Haha, dude just stand still lmao

>haha, dude just stand still lmao

Attached: 1521526269061.jpg (1920x1080, 145K)

>operators in a fucking hoodie

Why did Rainbow Six had to become such a meme game.

cause we need more hero shooters

the mistake they made was having those stupid fucking characters. they should have just let you choose fucking load outs fuck sake fuck

The ability to force you to stand still itself is pretty OP.

>game becomes popular with Sup Forums faggots and normalfags
>it becomes a cancer personified,
every time. every person making siege threads are normalfags from reddit.

>what is rapid deployment

The more popular it gets, the more people want to appeal to the normie crowd and then you look away for a second only to see this
Then its over

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Lion always fucks my tits.

Why does it seem like hes a 5 armor operator?

Siege having "heroes" is simply a by product of its design, it wasn't built from the starting point as a hero shooter. 5v5 one life with a various amounts of ways to defend and attack forced the designers to tie gadgets/abilities to specific operators. Their unique visual design also helps communicate to your own team and the enemy team what you can do.
How else could you build the game? Allow complete customisation of your op? If you did that you would risk having multiple players with the same ability, you would have to organise with your team every round who is bringing what, if you couldnt have multiples of the same gadget then you are essentially back to having heroes but without the useful distinct visual designs.

Lion really detracts from the gameplay

Probably the worst operator added so far

Is the Lion Dokk combo used in tournaments or is Lion just so broken they don't need those gimmicks?

Holy shit I stopped playing R6 not long after the HUE operators got introduced, is this pic shopped or is there a literal drooling retard at Ubi designing self inserts and donut steel OCs ?

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>yet another dlc operator with multiple abilities and an amazing gun

so glad i quit this piece of shit peeking sim months ago. the powercreep is getting insane.

I actually think lions backstory is pretty cool
what's the point of this shit?

from what i've seen, lion/dokka or jackal/thermite or hibana is pretty common combo
>he doesn't know about lesion

Why is every country having atleast 1 female operator now? Didn't they have like 3 of them when the game first launched?

>multiple abilities

How am I supposed to read that chart?
100% of all NA Attackers picked Lion?

The categories are supposed to add to 100% wtf

When did you start playing Siege?
When did you stop?

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>Finka's ability can be countered by Echo, smoke and Lesion, and makes them more visible by pulse, plus her gun is below average
>Lion's ability is only "countered" by not moving, or being in a mute jammer, which might as well be not moving
>Vigils ability doesn't interact with it, despite being an obvious choice
At least make it so it only outlines people when they're moving, not "oh you moved 1 inch once, you're shown for the whole duration get fucked"

It means every single attacking round there was a Lion in the squad of 5. Around half the attacking rounds had a thermite, Blitz was picked around a third of the time, and so on.

>Lion is picked 100% of the time
that means every game saw lion
>Hibana is picked 71,4% of the time
that means about two thirds of all games saw hibana

burger education everyone

>Mid March of Season 1
>played less around op health, finally uninstalled this month

black ice
operation (((health)))

hey girls can be SWAT just like guys, probably even better, stop being sexist

I see. Never cared for Siege so I didn't know how it works
I only have this pic saved because it made me laff

Attached: r6g.jpg (900x630, 162K)

A few months after release
Still playing because i enjoy getting angry

>Vigils ability doesn't interact with it, despite being an obvious choice
This is what makes the least sense. They can make some bullshit about Echo having worked with Dokk so he knows how her hacking works, yet the guy with perfect ability to actually be a counter? A 3 speed defender who has impacts and his whole idea is avoiding the view of electronic eyes? Nah fuck him, you've got that three feet of mute jammer for positioning.

Attached: waa.jpg (560x217, 42K)

>I didn't know how it works
It's just simple percentage statistics, you don't need to know the game to understand what 100% means.

Played it during a free weekend.
Laggy as hell some reason.

Hi Autistic_Frog

I don't understand how can they release the worst operator in the game Vigil and then go ahead 3 months later, not buff him, and release Lion who is not only completely broken and a total must pick but also counters Vigil who was already gutter trash.
They must be literally retarded.

A few months ago.
Never. It's still fun even if the new operators are fucking retarded.

When it came out.
After a month after I realized I spend more than 80% of my playtime just waiting for something.


Vigil does have good guns. His ability should prevent Dokk calls while actuive too.

The game is in better shape than it ever was you stupid idiots. Lion is a great addition who counters all the retarded movement-based strats. Defenders are supposed to defend, not roam.

t. copper iv

resistant to concussion, can res herself and has ash's ability with proximity detonation.

Attached: Zofia_Portrait.png (830x710, 486K)

How does it feel being banned? I've never been retarded enough to try.

The roamer/ela meta needed to go, but is this the way to do it?

Making a character that punishes everyone for doing something as simple as fucking moving isn't a good answer to any problem a game may have.

>This is what makes the least sense. They can make some bullshit about Echo having worked with Dokk so he knows how her hacking works, yet the guy with perfect ability to actually be a counter? A 3 speed defender who has impacts and his whole idea is avoiding the view of electronic eyes? Nah fuck him, you've got that three feet of mute jammer for positioning.
user no. Whatever they actually said lore-wise about echo is just justifying an important gameplay mechanic.
>be echo
>droning enemy because lazyboi
>get called
>instantly become fat recruit
Also, if Vigil countered Lion (not a camera so it shouldn't, even if mute does which is also retarded), then every retard would pick him and I'd lose my main shy korean boy. So let him stay that way.

feels like a lawsuit is coming and it;s sending the shills into overdrive

If it wasn't full red outline wallhack, and instead of a constant Jackal ping, it might be balanced. The way the game is played though, you can force plants with Ying/Lion and the defenders can't really do shit

Vigil has a good gun.

