PUBG: Mobile

How the fuck is this a better port than the xbox version? Runs super smooth on my iphone.

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time to get sum loot bois

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fuck off with your shitty game.

Fortnite is POWER

pretty good start

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It even has gyroscope aiming, fucking great

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Wait, this is real?


Friendly reminder that this is running on a mobile device in 2018

How did they do it? Silky smooth framerate too

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Is this high?

>How did they do it? Silky smooth framerate too
because it looks like a PS2 game you faggot

Yea, runs really well with consistent frames on an Iphone 8

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>shitty survival shooter

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Woah, don't get angry in the face of winners

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woah user you're so cool!

Implying that is not better

Fuck you post ps2 graphics, that when gaming became shit.

Here it is, my second chicken dinner :)

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The PC version also looks like a Ps2 game, but requires a 1050 at the very least to run.

if you use android dont reply to my thread

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Friendly reminder that touchscreen and gyroscope is a better control method than a controller

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Enjoying it on my 12 inch iPad Pro. Sucks that it’s too big for the gyro controls though

Holy shit this viral shit needs to stop, what is this? 5th thread in a row about your godawful phone game?

you forgot literally generation defining

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Obviously not true you lying git. Runs smoothly on high on my 750ti.

he is just not a fucking retard

>got 3rd place because i tried to run somebody over with a car and they just aim assisted me to death

So, even a Switch port may just work?

I haven't touched an xbox since gta iv killed mine. Friendly reminder- new players are matched against bots. Playing touchscreen on ipad pro is a little ridiculous but still fun. Here's hoping for mfi support.

I consistently see players hiding behind rocks in the endgame, am I still being matched against bots or are those players?

How many games until bots are gone?

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iphone more powerful than xbone confirmed

new shitting game bois

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You're playing against bots in your first few games

doesn't look much better than Rules of Survival

Same, I think those are players. The bots just stand in one place. I read that silver ranked players have no bots but that was just a comment somewhere so I'm not sure.

You fight bots for your first few rounds.

all right now, "shill" is thrown around way too fucking much on Sup Forums but this thread is the embodiment of shill. I'd bet good money that assfag OP here has a padded wallet from PUBG. I've noticed an uptick in PUBG ads everywhere lately. This thread is part of that.

You will never convince me that a shooter can work on a fucking mobile device.


maybe I'm just posting this way because it baits people and gets me replies like this


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So, just the first three rounds? How do you know this?
Modern Combat used to be legit. Of course, sweaty thumbs are an advantage on touchscreen. If anything is being shilled too hard here currently it's that kiddy rip-off of this game.

So does this game have me playing with other real people in game or not? Because if so, I'm going to pick this up.

>tfw your phone is more powerful than your pc

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>that UI
jesus mary and joseph