Does your girlfriend care when you play games with this aesthetic?

Does your girlfriend care when you play games with this aesthetic?

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what girlfriend

my boyfriend watches me masturbate

>gf gives me shit for weeb trash
>got her to start saying "uwu" out of habit the other day

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yes since she's in the game

>your girlfriend

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My what?

She gets pissy whenever I do anything related to anime titties.

>not owo what's this
You had one job

What are you hoping to achieve with this thread?
Another self-pity circlejerk /r9k/ thread?
I'm probably one of the biggest losers in this place and even I'm sick and tired of these.

>Implying i am still attracted to 3DPD


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Not really, I just buy her a new teddy bear and turn on old Blue's Clues while I masturbate in her hair

Baby steps user, baby steps.
She called me senpai the other day, she's past the brink of return.

The (you)s must flow

Nah she doesn't care. She jokingly asked if I preferred anime girls to her once, but then I reminded her I don't fondle anime girls' boobs every night. It helps that once you get a girlfriend, anime starts looking fake and gay.

That said, I recently explained what a healslut was after a dungeon we played together on wow, and the past week she's been hunting down slutty transmog for her new healer...

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My girlfriend comes from a game with this aesthetic

My right hand really doesn't give a shit

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My girlfriend is the designated weeb of the couple
>mfw she was selling me on the deep philosophical subtext of NierAutomata while also complaining she doesn't have the ass to cosplay toobee

Real women were a mistake

Go to a gym with her and get her that ass

>The majority of Sup Forums has girlfriends
I need to go, I don't feel home here. I thought this was Sup Forums.

Only your mom was

>only normies can have significant others
Yeah, you really need to go. Maybe reddit or resetera is more your thing. A place for broken losers.

No because my girlfriend has the same aesthetic.

i see a lot more posts of people saying they don't than ones that say they do. so we're still safe here

This place has been shit for years idk why are you surprised

she has a terminal case of sticc as well as the willpower and energy level of your average weeb
i'm afraid she's hopeless

Nobody does. I can do and play what I want, since I'm single.

Come to Sup Forums, we are all virgins there

only normalfaggots go there

She'd get an ass if a real man asked her to

>believing lies on the internet

you're provoking me into posting butt pics of my girlfriend, aren't you?

You can't have a gf and not be a normie

Nope, my wife actually likes anime and vidya a lot too, I never would have dated her if she didn't. I was a permavirgin before we met about 10 years ago, and honestly has no interest in dating at all, so I was both suprised and really autistically upfront with her about my love of anime titties and that that was not gonna change one bit if we started dating. She actually likes a lot of the characters too, thinks a bunch of anime characters are hot, too, and buys me anime girl figures for Christmas and birthdays all the time. I'd literally never fucking deal with some cunt bitching about my anime girls, fuck that. I'd much, much rather be single.

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Nah. Fortunately she's nonexistent.

She's already in the game, so no.

Genuinely curious how you met

>having a GF
>not just going to a brothel once a week
still end up being fucked out of all your money

No because she is 2D as well

>Family makes fun of me for being a virgin

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if your girlfriend is not a normie then you can't be a normie either

Damn, that's cool.

Haha I'm such a neet I spend all my salary on games xD

>implying people tell the truth on Sup Forums

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oya? How long u been here bud?

How did you even get a girlfriend?
Are you normies?


When I was in middle school I told a girl I liked her. She kindly rejected me. I never tried getting a gf again out of fear of getting hurt.

>How did you even get a girlfriend?
I clicked on a popup that said there are horny singles in my area, week later I was married

nah, if anything normalfags like you need to piss off back to plebbit

mutual friend introduced us

>A place for broken losers
Retarded invader doesn't understand where he's posting. You're fucking obnoxious

How do I get a girlfriend?


Do you even try to use that pea sized brain of yours before spouting your retarded nonsense?

Very tall and good looking. Girls are shallow too. You're only gonna get ones with mental issues that make you wanna kill yourself but it's worth it :^)

his main boards are Sup Forums and /r9k/, don't be mean


so you are a normalfag

And how did you make a friend in the first place?
Seems like a more logical place to start.

>If your gf is not a normie, then you are not normal
>You can be a neet even if you have a job
Same logic