Literally twice as many on the left side

>literally twice as many on the left side

uhhhhhhhh overbabs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You leave lucio out of this you faggot.

TF2 is dead

who even plays that shit anymore ?

You can argue literally every hero except for Genji and doomfist are low skill

>soldier 76
>high skill


genji and doomfist don't even require aim, they are low skill heroes

Contractually obligated streamers and those who belong to Korean tech giants.

>if I don't like a hero it means they're "braindead"
Have these (You)(You)(You)s

Zarya main here. She doesn't take high skill. I'd say 'moderate', but only in that you need good positioning and keen awareness in order to bubble the right hero at the right time, but it's really not that hard.

You don't need aim with Zarya. Same goes for Tracer and Doomfist, and to an extent, soldier and Genji.

Ana/McCree def take some degree of skill though.

The only heroes that take skill are genji and tracer due to requiring good tracking whilst moving and blinking all over the fucking place, but people who master this make the heroes OP. Mccree and widowmaker are the next tier since they rely mostly on headshots. Every other hero is pretty braindead

The fucking feminists want those dirty casuals touching our games

soldier and zarja high skill looooooool give me a break

>winston requires you to be working with your team at all times and dedicating yourself to your jump and shield so that if you misuse them you're instagibbed or completely useless
>genji is a little faggot that can engage and disengage whenever the fuck he wants and doesn't have to dedicate himself to anything yet can still have more of an impact than most of the roster at all times
>genji is always stated as needing more skill than winston because of muh aim when shurikans are easy as fuck to land, have infinite range and the game is significantly more demanding on positioning and teamwork over aiming anyway

>winston requires you to be working with your team at all times

Unless he's played abit differently now Winston was about working as a blackline tank, Not with your team.
You jump in, Do some damage, Drop your shield when you're in a good spot and dance around it abit while trying to take out squishy and jump back out again when you're low.
He wasn't really about working WITH his team he was more of a bruiser.

>plays brainletwatch

>there are 8 (eight) characters that don't need to aim to kill in an fps


literally only widow, 76, mccree and tracer require actual aim

maybe ana

>low skill

get the fuck out of here every hero deserves to be on the left apart from pharah

This better be bait, if it's not please get your head checked
>Requiring literally any skill
It's funny how Blizzard made the monkey hero playable for actual monkeys

>only healers that need skill are Ana and Zen
>braindead healbot Mercy is still better in every way

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>calling Winston braindead
That really depends. Are you talking about silver rating games in competitive mode, or a tournament setting with a team?
In the latter, decision making is the thing that separates good and bad Winston players.
But in the former, I could maybe see how jumping in, killing a squishy hero like genji and jumping out unpunished might be called "braindead".

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This is OP . He never left the gold rank and he is trying to bait in Sup Forums. Say something nice about him.

>needing to aim
full auto in the general direction of someone's head, at least one shot will land and that's all it takes given you're going to rocket every person you see beforehand.

How do you know his rank? Are you just projecting?

he requires aim above diamond

>full auto

t. OP

>spamming rockets at the ground

More than half of the right are worthless outside of the hands of an absolute master of the character, and more than half of the left are useful even if I'm forced to carry for them. I'll take the left over the right infinite amounts of times over scrubs picking up the right to look so ebin and losing the game.

how is he low skill? he is one of the few heroes whose usefulness comes from his ability to aim instead of using braindead crowd control aoe abilities


The whole fucking game is nothing but low skill trash

Kill yourself

winston these days literally decides how to dive and is the backbone of any decent team's decision making

>holding right click

It's an FP game but not every character is a shooting character. Some are close ranged and have to manage space instead of accuracy

He's literally point and click you retard

>Genji does not require aim

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>Need to aim
>Ulti is literally an aimbot

Nice try gramps

spamming shurikens is just to farm ult, he gets kills from his blade and dash which are both no aim abilities

spamming shurikens isn't exactly high skill aiming anyway

>doesn't need to aim 5% of the time so doesn't need to aim at all

>Near-instant reload
>Throws 3 projectiles at a time
>Each projectile has the hitbox of a bowling ball
>If anyone gets anywhere near you, right click for a 50% increase in DPS that's easier to land
>Dash turns him into a freight-train sized hitbox that will chunk everything in a hallway
>Ult hits almost 360 degrees around him and 2-shots most classes

Wow, it's so fucking hard to aim an auto weapon with high dps.
Holy shit, McCree and Widowmaker ain't shit, my hitscam high damage fast shooting weapon require lots of fuckong training.

