Dragon Ball FighterZ

When will we learn what's in the "BIG UPDATE" they advertised in V-Jump?
It's only 7 days away!

What are you hoping is in the big update?

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I hope its some buffs to some of the more under used characters.

nerf AGohan
Nerf 2H Black

In typical ASW fashion they'll nerf 2 strong characters, leave the actual problem one alone, and nerf a weak one even

Poor tohan and krillin barely see any use

>this outsold Street Fighter V
>in like 2 weeks

it's a better game, too

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Buffs for my mains :^)

best girl when

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Krillin would need arm and leg extensions to become usable. Midget-man belongs to trash.

Make tribeam leave half the damage it does to Tien as blue life please, I don't think that would be absurd

Or why not all? At least for the level 1, level 3 can do some permanent shit.
16 can keep all of his life as blue.

How about
>Level 1 Kikoho leaves all Blue Life
>Level 3 Shin Kikoho causes permanent life loss for the first shot, all following shots leave blue health

>offline party mode
>rollback netcode or hybrid delay/rollback to please the lagbabbies
>in-game frame data and hitbox display
>Spanish dub

Any one of these would be fucking amazing.

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maybe they will finaly nerf 16

people complain about Black, but black is just a good character, he isnt broken like 16 is

So they'll nerf Cell and 16 and leave A.Gohan alone while for some reason nerfing Gotenks?

>tfw we have a DBZ and a Pokemon fighting game that are are legit both in the top 3 best FGC titles of this generation

This timeline is fucking crazy. I only wish Pokken only got as much regoncition and hype as DBFZ is.

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>Spanish dub
>expecting anything related to mexico after mexico DEFIED toey orders
i dont think you guys will EVER get the dub again
not even for the show

Tien is extremely fucking powerful please don't buff him


You actually got it right, yeah. Add in a Black nerf too.

>what's in the big update
Obviously Z-league and the first raid boss (probably Broly)

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>GODhan destroying noobs

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I've played 1v1 fighting games before but i've never played a 3v3/hyper fightter, thinking of picking thiis up on PC. is there still new/scrub players to ease myself into it playing against, and do you guys have any tips on transitioning into this style of fighting game?

How do you possibly memorize frame data and punishes given that there's like over a hundred possible combinations of a your charactter vs another character that you'll run into since bare minimum, you have 3 mains?

There will always be new players and scrubs, especially once Broly and Bardock drop next week and people pick the game up just for them/people pick those characters up with no idea how to play them optimally. And you memorize data and punishes by plyaing the game, a lot, just like a 1v1 fighter.

nappa needs buffs too honestly

Sup Forums taste for fighting games is actually disgusting, eeewwwww


Why do you post like a shill?

It would have been if Smashfags didn't sandbagged the game because it was too hard for them to learn

Dead game

Sadly it's one of the few non-dead fighting games. If it was dead, I could just not play it, but being active and good enough forces me to return to it time and time again.

Nah, it would've been if it hadn't been totally unbalanced and broken.

That's not what happened. It initially released with terrible local play options.

Are you ready for Yamoshi in the S2 of FitgherZ?

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>it's another Cell/____/Vegeta-episode
>it's another AGohan, 16 or Black episode

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>use A.Gohan/Yamcha/Vegeta
>probably going to swap Yamcha for Broly or Bardock depending on who I like more
The tears are delicious

>not playing Gotenks
do you hate fun?

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>tfw no DLC packs or free updates with more lobby characters from all of Dragon Ball, not just who's in the game

I will legitimately sacrifice a bus of children for a Boss Rabbit/Monster Carrot and some more Bulmas

>Bulma changed her look ever other fucking episode and all we get is the one milf Bulma that finally doesn't look like shit

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Broly and Bardock by themselves look like a ton of fun, but some more training mode options would be nice, and some light balance changes:
>Adult Gohan & Cell get damage nerfs; leave their combos the same but have Cell's do ~10% less damage and Gohan's do ~20% less damage (Gohan can shit a meter-positive 70% off of 2L solo, he can afford a nerf that big)
>Adult Gohan loses invincibility on his L&M DP, only EX is frame 1 invulnerable
>Vegeta assist is now the grounded version of the move, but keeps the same duration as now; easier to punish and avoid if done horizontally, but now gains some keepaway use
>16 can't get Hard Knockdown off of his grounded grab without burning meter on the EX version, and cannot double jump/airdash if he whiffs a 214L or 214M
>Black's 2H's hitbox is nerfed to be ~70% as large as it is now; assist changed to L God Slicer
Can't think of any specific buffs to the cast that are desperately needed, besides maybe Beerus balls staying onscreen if he blocks, Teen Gohan getting a good ranged option, and maybe buffing a couple Nappa normals/Saibamen.

