Why does it feel like people disprove of every minor thing I do, when none of those things are really important...

Why does it feel like people disprove of every minor thing I do, when none of those things are really important. For example, somebody will be offended by this thread, even though you could just hide it.

Anyways, what video game will encourage me instead of constantly insulting and judging me over nothing?

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I’d rather waste my time berating you for being a humongous faggot than hiding your shit thread

well what exactly did i do?

Your delicate sensibilities and susceptibility to adverse comments aren't welcome here. As for the real world, it's probably because of your lack of self confidence.
That being said, go play Godhand or any absurd power grasp fantasy genre where you bully and beat the weak constantly.

Nothing in particular.

You complained about how people don't like you. Which makes you a faggot

woah woah woah woah, i don't want to be like them. beating people up is never the solution.

kill yourself faggot, not videogames.

>beating people up is never the solution.
It's always the solution if you can get away with it. Such as those people who verbally/mentally/emotionally beat you up.

self esteem is very important. not condoning codependency but even if you can't find something you like in yourself you can admire those things in other people and in time you'll adopt those qualities

You raised your head to look around. Don't blame the world if what you find doesn't satisfy you

chances are people don't think about you nearly as much as you think they do


i am very compelled to please everyone and i do not like or understand when i upset someone because i am never trying to do so

You killed a thread for this

Well, it could have been a sans for smash thread.

"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete"

I mean, Of course people will disapprove of this thread
This is a video games board and here you are wanting us to talk about YOU
Not about video games, Not about your habit but about you.

Even hiding still expresses disapproval, I'm not offended by your thread I just don't think you you're worth having a thread over.

battlefield. with 64 players you're just more fodder for the meat grinder

Why should I hide it when I know YOU exist?

Nah you're cool


Stop letting compassion rule your happiness. You're someone that relies on others to make yourself happy.