If Taro is such a genius then how the fuck does this abomination exist?

If Taro is such a genius then how the fuck does this abomination exist?

Attached: zero.jpg (2560x1600, 1.37M)

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her hair is white but her pubes are black?

Are those fucking pubes?

Nothing wrong with Zero.


Attached: Drakengard-3_Feature_4.jpg (1280x533, 103K)

Please don't insult my wife

that's how it usually works, yeah

did people seriously ever see people with colored pubic hair?

>Nothing wrong with Zero.
>Please don't insult my wife
Zero is overly edgy prostitute.

Attached: 1446334627074.png (837x898, 716K)

Ojou-type women are the worst.

Attached: 1491576889344.png (238x232, 94K)


Attached: 1446347523859.jpg (750x750, 118K)

Zero is my wife.

Attached: zerogrumpy.jpg (695x900, 82K)

V a shit, but mindblowing ost.


Attached: 1517260244191.jpg (631x1043, 93K)

Five IMPROVED the life in her region but that dumb whore with chicken brains couldn't even understand that.

Attached: DD3_Five_SS3.png (1280x720, 1.27M)

What emotion is Zero trying to convey at the end of this scene?

Attached: Accord.webm (800x338, 2.87M)

That final boss
>camera won't stay the fuck still, that final note
Fuck this game

>Ojou-type women are the worst.
Delet this.

Attached: 754745.png (811x1194, 859K)

Zero is honestly one of my favourite characters ever. She was incredibly entertaining and fun to follow, and knowing her whole story I can't help but cheer for her a bit. She's fucked up, she's an asshole, but god damn she has reason to be so bitter.

Attached: DD65rr2U0AArB6h.jpg (1065x1200, 187K)

Serious tip: Use the YouTube guide, mute the sound on both the TV and other device and THEN do the fight while using the guide (make sure it's synced). For some reason, I cleared it when I did that.

You have to be a genius to make a game filled with girls and make every single one of them absolute trash.

Embarassment with exhaustion

Waifufag pls go and stay go.

Attached: 1500034971857.jpg (1182x790, 809K)

The frustration of dealing with the worst girl on a roster of terrible girls in the worst of Taro's works.

Surprise and fatigue.

I keep seeing people say "WHY SHE SHY THAT'S OUT OF CHARACTER". But she doesn't really look shy. She reacts because she got touched suddenly but then is still breathing heavily from being tired due to chasing Accord. Then she thinks for a second and then drops her arms as if to say "Oh fuck this shit."

Drakengard 3 remains my favorite Yoko Taro game.

Great story, but all the games have great stories. Nier Automata actually has good gameplay, but I always felt like the RPG aspects of Automata and the original eventually get in the way of the game. I appreciate Drakengard 3 for being a straightforward solid action game. Well, it would be solid if it didn't run like shit but it's a miracle the game came out at all so whatever.

>Zero dies
>Michail says his goodbyes
What a way to ruin the ending.

>You have to be a genius to make a game filled with girls and make every single one of them absolute trash.

This happens when you try to copy-paste an actual MAGNUM OPUS called Madoka Magica.

Attached: 1316997304296.jpg (801x600, 81K)

Drakengard 3 on PC when?

Attached: 1497565376874.jpg (450x600, 69K)

>Drakengard 3 remains my favorite Yoko Taro game.
>Great story

Attached: __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__744d7cabe12aacc27199aac31746d855.jpg (408x491, 56K)

>Drakengard 3 for being a straightforward solid action game
>solid action game
>Drakengard 3
>15 fps
>solid action game

Attached: 695.png (680x460, 253K)

I honestly loved this game for the gameplay, no joke. For some reason I got hooked on this game but Nier and nier automata did nothing for me.

>Get DoD3 on sale
>Expect to hate it
>Ended up being far more enjoyable than most AAA games I played recently
>Sunk 30 hours into it
>Liked it so much that I almost have the platinum trophy for it

I love the game. Most attractive Taro girl too.

Attached: zero art.png (1012x599, 1.04M)

Well, there are people who like Drakengard 2 the most, so... cool, I guess.

I like Kaine because you can see her buttcrack.

Zero > One = Three > Five > Two >>> shit >>>> Four

Fuck you, it has the most unique and interesting story of all of them. I like it because it was so beyond anything than I was expecting. When you strip it all down, Nier Automata didn't really break my expectations in the same way the other games did so I was a little less wow'd by the story.

finish reading the sentence, lad. It still plays like a chunky PS2 game, but at least a good chunky PS2 game and not like the previous Drakengard games.

Again, I would say Nier Automata plays the best but I really do feel like the RPG aspects don't really help the action-oriented combat system. Platinum should do a Drakengard game since the Drakengard games are much more focused on just the action and nothing else.

Best songs from the OST?



>despite poor gameplay on land, flying Angelus was actually fun, with great controls and feel of weight behind each movement
>drop that in 3 and go to Panzer Dragoon on-rail shooting instead

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>Zero is more attractive in every way physically to 2B
>2B gets talked about more because of "le 2Booty xD!"

It's not fair.

Attached: zerof.jpg (721x851, 246K)

Come on son

To be fair, D3s core combat was more fun than 1s. Still nothing to write home about but if you like a bit of trashy action like Lollipop Chainsaw, it was fun.

Aethervox is so god damn haunting. I love it so much.


Attached: BtMZk5cIQAAYYcq.jpg (1920x1080, 70K)

I hate these designs, they are super westernized.

It isn't even an issue of realism. You can have more realistic designs than this that have non-westernized facial proportions.

CanĀ“t you see the assumption is white is her natural hair color (because anime), thus the carpet should match the drapes?

Attached: drawn_by_ran_pixiv295782 one girl c flower groving out ou eye tranquill smil white dress clasped han (581x815, 178K)

>It's not fair.
Le 2booty faggots brought massive sales to the game though. As cancerous as they are, Taro's games, or rather games not designed by committee getting more popularity is always a good thing.

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I've been afraid to update my PS3 because I want to hack it. I'm really close to the platinum, so I might just do it and wait for the next exploit. I only need to fully upgrade each weapon, finish the last Accord mission and one other thing. Then I'm 100% done.

But the characters are from Europe.

That's not what I mean, I'm talking about the art choices.


I want to ejaculate on the flower