Pokken is really cool, but I think the Team Mode DX introduced should be the meta. It's like KOF 2000's setup except you don't choose who comes out 2nd/3rd until your 1st character loses (kinda like in Pokemon games proper).

Croagunk, Empoleon, and especially Machamp are my fucking guys.

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since the z union leak was real, im guessing the raid mode will become the update along with bug fixes

I hate playing characters with garbage damage. That's why my team is gonna be Broly/Tien/16.

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Gotenks just seems kinda simple and lacking in comparison to other characters.

The only really dirty move he has is the beam cancel, and his damage is pretty meh.

The only thing I see him excelling at is being a battery and gaining meter isn't really that hard in this game.

Gotenks leads into big damage though, especially with Tien. Basic combo into ghosts into kikoho into Chiaotzu is like 8k easy. I play them together and love it.

He's really not that great. Even with the right assists his damage is mediocre as fuck and that can really hurt when you need to clinch a kill, especially when an opponent has sparking popped. Which is a shame because I fucking love Gotenks but he's only really for messing around with in casuals.

>8k for 5 bars and a one time use super
nah nigga

>with in casuals
>implying you even play in anything but casual level that is every online mode

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You're quite wrong. Gotenks is actually one of the dirtiest fucking characters in the game, but his tech is so obtuse compared to the rest of the cast and his damage is so low that people aren't really warming up to him yet. However:
>Shout Cancels into overheads faster than IADs or super quick empty lows, near impossible to see if covered by an assist
>H+S Ghost Kamikaze oki is unreflectable and has near infinite variability in timing
>Ghost Kamikaze in Z Changes allows for combo extensions with any character that has a fast Level 1
>Only character other than Cell that can naturally delay his 5H
>Best chip damage in the game by far, considering Krillin needs to burn serious meter on Kienzan chip; Miracle Super Punch is also one of the very few moves in the game that are plus on block, EX being +3
>Insane Snapback loop game, using Dynamite Kick meaties and other crazy setups after each which invariably allow him to combo into another snapback, destroying the opponent's blue life in 2 or 3 reads
>On top of all that, has a really good beam, a great 2M, and is the smallest character in the game which equals tons of combos just not working on him or being much harder to get consistently
If he didn't have shit damage he'd be busted, but I guess A. Gohan has like 80% of the mixup potential Gotenks does and has some of the best damage in the game so maybe he could use a damage buff.

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>Gotenks is actually one of the dirtiest fucking characters in the game
All of his dirt is just a worse version of Piccolo's.

But that's the thing because A.Gohan does that + is easily the most braindead character in the game
alongside with Cell and 16

he'll probably need to be in season 3 because they'll have to be planning the season 2 characters right now and the movie is still 9 months away

Piccolo has left-rights and 5S, plus Hellzone is basically a tracking Vegeta assist for a bar. His mixups are strong but not on the level of Gotenks, who doesn't rely on getting knockdowns like Piccolo; resets and chip damage are just as useful/valuable to him.

I couldn't play Gotenks because that type of character never clicks with me, but he's really strong and he's gonna blow up within the next 6 months I think, especially if ArcSys nerfs the top tiers and people scramble for new mains/meta. GO1 also stated in a recent interview (as in, immediately following his Final Round tournament win) that Gotenks is the most slept-on character in the game.

This, Gotenks would be really good if he didn't do garbage damage.
Thought about picking him on release but I don't like negative edge stuff.

This is why Tien's a great partner for him, since Gotenks builds good meter which lets you do Double Kikoho enders, essentially piling on another 2000 damage at the end of a combo.

