attacking humans feels more natural.. you know you should never go into the tall grass without protection

>Roy comes back as DLC
>Lucas comes back as DLC
>Wolf just fucking cut despite being in a recent game

Does Sakurai just hate Star Fox or something?

This is a video game.

Lucario got in I think due to popularity after the movie, at least his mechanic in Smash 4 made him fun to play imo.
Charizard would've got in eventually because most popular fire starter, don't know about Mewtwo's smash history.

Not really an a rude post that you just made, but that is the most autismal thing that I've heard in a long time. What in the fuck my nigga

Explain how Greninja is interesting.

Melee needed its dan hibiki

Pichu was such a fucking shitshow that I have honest to god forgotten they even exist as a playable character up until this thread. My mind is honestly boggled at the stupid shit that nintendo did involving that slot.

>Robin was considerably more well recieved, represents an aspect of Fire Emblem beyond swords, and holds the distinction of being the only FE character (out of 6!) whose down B is not another fucking counter
>But Corrin should be the one that stays

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The smart thing to do would be to cut fucking lucina. Roy is similar to marth, but different enough to warrant being playable. Lucina should have been a costume from the very beginning.

>not really an a rude post that you just made

speak english nigga

Funny how when Brawl came out, people were shitting on Sakurai for giving us yet "another space furry", and now people want him back.

My apologies. His post wasn't being rude or trying to start shit, it just seems like a very autistic stance on why a character should not be in.

>tfw greninja main

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Explain how the snowflake frog is interesting then and why it shouldn't be cut. (Besides obvious water starter rep)

I see this all the time, but I don't get what difference it makes. All it does is make you have to repeat single player modes less times. Lucina WAS a costume at the beginning. She has ONE minuscule affect on gameplay, that being they simply changed the number of damage she deals. What do you gain out of saying, "No, don't even bother with that, just put her back where she was"? Is it just a matter of not wanting to see her on the character select screen, "inflating" the "count" for FE?

not him, but his moveset is completely unique, and he is one of the most popular pokemon amongst fans still to this day.

I still want him gone though, time for another Pokemon to shine

Yes! Please!

You don't see anything wrong with having a literal clone character taking up a slot?

Well to be honest it just stems from my hatred of shitty unlocks.
Back in the day playing melee and brawl you got that fucking new character screen and you're like damn my nigga who could THIS be
oh, its fucking pichu
Oh its fucking Mario the Gynechologist
Fuck that shit man, I hate it and I don't wish that fate upon anyone.

He was simple to git gud with, had a lot of fun moves, and it was reallt satisfying running around with his speed, getting your opponent off the ledge, and pushing them away with your up b to their death
Or how satisfying his down aerial is, how good his smash attacks are, and how good his neutral b was as a projectile, giving you the option of a quick shot, or a larger more deadly one
He was just fun, and I'd rather he stay and see one of the countless clones get cut

>[Trophy Gallery OST plays]

I hate Sakurai for cutting characters in the first fucking place. You don't see other fighting games doing this because no matter the character people start to main them and it feels fucking bad to have them gone.

Not entirely unique because Substitute aka Retextured Counter and Retexured Final Smash. I would mention the neutral but I'm not sure if Mewtwo had shadow ball in the first game he appeared in.