I just bought a Vita instead of a Switch

I just bought a Vita instead of a Switch.

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lol retard

I only have a 2DS

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we all make mistakes my dude


but all of Sup Forums's memes say switch has no games, so why did you buy a system that has less than zero games

well i have a pstv, does that count? I recently started playing it again due to the news about 3.65 games. I think I'd enjoy it more than a Switch desu

Are they s till manufacturing Vitas?
I've thought about getting one a couple times, but I don't really want to go second hand.

I just bought a DSi.

>nintenfags this buttblasted
I also bought a 64 GB memory card to go with it, instead of your precious Switch. Does that make you mad too?

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I actually did just buy a DSi. My old DS is a bit too worn, and I've been feeling like replaying 999 so I bought a refurbished one for $35.

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Why would you buy a dead system with like, 2 games? I mean, really, why? You're better off getting a PSP, it's cheaper and is a nice console overall. Or a 3DS, if you want a modern one.

good job retard

No it makes me tirrd
Its late im going to sleepvgoodnigbt user zzz

i bought a gamecube fagz

jailbreak it

>Why would you buy a dead system with like, 2 games?
EOP normalfag detected


Done already? Good.

Enjoy yourself.


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>tfw no 3U, 4U or XX on Vita

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>The nintenfag cries out in pain as he strikes you

Why would anybody who is not a parent that fell for the 3d is bad for your eyes meme buy a 2ds?

Is it at least on 3.60 version of firmware?

Why would I care about that? I'm not a poorfag

What makes P4G better than the original?

Enjoy your games... Oh wait!

Patrician choice though, it's a versatile console that can pretty much emulate everything while being comfy in bed.

>not a 32gb
>enjoying the massively high failure rate of the 64gb cards

for the love of god why

nice meme

good job

hacked vita is the best handheld ever made

>I also bought a 64 GB memory card to go with it
I thought you were smart, but you're actually retarded

>t. poorfag

I just bought a 400gb micro sd for my vita

tell me how you are going to store all your vita games, genius

>OP actually believes any faggot on this Mongolian dog recipe forum cares what he does with his NEET bux

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>implying I would ever need that much
Enjoy your shovelware, I guess. I only buy good games

It's $70 with Zelda OoT included.

>Mongolian dog recipe forum

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More events (for example beach), new social link, skill cards, rebalancing and an extra month with an extra dungeon

Good choice.
You can emulate the only worthwhile Switch game on pc, but you cant emulate great Vita exclusives like Muramasa Rebirth and Soul Sacrifice

Look, I dislike Nintendo and everything it stand a for, I hate those fucking nintentodlers and their low quality shit posting, i wish they would die in pain while their switch is destroyed in front of them and shit on their faces. But buying Vita? That makes no sense that's even more money burning than buying switch

That is pretty cheap. Maybe I should pick one up.

>I only buy good games
so you bought a vita for 4 games?

good job

Enjoy your discontinued """"console"""".

shut the fuck up