Good gadget too.

Lesion is my boy, be nice to him.

Good luck.

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>literally forces everybody on the enemy team to stay completely still or they get wallhacked
>Lion is a great addition

is the pay good? "right to censor" is definitely the most prolific shill group on the net atm

>good gadget
It's fucking trash, it only works on drones, and it still shows that you are close to the drone, just not your exact position

>muh freeze peach

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>new PAID operators come out
>OP as fuck
>the cattle buys them in droves
>initial sales window comes to a close
>Ubi nerfs them
>rinse and repeat

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Are you retards saying this """""competitive""""" team shooter has a literal wallhack ability? And it's a short TTK peek shooter?

lmfao and to think there are shitheads here defending it! they're all shills, yeah?

>t. ela mains
Lion is perfectly balanced, every operator can counter his ability by simply not moving. I know it's hard to understand for spastics like you, but you don't need hold movement keys during the entire match.

Exactly, people know you're around but not where so they have to be cautious, and he still has a good gun.

enjoy getting kicked out of the west

>tfw stuck with this piece of shit until ready or not comes out

Pub Lions are shit because nobody knows how to properly use his ability so you use retards pop one immediately at the start of a round.

lions ability should be only used for when pushing as a group while breaching a room because it forces the enemy to not only have to run you actively get sights on when they have to run.

>try and wait the ability and end up dying
>run and get live footage of where you are at

he's really strong when you play him right.

>an entire paragraph redacted
>it's still in the document
what retard woman wrote this

>100% pick rate
>X is perfectly balanced
this is where you're wrong

People kept saying that the backstory of overwatch is what gave the characters relatability and depth. Now Siege is trying to copy them, giving all kinds of youtubers and autists fuel for fanfiction.

>responding to obvious bait

>edgy or not

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>lmfao and to think there are shitheads here defending it!
People defend him because he's broken in a coordinated team but shit otherwise. Coppers don't realize how strong his ability is because they're spamming his ability before even getting in the building.

>where's muh colors
>too edgy

Attached: 1519847036617.jpg (500x375, 40K)

Have you never actually seen a scrubbed document?

>Being this retarted

>tfw used to shill this game to all my friends on launch as a hidden gem with a good community
>now it's a dumpster fire were people leave the game after their first death, with a fucking zombie mode, and a league of legends pay model except you also have to buy the game first.

fucking kill me.

it never had a good community

Americans are known for their inferior intelligence. It's not surprising that they cannot play against Lion.

>use gore and shock images to promote the game about SWAT
>not edgy
I mean, if you're still in early teens, that must hit the spot, but not everyone here is underage.

>he never played swat 4
kill yourself my dude.

>promote a game using a serious tone
>it's too edgy


Absolutely fantastic, and one of the best operators to get rid of all the retards playing Blitz.

>first month of the game's release
>the only ones playing are people tired of counter-strike and other toxic games or people who got the game free with a nvdia GPU
>All operators were unlockable easily so no one rushed to get an op unless they were really autist about ash
>No memes or waifus, just gun-fus
>everyone was giving great intel, there were no throwers

2015, you will be missed

SWAT4 is casual trash, series died at 3.
>literal images of blown heads
>serious tone
Mature means lots of blood and boobies, amirite?

names and details are redacted, if you redact an entire sentence or god forbid a paragraph, it's simply not there

>it only works on drones
>copper who doesn't understand how good drones are
drones are like extra lives in siege and are easily the best gadget attackers have. any pro player will tell you this.

>and it still shows that you are close to the drone
if you're lurking near the objective it's ambiguous which room you're in. vigil is best used to hold down key areas like cafe on theme park or security on border. even if you're far offsite you have a massive advantage because all you have to do is hold an angle on the door while he has to guess where in the room you are as the operator with the darkest uniform in the game.

Attached: vigil laws of this land siege.png (800x587, 293K)

almost like in reality when you're shot in the head there's a shit ton of blood and not some gay pastel ultravibrant blood splatter like in babysix: siege

Oh, I forgot that guns only leave small red bullet holes in real life once one enters your skull.

>using the word "toxic" in this context unironically

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>*sips soylent*

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Happy to see my boy Blitz there, just won a game with a Blitz + Monty shield rush

/r6g/ edits give me life

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Why the fuck? Overwatch lore is pure garbage.

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>playing nu counterstrike

Attached: stop-being-sexy-mom-154197.jpg (500x667, 174K)

buff chanka

Attached: chank.png (540x941, 1.01M)

So they make 18 rated games for babies now?

Attached: 51.jpg (902x812, 101K)

Yet you’re too retarded to realize that being banned is just like owning a game that you don’t get to play

Thats a goddamn uniform, not a agent getting called for duty while lifting in the gym.

t.internet basement dweller role-playing nazi on Sup Forums hoping for a revolution while social progress continues as he slowly decays.

>t. Soyboy wannabe communist dicklet

I mean what's wrong with banning people for being cancer?

Maybe you should grow up, son.

>literally the worst word he used was faggot
this is a joke, right?
>2.5k votes
what is wrong with reddit

>playing ubishit