

Attached: 1499423096476.jpg (1152x648, 255K)

I got my box just moments ago.

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At least Sega still remembers that VC2 and 3 exists. Maybe we'll get the fabled remaster.

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Nice, you lucky fuck

Fuck this comes out today? What the fuck do I get it on, PC, Switch, or PS4????

Calm your tits, this releases today... in Japan.

oh, nvmd. It's only the nip version. No wonder I wasn't aware of it. Hope it's good.

Tell us fast if you can fugg Kai or not

I'm seriously considering inporting one version (PS4 or Switch) then grabbing a localized version of the other when it's finally out.


Next year for Azure Revolution

There was a third one? I didn't know about that. I only knew about Valk 1 and Valk Revolution.

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VC4 is the 5th game if you're gonna count Revolution user.


Man. Not even a demo on the switch

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Valkyria Chronicles is fun but man I don't like Raita.

Based baloon man.

Enjoy spending the next several weeks off of Sup Forums to avoid spoilers.

>Valkyria Chronicles is fun but man am I gay.


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Beautiful women aren’t disgusting!

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Why do they do that dumbass outline on the borders though

What VC1 mod is this?

The best one.


>another beach episode
This game really is VC1.5: Uniform Violations Edition.

Oh boy, I can't wait to play weeb Hogs of War 2.0.

I really do like her design.
Just need to know how much of a cunt she is in game and how much of it is justified. Also depends on how much of a wet noodle MC is.

Hogs of War 2 when?
Hogs of War is what Worms 3D should have been.

>Uniform violations
It's more realistic that different roles have different gear. Also Sega is not going back to model swaps after the shitstorm it once triggered, ever.
Deal with it

Considering her fast she get over the MC's past fuck ups, I don't think you need to be worried, she's not a cunt.
However, daddy issues could be annoying.

MC is just Welkin but instead of animals, he's obsessed with weather and wind patterns.

>It's more realistic that different roles have different gear.
Yes. But not radically different uniforms.

>Also Sega is not going back to model swaps after the shitstorm it once triggered, ever.
What shitstorm?

>Deal with it
They should at least sell DLC to appease people like me.

So the doujins are going to be full of hot air?

My dick

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Selvaria's selvarias are still the BIGGEST.

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They aren't radically different at all, don't exaggerate. It's not like one of them has empire colors or something, or a bright red target over their head like a certain someone.
Nips were buttmad that the character models used to be basically the same, especially in 2, so now they're doing the opposite, and might be going a bit overboard as a result as well, just like you.

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I thought they were stuck in the frozen fjords

What the fuck

Based Raita

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Whatever happen to or why not Britannia?

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Why does a sniper even need an ass that fat?

Too much ass

So when are they gonna port and localize VC 2&3 for PS4/Xbone/Switch

They have a big ass ship with chainsaws, what did you expect? They're moving around, they aren't stuck

snipers tend to have to wait a lot, keeps her core temp up

Supposedly they're working on it.

So she can sit comfortably

Nice. Been wanting to play 3 for a while


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There's a translation for 3 on PSP. It's not bad. Only thing not translated are some of the DLC missions. And theres one of those DLC missions that don't give a drop if you're using the translation for some reason. But it's out there and easy enough to emulate

Does anyone like Riley? Kai and her ass seem far more popular.

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>although the memories seem to be lewd ones.

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>Only thing not translated are some of the DLC missions.
And the mission objectives. And the entire encyclopaedia.

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Riley is too average for a Raita girl

Edinburgh is basically Scottish London.

>4000 yen season pass
Guess I'll wait for the complete edition on PC in a year or two

I like her, it's just that Kai is simply better.

Shit, you're right. I completely forgot about that. The encyclopedia isn't that important though.
The objectives are easy enough to find online. Is it perfect? No. But it's better than waiting for a maybe that'll get a proper translation.

>lewd ones
You fucking asshole. You made me check to find out that it was indeed fake. Thanks for getting my hopes up. Nigger.

>The encyclopedia isn't that important though.
Fuck you, the encyclopaedia was great.

mean it's shooped bait and you fell for it. baka AI.

When will they release the Switch version?

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After the PC launch

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Based Raita


>Deadeye Kai
Is this also your shitty edit or did they change her codename?


what's her original codename?

I do. Blonde cunts are my thing.
That's not to say I don't like Kai.

It's not One-shot killer?

Localisation team probably didn't want her associated with a certain other sniper.

Isn't Valkyria 4 focused on Federation troops? Of course a military force entirely and completely seperate from the Gallian Militia is going to have different uniforms.

A different uniform, not different uniforms for every main character.


He think the uniforms looks different between the members, which is dumb.

>that role
pretty good desu

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>a guy gets physically abused because a girl is too dumb to observe her surroundings
Ah, the famous Nipponnese humor!

Oh so it's His fault because YOU were standing too fucking close to a person laying on the ground while wearing a short skirt. Cause y'know.... it legitimately is, because he's MALE.
Thanks based japan. I fucking hate this trope with a passion
It's not cute, it's not funny... it's over played, and it's not fair.

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I don't think I want this game anymore.


This just reminds me of how Alicia was a nice understanding girl who avoided this sort of idiotic bullshit and then the anime turned her into an unlikeable violent tsundere.

>Japanese """humor"""

I want to grab my sisters ass, can't wait.

At this point it's happened so often that I just tune it out now.
Fucking nips and their humor.

Seriously, it makes me wonder why feminists don't praise anime for doing this.
Now that I think about it...
Probably cause it went something like this:

More proof Kai is the best.