Damn, Boogie looks like THAT?
Damn, Boogie looks like THAT?
>still have manboobs
that's what every "body positive" fat guy thinks they look like
what the fuck is up with his mouth
doesn't even have lips it's just some black shit
>Being this retarded
holy shit how sheltered
you making fun of the flavor saver?
why did they depict him with a keyblade?
Why is his lower body getting sucked up by a black hole?
that's the key to his fridge
>not why is his lower body sucking in light rendering it invisible
>coming at you live once again
is that a suicide joke?
Jesus Christ this is just embarrassing.
..Is somebody gonna tell him?
>Boogie, you don’t look like that..
That's what he says is the body ideal he's aiming for with his weight loss.
Yes, he really is a delusional fat fuck.
That morbidly obese manchild is still alive???
At this rate I would say that's not too far off
I will beat you upside the head.
Supposedly it was made by a fan as an encouragement to shape-up.
That said he seems severely delusional either way.
Hes not far off from looking like a heavyweight bodybuilder? Fuck off. Hes a little less ugly as fuck though, I’ll give you that.
How do you read this pic?
>no Indiana Jones world
Watch him get big or even bigger. He's depressed as fuck and I doubt he has the mental fortitude to fight his depression without food.
Put me in the screencap
every thread
You're autism is impressive. But it won't last.
>coming at you live through the POWER of the internet
This is such a dead meme holy fucking shit
Instead of putting in the screencap, put me in
He has his stomache stapled like Al Roker. He's physically unable to eat enough to get as fat as he used to be.
>that's what every "body positive" fat guy thinks they look like
People joke, but this isn't far off. A few guys in my gym got fucking pissed at this fat fuck the other day for saying his "abs were starting to come into view" and now he works out shirtless.
>be muscular as fuck
>feel fat and shitty
>be a fat fuck
>think you're hot shit
I don't get it.
he fuckin cant hes unable because of his sewed stomatch
He literally can't or else he would die. Besides hes actually been pretty positive lately. The dudes made great progress over the past year you have to give him that.
Its an ejaculation joke obviously.
Not hard to lose weight when they surgically reduce the capacity of your stomache by 30%.
Where's the six pack? Did he drink it?
Oh, on a technical level it is possible, It will just burst and painfully kill him.
Yes, people do that after getting the staples, Medbros told me stories about it and it ain't pretty, sometimes even WHILE THEY ARE IN THE HOSPITAL because family smuggles food for em.
>boogie is still alive while aniki died