I could see Gotenks/Tien/Vegeta being a really meta team in 6 months time.

What happened?

toei said mexico wasnt allowed to stream episode 130 of dragon ball
they did it anyway
now toei is suing mexico governament and probably will never give the rights for spic to dub again

Based spics

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Anyone unironically looking forward to waifu commentary?

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>When spics love Dragon Ball so much they're willing to cause international affairs

Jesus Christ I didn't know it was that fucking bad

Sounds good. Small chars like Kbuu and Gotenks are already good choices because of all the A.Gohan players I feel like. It's good to have a character that fucks him over right now.

Does the Wii U version still require two setups?

There are 3 mayor religions in Latin America. Catholicism, Soccer and Dragon Ball.

>tfw I main Tien/Piccolo/Gotenks
Might switch out Piccolo for Bardock if he is fun

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i would if it was free but i dont use replay enough to justify it. maybe if its really cheap though, sounds fun.

Tien's level 1 super has the best scaling in the game so it's a small price to pay for some lost health

Eww spanish is a disgusting, ugly fuickign language.

Why do you people like hearing it. Mexican goku sounds like a fucking retard.

fucking Mexicans get your own shitty internet video game board to spam 'jajaja' on with the fucking brazilians

Good, fucking wetbacks dont deserve anything unless they get rid of that disgusting fucking toucan language

Almost everything is cancellable so frame data isn't a huge factor in dbfz.

You just need to mostly know how universal stuff works like vanish attacks and dragon dash.

arcsys usually puts out a large patch note file 2-3 days prior to an update, but this is handled by bamco who may or may not go with what they do. I'm not too sure how Tekken updates are showcased but I've never heard of a change log prior to the patches date.

>Mexicans make Sup Forums triggered

Based pedros


Almost everything is safe in FighterZ, but like 5% of moves at best are plus, so anything with plus frames is a big deal. Once people start finding out how good pressure is with moves like EX Miracle Punch or Yamcha 5H they'll get some more play I think.

>Yamcha 5H

You can 2H that on reaction or Super or anything really. It's really not good for pressure unless you use it in conjunction with an assist I guess. It's only really good for catching mashers. Anyone who doesn't have the reflexes of a snail should be able to react every time.

Can you stop shilling your wishlist here?
It's been weeks already you shitskin

>Break A.Gohan's infinite blockstring
>Break Cell's corner loop
>Nerf 16's speed
>Nerf Blacku's hitboxes

>Make other assists more useful besides Vegeta and beams
>Buff T.Gohan's comboability or reach
>Buff Beerus orbs
>Make Nappa's 5S and j.5S less shit

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You what, Pokken's got an absurdly well balanced roster

The fact you need LAN sucks, but that has nothing to do with the lack of buzz forr Pokken: It's because it's too hardcore for casuals, and the FGC at large wrongly assumed it was aimed at casuals

Also Nintendo/TPCI goes out of their way to fuck the game over at every possible chance

>took two years from it's first tease before it came out, killing the buzz and having it come out at the end of the Wiiu's lifepsan
>advertise it as a casual button masher, which alienated the FGC, when in reality it WAS designed competitively, which alienated casuals
>Nintendo barely advertises it, basically only putting out a single trailer for it's announcement
>At Evo, got screwed over by Smash running overtime, so Pokken ran over, which led to other people blaiming Pokken, and Pokken was so new that nobody knew how to deal with zoning in it which led to it looking slow and too keepaway heavy
>TPCI/Nintendo don't fund/advertise major tournaments, and when they DO stream stuff, they are on a seperate Pokken channel and not the main pokemon twitch channel; and have dropped support for third party world qualifiers such as CEO
>was up against marvel for the bonus slot in 2017 evo, and would have easily won the spot if it was up against anything else, since it was a full 50k dollars ahead of the third place winner
>held back DLC for the switch version, causing it to lose momentum
>when the switch version was announced, they focused the entire direct on it when people were expecting a mainline switch announcement, so everybody was mad as fuck at DX for hogging the spotlight
>DX seems like it'd be supported thnaks to Nintendo VS but then they didn't even post footage from their promo event at PAX or the character trailers from the japanese channel
>Evo japan treated it as a side event even though it was officially run and was on the main stage
>Made aegislash/blastoise paid DLC

Yamcha 5H is a ground move, 2H doesn't give immunity against it. You can super it sure, but if you block, the 5H is plus on block.

