Xbox One still doesn't have any good exclusives at all

>Xbox One still doesn't have any good exclusives at all
Jesus Christ they didn't even try this generation. They should just pack up and have their next console be a budget pre built gaming PC

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Allegedly they're going really hard this e3 but I feel like it's going to be too little way too late.

Xbox is fucking dead in the water.

could the xbone be the worst console of all time lads?

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All three have had a shit month for what are supposed to be their “big games”
>Kirby is not just easy, but completely braindead
>Sea of thieves has almost content to speak of
>GoW is a kitchen sink mechanical mess
Maybe some good games will come out next month

the cd-i will always have that title .N-gage was close though

I dunno Halo 5 and Horizon 3 are pretty GOAT

>They should just pack up and have their next console be a budget pre built gaming PC
What do you think the xbone is?

Sunset exists. That's still more games than the ps3.

Lol are you serious?

Do people actually think that the Xbox runs Windows? Are you serious?
Lol Halo

are you okay?

If it doesn't run desktop windows it's not a prebuilt PC. Can you play Undertale on the Xbox?

>They should just pack up and have their next console be a budget pre built gaming PC
Still waiting for a Nintendo eshop app

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they've been saying that for like 3 or 4 years
the best game line up video games in history!
the bestest game line up!
we're bringing the bets line up!

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God of war isn’t out yet?

This is the saddest thing I've ever seen. Tomb Raider was only timed exclusive, Halo 5 was so bad that it might've killed the series, Forza (kek), Fable never ever. GoW was the only slightly decent thing, but c'mon we're talking about a Gears game. Not to mention the massive failures of their other exclusives, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, and ReCore. Is this where we're going to see MS drop out of the console race?

Next Gears needs to do something big imo, I liked Gears 4 but it's time for them to seriously revamp the gameplay. Still plays exactly like Gears 1.

>Can you play Undertale on the Xbox?
Thankfully not

E3 is literally make or break this time on their first party perception problem, either they listened after two years of people screaming at them as they've said, or it's ogre and even more people buy Playstations or whatever Nintendo cooks up for next generation after the Switch.

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Thing is, What studio has a reputation of making great games at MS right now?
I don't see any.

They need new talent.

maybe if you are underage

Already sold my Xbox One a while ago. Just had so few games, other than multiplatform games which I prefer to buy on PS4. Main reason I bought it was for Scalebound and I've learned my lesson.

>Xbone has no exclusives
>but you're retarded if you install W10

>I didn't want it anyway!!
Lol Xbox fags, Halo isn't worth $400 just get a PlayStation

Sea of Turds is one of the biggest blunders its so bad