Brigitte sucks

Brigitte sucks.

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My cock.

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mama mia


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>has 2 boops
>has a charge
>can instantly buff hp above cap with armor
>can heal all surrounding allies
>mid range attack
>can boost movement speed
What a balanced character!

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Yeah nah yeah nah that sounds about right

Why is her forehead all airbrushed in photoshoop?

>not buffed
>3$ ugly wig
>granny tits

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what seems to be the problem?

I want to suck her dick and her armpits.

>men play games
>women dress up like the characters to make money off the men that play video games

>granny tits
Are you 10, never seen a real woman in your life or both? Breasts are not balloons like in your animes.

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Shes OP as fuck wtf you mean sucks?

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>let me tell you how REAL women look like user

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I want to marry and impregnate Brigitte Lindholm

>granny tits

I would like to meet your grandmother.

/r9k/ and /cgl/ should have an orgy/suicide meet up

>implying you wouldnt do this if you had the body for it
it's fuckin free money

woah calm down there big boy

she needs a full face helmet

>women act independent
>women be submissive and dress up
Just admit you're gay

>muscular body
>big tits
I can never get over this inherent disconnect with reality

Sounds like my marriage, am I right fellas?

She needs less armor so I can see more of my future wife

Jokes on you I like pectits (female) too

She needs to show her feet.

get ready to spend a million on summer game skins and only get Reinhardt and old shit

Yeah, shame none of her skin had that. I also only use full helmets on rein.


Yep, she gets nerfed soon.

I like how her entire existence can be boiled down to her shirt and her dumb arm rag.
That's it. That's all there is. It's her only significant feature as a character. Two pieces of clothing.
All the artists have to include the arm rag, lest no one have any idea who she is and why she matters. May as well be mute and have her past lost due to amnesia.
>but her motivation is being a hero and making the world a better pl

... Where?

Where are the sfm?

Yeah, I wish she sucked me.

>mfw some people are so dumb they just parrot memes they don't even understand
Sometimes I forget that underages browse Sup Forums too.

And I laugh when retards walk right into the bait.


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>I was only pretending
Epic ruse, retard.

What were you trying to prove here?

when's the SFM porn

Nothing about this image is attractive and I quite like fit girls/women.

I don't jerk off to take women because I like what women look like.

>merely pretending

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Already there

Keyword "fit", that is muscular not fit

She's legitimately strong, the only thing is you actually have to group with her and allow her to initiate on Inspire. Play with that in mind and she is GREAT. Fun to play and very useful.

The only problem is 50% of the player base is Genji, Tracer and Sombra mains that don't understand the concept of actually being with their team, and when your team plays like that, Brigitte is inherently less useful or fun.

its wierd as fuck hearing your own languges in a video game.

please teach me the way of the women user

I want to be reverse mating pressed by Brigitte


She kind of feels like a hybrid of rein/moira. I enjoy her style very much.

tja bögjävel

It will come, and it will be glorious

I enjoy masturbating to her very much.

so how do you play her? just stick with the gruop and beat the shit out of everyone at range.

Tjena snygging

It's another "let's add braindead-noskill hero with a shitton of sustain and that's annoying to play against more than it's fun to play as" episode in Overwatch.


This your first experience with the OW team?
They only nerf characters that punish genji/tracer pickers for being out of position.


>all those nerfs to mei, torb, and bastion since the beta because shitters can't handle being outplayed
If anything they'd probably buff her ability range, because genji/tracer pickers won't be able to receive the benefit for being so out of position.

NÃ¥n som vill suga min balle?

>granny tits

Speak english, bögjävel.

nej tack, you cocksucking freak.

Dude epic troll man

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Can't bring myself to launch the game again so I'll just wait for the SFM floodgates to open

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I'm still mad about the change to Mercy's ult. why remove everything that made Valkyrie actually viable?

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>those thighs

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check out these thighs, boys

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A man of taste, I see

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gat damn! she too damn thicc!

>free money
It only costs your dignity, and nobody here even knows what that might be.

>well defined abs and pecs
Haha, you're gay my friend

Go bang a fatty fag.

more dignified than working a wageslave job

I'm kinda disappointed that blizzard hasn't put in a black female hero yet. I thought they were supposed to be for diversity n' shit? Instead we just get brown and vaguely brown. Goddamnit where's my black waifu at blizzard.

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I just want them to change resurrect to revive when the hand goes highest. Right now it's kind of weird to complete the resurrecting animation but the actual resurrection takes place after the "I'm done here" part of the animation completes.

Orisa. :^)

The homo here is you, I'm not the one who's attracted to masculine features
nothing wrong with toned features, but if it's well defined, that's gay

>muscles, things that everyone has, are somehow exclusively masculine features

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Why would women ruin themselves? They're perfect without defined muscles unlike men.

>she will never take my head off like a mortal kombat fatality

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>doesn't look anything like the character
>does a low effort cosplay anyway
why do people do this. it's not just a female thing either
if you have the desire to cosplay surely you'd actually want to put some effort into it and do a decent job

tfw you will find a girlfriend that has a body like her

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Popularity. Same reason artists draw these new heroes as they get released without having touched the game. You think they do because they love the character design? No, it gets them crazy views.

didn't they nerf genj into the ground?

tfw no jessica gf

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>vidya girl thread
>3DPD dumps anyway
this board is full of mongoloids

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>tanks and supports are the best Overwatch characters
>yo dawg, let's make a TANK/SUPPORT, THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS

I don't play Overwatch anymore and I'm certain she's the best character in the game now. How could she not be? Durable, heals people, and I bet she's good at fighting offensive/defensive heroes, amirite?

No, but "people" on the blizzforums claimed they did a year ago when they removed a glitch that let him triple jump and instantly swing his sword right when he activates ult.
These are the same people who felt Torb's hammer was overpowered and whined hard enough that it actually got nerfed.



250 Heath makes her an easy target and the only way she can heal is her ult or melee attack.

>didn't they nerf genj into the ground?

absolutely, he's a shell of his former self. in a game where everything counters offensive heroes. genji used to have sicknasty mobility and burst damage, but got nerfed into the ground and now all you can do is lob shurikens from a mile away and wait until your ult comes up before you can do anything.

That must be why he's still in literally every match, right? Because of this nonexistent nerf you're imagining?

same reason why people play demoknight and pyro every game in TF2. they just have fun playing them even though they aren't the best.