So what teams does Sup Forums play - I'm curious.

Nappa/A16 no shame, I played him since launch before he became known as top tier / Vegeta because both of his assist being retarded and canonical duo funsies

All thanks to El Especialista...

I'm going to use 16 AND Broly when the DLC drops for maximum command grab fuckery and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>no Bulma because her voice actress is dead
till sad

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>tfw i will be able to destroy scrubs with GODhan while Videl compliments me
Fucking awesome

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Bluegeta/Yamcha/Adult Gohan

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Most 2Hs will still beat it out though if timed right. It may be plus on block but my point is that it's incredibly easy to react to and will only catch most people if they're trying to mash out of the blockstring. Yamcha is part of my main team and anyone yellow square of above usually blows me the fuck out if I try to use 5H during pressure. And no I'm not just throwing it out randomly. The window to react to it is huge for anyone not asleep at their controller.

>When you feel yourself unlocking Calvo while at a dinner party

He's even looking at the top of his own head, lmao

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>any tips on transitioning into this style of fighting game?
In a lot of cases, most normal attacks in a hyper fighter are negative on block, what makes them safe are the pushback on block on most big attacks at the end of your blockstring putting you way outside the reach of fast attacks. As a result, frame data isn't such a big factor as it would be in something like Street Fighter; it's far more important to understand how your character(s) manage space.

For example, unlike most rushdown characters who love to just stay in your face, Ginyu and Beerus's entire pressure game is designed around the pushback of specific moves that allows them to use their unique tools.
Ginyu's Strong Jersey pushes him way back, and he can cancel immediately into summoning a member of the Ginyu Force.
Beerus ends a blockstring with his standing heavy and that gives him the distance and time to spawn some orbs of destruction.

Based Especialista

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How to fix Nappa (and 16)
>Remove Armor from 16's heavy moves
>Give armor to Nappa's 5H
>Also make his 2H hit a much wider area

>How do you memorize frame data and punishes given

I play Ginyu, I summon my boys while flinging myself across the screen and then react to what I force member I got and go into a sort of ginyu force/assist spam nonsense.

All this while teleporting around looking for a safe space to pose dealing with some dude constantly rushing me and his assists.

>At the start I couldn't see shit
>Then I unfocused my eyes
>And put Cell on my team

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I really hope they keep this art style for the super anime follow-up. A simple and flowing art style is exactly what DBZ needs right now.

Mexico was fucking advertising Goku vs Jiren with huge posters like it was the MMA fight of the century. Strip clubs were offering free lap dances if Goku won.

Cell/Black/SSVegeta because the team is just too fun.
I play some Bluegeta/SSVegeta/Kbuu as well though, but my Kbuu is not ready yet so I still replace him with Black for the time being.

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Toei only puts money and good stylization into movies, and even then sometimes only money. They're putting serious effort into this movie because Super is ending and they can focus on it. Meanwhile almost every One Piece movie looks as good as that teaser.

16/Nappa/Vegeta as well since the beta. Might drop Nappa for Broly when he releases

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This the first time i've posted this though LMAO

>Future Trunks was always my favorite DBZ character because he was always doing shit like "wtf are u retards doing stop being so anime"
>Didn't get to buy Fighterz at launch because unlike my nearly 30 mooching friends who still live at home I had other bills first
>At this point they're all super gods so when I finally bought it a week ago they completely rape me, no lube
>Tell them I'm going to play as Trunks because I like him and not for any real reason
>muh mixups, muh this and that, whatever else they're quoting from Max this week
>Finally get in a single win, not even a streak, just finally win for once
>Suddenly they're all watching videos and shit to learn how to counter Trunks

I don't know why that shit annoys and bothers me like it does

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Can't wait to go Bardock/Broly/Gohan

Well, get better and blow them up if it annoys you that much.

Good thing you got 2 other characters then.

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Fatbuu/SSvegeta/someone else
Have been changing the third character but I just dont find one that suits me.