Press any key to start

>press any key to start

Attached: 1519793753395.png (646x595, 323K)

>click the mouse instead

Attached: 1486017823947.png (454x540, 87K)

>press the start button
>press A
>it works

Attached: 1513703380902.png (781x373, 590K)

>power button doesn't start the game
what the fuck

>press the "any" key
>game starts

Attached: 1455435091320.jpg (306x306, 20K)

>press any button to start
>press d-pad
>game doesn't start

Attached: 1516989718775.png (244x255, 120K)

>press any key to end

Attached: 1517629903620.jpg (534x712, 405K)

>press any button to continue
>press power

Attached: 1518878564286.jpg (403x403, 31K)

>press start to start

>press key
>achievement unlocked

Attached: 42682354643.png (325x313, 52K)

>buy halo reach
>pop it in my xbawks
>press any button to start
>press eject on dvd drive
>red rings

Attached: 0E89A51FBA3047E59BAB155E9A4B9861.gif (400x225, 3.04M)

>The game starts without asking to press any key to start

Attached: cease immediately.jpg (771x767, 66K)

>press any key
>key gets stuck in the machine
Dropped it afterwards.

Attached: keypresssystem.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

>it works

Attached: 7897.jpg (645x773, 69K)

>"Press Start"
>press any other button
>it doesn't work

>press start
>press L2
>games start

Why do (You) have these kind of images saved in your PC

I regularly browse Sup Forums,it's only natural, user

Also I love cats

Attached: ishitted.png (230x240, 123K)

>Press F to pay respects
>press D to Dab instead

Attached: 1 Q1y22__F34ulWs372a2B0Q.jpg (800x685, 35K)

oh no

>"Press Any Button to start"
>can't find it

oh yes

>Press Any Button
>Press my belly button

>press start menu button
>it works

Attached: 1512996869209.gif (500x600, 1.34M)

Attached: greater kek.jpg (268x227, 26K)

>press any key to start
>press my apartment key
>doesn't start

Attached: 1496663369381.jpg (452x504, 66K)

>Press OPTIONS button
Fuck PS4

Attached: Le_pringles_face.jpg (240x210, 8K)

>Press Any Button
>Press my belly button

Attached: 1413591884796.png (280x291, 78K)

if the is (D)ab button, how do you go to right?

Fuck this post

Attached: c108e9d2ada7ebb2467ee9c5669fff8e3291121d0b65eb26c1f084e831ae8022.jpg (230x164, 9K)

>press any key
>there's no any key

>press any key to start
>which one do i press? literally any key? theres a range here to choose from. i can just press any key but what if one of them takes me back to the menu or something? whats the last game i played when i pressed any key to start? am i pressing the same any key everytime around? should i press a different key to what i normally would press? its a shooter so im already poised to for WASD so should i press ... i dunno.... IJKL? am i wearing out my keyboard buttons just pressing the same any key? what time is it? its late, i should go to bed. this games stupid.