God of War

>make a fun hack and slash game where you kill gods and are an unstoppable force of rage
>games do well
>make sequels
>games do well
>gee I wonder what we should do next
>how about an over the shoulder walking simulator with a heavy focus on slow father-son bonding, less weapons and less depth to combat?
>great idea
Lmao at any long time GoW fans. Enjoy your """game"""

Attached: GOW-OG-image.jpg (1200x630, 333K)

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I want to protect shotas, but making it God of War was fucking dumb.

yeah, this is a really weird change up in gameplay. It looks like last of us+normiefied soulsborne combat

>change game because the old formula was done to death and got stale by Ascension a game that sold much worse
>it sells a ton

You are retarded OP

>change game because the old formula was done to death and got stale by Ascension
Ascension sold badly because it changed the formula retard.

wife's son

Making sequels with unique gameplay confuses nintendorks i see

because this formula wasn't done do death?
it has craftable gear for fuck's sake

OP is underage who has never played a GoW and certainly never heard of Ascension.

God of War is just boring to me. There are better hack and slash games out there. Still doesn't change what a ridiculous and out of place installment the nee GoW will be.

Attached: 1517136039251.gif (134x276, 945K)

>make a fun hack and slash game

Is this Sup Forums contrarianism or did you actually find it fun?

Then why do you care about the series so much? Oh because shitposting...

Who said I was defending nu GoW? I was pointing out people saying the old formula was stale were retarded.

Sup Forums has always hated on the GoW series. But now the all the sudden care? I smell salt in the air.


Attached: SOOOOOOOOOY.jpg (820x460, 98K)

>walking simulator
Don't use terms if you don't know what they mean


More gameplay and things to do than sea of soy pajeet.

I bet hes shitting himself now after the previews. That should stick to shilling re6.

>make a fun hack and slash game

are we talking about the games that were a QTEfest?

>less depth to combat
The type of aerial combos you could do were pretty limited already, so besides that nothing has changed. I think the axe is more interesting than any weapon they've done before.

this board is funny. I remember GoW getting shitted on for being hack and slash. Nobody knows gamers, not even themselves.


How many times, does he say "cinematic"?