

Attached: 1438550432945.png (640x480, 16K)

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Is that from a videogame? Or just pixel art?

a game called space funeral

Attached: spacefuneral2.jpg (480x360, 43K)

My mind told me this was a roblox-man when I first saw this image.

Attached: roblox.png (165x183, 4K)

Looks great, amazing colour palette.

Based exclusive PC games not chained by console shit

it is

Your mother and I think you should leave.

It looks like fucking shit you numale

Nah it looks very good. The colours and the "freehand" drawing style make it look very lucid and alien.
>inb4 go back to undertale
Haven't played that shit but from what I saw that game too has some great looking parts.

Eat your greens.

Hey Mr. Jim I can see the shape you're in
Finger on your eyebrow
And left hand on your hip
Thinking that you're such a lady killer
Think you're so slick!
Brother Johnny, he caught a plane and he got on it
Now he's a razor in the wind
And he got a pistol in his pocket
They say the man is crazy on the West Coast
Lord there ain't no doubt about it!
Well allright
Sister Sue tell me baby what are we gonna do
She said take two candles,
And then you burn them out
Make a paper boat, light it and.... send it out
send it out now..
Spanish Stroll
Spanish Stroll
Spanish Stroll
Hey Rosita! Donde vas con mi carro Rosita?
tu sabes que te quiero
pero ti me quitas todo
ya te robasta mi television y mi radio
y ahora quiere llevarse mi carro
no me haga asi, rosita
ven aqui
ehi, estese aqui al lado rosita
Spanish Stroll
Mira aqui!
Hey Johny! Yeah, tenth street Johny
We've been looking for you man
Everybody told me you had moved uptown
Hey! you wanna go for a ride
I'm going uptown myself
For what?
Yeah, ain't it right?
Yeah, one time for Tito Puente, one time
Are you ready?
Yeah, of course we cannot leave out, Mr Ray Baretto
Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready?

Is this game better than undertale?

I like his style, personally

Attached: 120909_kubla.jpg (796x596, 164K)

What did you think of Space Funeral and it's fan made sequels?

What were your thoughts on pic related?

Attached: S52z1vW.png (646x511, 156K)

Is this Undertale?

>10/10 ost
>Short yet poignant story

Was Space Funeral kino?

>the ending
Yes, yes it is.

>watching this guy spaz out to those visuals and music
>implying vidya isn't art

I don't see what the big deal is about CANNIBALISM.

I drink the blood!
I smoke the weed!

Undertale and Space Funeral are really similar when you get beyond the memes. I don't know why I've never thought that before.

>the ending
I lost my shit

Attached: 2cat.jpg (184x184, 12K)

I never cared enough to finish any of them that I've tried.