I think you are confused user.
It's not that he requires skill to aim. He just requires little below average tracking.
What happens is that most characters don't require shit.
Compare it to literally any other fps, he would be among the easiest characters to use

any decent soldier player burst fires most of the time, and having to actually track while aiming is harder than point and click flicking

>high skill

Literally all you have to do is poke their healers until your ultimate is ready then you slice and dice. He's almost as no skill as Junkrat.

they all have their quirks

genji can be played in a no brain style just farming ult from afar, then relying on his blade like a crutch to get a kill or two, but the really good ones will absolutely delete you if you have low hp if they're allowed to get close, played against munchkin in deathmatch and if he had his dash available he'd instagib me if i let him get close

people talk about mccrees flashbang being cheap, and it is a free kill on squishy heroes, but if you don't have amazing aim and positioning you're going to be fucked with any dive hero with a brain

soldier has a much more friendly kit, and he has a lot more ways to escape situations, but his positioning, mechanics, and rocket usage are all really important

it's actually embarassing how bad almost every tracer bronze-diamond is, and how many aren't even very good master-top 500, but at the same time, it's absolutely insane how effective she can be at high level by people who can really use her well, if you have poor timing and bad awareness you'll get insta gibbed by mccree/soldier in particular

honestly, some heroes are a lot more forgiving than others, but there's a striking difference between someone really good with a hero, and someone bad

not many of you faggots probably watched, but during the last world cup of overwatch, some of the countries had absolutely terrible mercy healers, and it was absolutely pathetic/game changing how bad some of them were compared to others, and she is one of the most noob friendly/boostable heroes

aim is important, but awareness/positioning is so important in overwatch because there's so many dumb ways and heroes that can punish you, tank mains are probably the unsung heroes, especially in dive vs dive, if they can't peel/coordinate it's just a slaughter usually lol, they basically enable your healers/dps, they're dead/useless without good tanks against certain comps

If you can only get kills with Dragonblade, you shouldn't play Genji.

I guess top 500 should just quit then, right?

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>high skill


Pretty much this.

76 and Tracer can easily just hold down left click and secure a shitton of damage by vaugley aiming at the enemy. People highly overestimate the skill they need to play these heroes. Same shit with Genji, people just assume he's super hard to play when he's pretty braindead.

>any decent soldier player burst fires most of the time

Show me a video of a high level soldier actually burst firing and going for headshots over consistent body shots then, because all the ones I've seen have just held down left click at medium range and have only gone for body shots.

this is true, can confirm
t. dva main shitter

>Show me a video of a high level soldier actually burst firing and going for headshots over consistent body shots then, because all the ones I've seen have just held down left click at medium range and have only gone for body shots.
dafran on twitch, any soldier main in overwatch league like akm

>76 and Tracer can easily just hold down left click and secure a shitton of damage by vaugley aiming at the enemy.
at low ranks maybe, you need aim to actually be good with them

Not in Tracer's case, because her blinks allow her to press her pistols to the back of the enemy's head and then blink/rewind out if they don't die in one volley.

since when are doomfist and soldier high skill

Watched half of this, every time he sees an enemy he just holds down left click and spams. The only time he "bursts" is when the enemy breaks line of sight, otherwise he just constantly spams and aims vaguely at the head and body.

There's a reason why Soldier was universally considered low skill when McCree was a more viable damage dealer.

Tracer requires even less aim than soldier, she just requires better positioning which is why she has the tools to do this. if she gets in close she can hold left click on an enemies body and they'll melt away within seconds due to her high rate of fire and spread.

