Did this get fixed?

Did this get fixed?

Attached: 220px-Acunity.jpg (220x249, 21K)

Yeah, mostly.

Shame those fixes came after the game was a distant memory because it's actually one of the better AC games.

They fixed most of the technical issues. They never bothered fixing the gameplay being shit.

Is it better than Black Flag?

I hate the meme of releasing games completely broken and then fixing them after everyone has stopped caring.
Happened with Diablo and Division.

>can run Origins at 1080p/60fps with mostly everything on High
>can barely run Unity at 50fps with everything on Medium
Paris is gorgeous but fuck the port.

The only AC close to Black Flag is AC:O

Unity and the other one in london are too boring and simple.

do you think Black Flag > II?

Are you allowed to do that? I mean, I know you're only being paid to market Origins, but you're not allowed to slag off the other ones, are you?

Long ago.

Attached: ACtier.png (1070x898, 764K)

that is some solid bait

Attached: 1373666568456.jpg (499x360, 125K)

But don’t buy it. One of the most important aspect of the game is playing co op misisons and I doubt you can find someone to play them with. Completing co op missions will give you points and those points are used to upgrade. Stupid feature I know

Some user told me you can do co-op missions solo.
I still don't know whether I should pirate it or not. Maybe one dday I'll scrape up enough money to buy it and get a friend to play it with.

I've installed it right after playing the pirated Origins.
No, they didn't fix it. It still randomly starts to stutter. During these stutters your character loses all connection to world and can get stuck in the walls, ropes and fall through textures.

It was fixed a long time ago. For me, it never needed fixing anyway because I fucking went through an entire playthrough on release day without experiencing a single fucking bug.

too bad they didn't fix the shit plot and predictable shlock of an ending.


Attached: Real Version.png (1068x386, 539K)

do they still have the futurist shit segments nowadays? did they start to drop that yet?

You can play co-op missions solo, but most of them a tuned for 4 people. So you'll have to show some skill or come back outgearing everything.
If you're gonna pirate it, don't forget to get a "everything unlocked" low sync save. Half of the gear and chests are locked behind online club bullshit, that's impossible to do.

unironically agree with this

people need to learn to rate objectively and not let nostalgia blind them

Literally the worst taste have a (you)

2 up to mid, brotherhood up to low, 3 down to shit and u've pretty much got it desu

I replayed it recently and it's mostly fixed
still bumped into a handful of bugs and various mission restart

Origins>Black Flag> Syndicate>Rogue>AC2>the Rest