None of the heroes in this game are 'high-skill'
It's not a high-skill game. End of.

>implying you don't need mad skills to lock in brigitte before the other 5 players on your team

I guess someone might debate soldier not being high skill but saying doomfist just shows you're a brainlet

what games do you consider high-skill mr.genius

>High skill
>Aimbot is high skill

Overwatch was not designed to be a showcase of high skill. You are playing the wrong video game if this is what you want.

literally no reason to burst fire, theres no recoil on soldier76...

sombra requires skill

the only real character division is "instapick" and "get that ass banned"

>Soldier 76
>the character the game gives you in the tutorial
>High Skill

>"braindeas hero"
Imma need you to go kill yourself, my man

is paladins actually any good guys

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>no recoil on soldier76..
are you retarded?

There is no high skill heroes in overwatch. It was designed to be easy to pick up and "master"


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Needs 4 categories
High & Low skill
Good & Bad

Mei is literally the most skill required hero in the game.


Not fixed enough.

Any game where winning goes beyond memorizing and executing the meta dance marginally better (or not, and RNG lets you win)

Her ult is brain dead as fuck, and no Mei player out there gets the bulk of their damage from her icicles.


He has an automatic weapon that has spread, you just need to keep your crosshair center mass while holding left click and you will deal big damage to enemies.

t. silver

>High skill heroes

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So, no games ever? Gotcha.

Good job proving me wrong there champ.
So most of these. underage get out

Battlefield 2142 Digital Illusions CE OSX, WIN 2006-10-18
Battlefield: Bad Company Digital Illusions CE PS3, X360 2008-06-23
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Digital Illusions CE iPhone, PS3, WIN, X360

Crysis Crytek PS3, WIN, X360 2007-11-13
Crysis Warhead Crytek Budapest WIN 2008-09-12
Crysis 2 Crytek, Crytek UK PS3, WIN, X360 2011-03-22
Crysis 3 Crytek PS3, WIN, X360

Halo 2 Bungie Studios WIN, XBOX 2004-11-09
Halo 3 Bungie Studios X360 2007-09-25
Halo 3: ODST Bungie Studios X360 2009-09-22
Halo: Reach Bungie Studios X360 2010-09-14
Halo 4 343 Industries X360 2012-11-06
Halo 5: Guardians 343 Industries XONE

one time I have to agree with the retardo wojak poster

t. increasingly butthurt silver

>All of them rely on memorizing meta.

>high skill
>high skill is determined by heroes that you actually have to aim the mouse to play
>aiming in a slow shooter with retarded big hitboxes now counts as high skill
there is not a single high skill hero in any hero shooter you fucking mongoloid

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>The majority of players playing all of these games had maximal opportunity to showcase their finite skill.
>Majority of players playing OW can't express skill b/c they will be instagibbed for stepping outside of the meta

>Matchmaking for players highly non-competitive and very rarely would most of a server perform 'meta.'
>Matchmaking in overwatch is about ranking, and players strive to find and conform to 'meta'

>Even still, 'meta' results in skill checks, where the more skillful player comes out ahead a significant portion of the time
>OW meta only demands skill to a low ceiling, then the more skillful player stops consistently coming out ahead.

Im sure there are more people playing this than any of your favorite games

Same way so many people watch hearthstone on twitch?

>player count determines how good a game is
i guess candy crush and whatever other flavor of the month handheld gacha game is the best game ever made faggot

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yes you colossal retard, no one cares about your subjective feefees

active players > owners > metacritic ratings > your retarded weeb opinions

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>tfw Ana only

no other hero compared to her in terms of skill and enjoyment

no u

fuck off you hook nosed kike, consumer numbers does not equate to high quality or Mcdonalds would be the best restaurant in the world

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>uses Sup Forumsmemes
>is literally retarded


>the jew recoils in pain as you name him
the only pottery here is how fucking retarded you corporate kike shills are, this is why your places of employment keep going bankrupt and being bought up by bigger companies.

>high skill

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