What race do you prefer playing as in vidya?

What race do you prefer playing as in vidya?

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>tfw anglo saxon, keltic nordid, north atlantid amerimutt

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white, non american

Beast races.

Black, unironically, dont know why

>most of those are qts
>realize my standards are so low that "average symmetric face" is enough to find a grill cute

>tfw no good Turkic games apart from Total War: Attila

Attached: Mongolian Dude.png (96x94, 27K)

Hello fellow Finn

>Decide to play as African looking character
>Game doesn't have actual dark skin only what could pass as a tan

Playing as a monkey is fun


They all look the same.

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Beast or reptile races. Or tan girl with red hair.

>Iron Man
>gay Spock
>new Kirk
>Chris Evans
Someone help me out here

Nordic white
big fucking gray beard
angry eyebrows
scar on cheek
Uses big fucking swords and a slight bit of miracles

I don't see it

Why does it matter? Why are you obsessed with race?


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giga negro

Sup Forums - race vars

Male: dorf > nigga > generic dalofaelid fps protag > other > shit > furshit > scaleshit
Female: dorf if she has beard > catgirl > lizard > generic north atlantid fps protag > other

First one is Jude Law second one is dude from supernatural I think

But all of those pictures have the same neck and suit.

>Jude Law
No way
>dude from supernatural
Oh yeah so it is

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I go with elves>cute beast race>beast race>humanoid race>humans>uggos usually.

Main exceptions being PSO2 (made a CAST and a fat Mexican), Guild Wars 2 (all races are shit) and Divinity OS2 (elves count as uggos in this game, went with undead human)

Im becoming really affectionate about the Japanese. NOT anime, i mean genuine attempts at trying to make actual Japanese

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reee fuck you purest white genes

The Great Genghis accepted all people under his rule as long as they bowed when first asked to. If you refuse to bow then you get fucked tho.

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I kinda feel like this too, from their clusterfuck of a language to their weird culture, Japan is so, interesting. I wish I could have visited the fish market before it closed.

Go home, GI.

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my own

>human only option

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OP said race, not species

I find Korea much more interesting. A small nation of culture and science that somehow survived next to China and then Japan. On top of that they have like the youngest writing system in the world, only some 400 hundred years old and its easy as fuck to learn.

And their girls are so... goofy, but horny and fun and they grow their pubic gair out. I really like em. I like girls with big teeth.

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I don't know much about korea to talk about it, but I do know they have some hot guys.

>too lazy to go see myself in mirror
>whip out phone and use front camera
>never used it before
>turns out it has face detection with age estimation
>it gives me 33 years
>I'm 21

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>somehow survived next to China and then Japan
That's a quite silly way to put it, considering it was part of either one's sphere of influence for most of its history

What is the purpose of the blur on the photos, anyway?

Welcome to the internet, newfriend. It's the average face for each region, meaning they took a bunch of pictures and merged them together. If some pic has a facial feature that others don't share, it slowly gets washed out


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Second row is objectively the best looking.

Alright whitebois, who here is a mutt? Spic mixed with Brit here. Strangely I hate tea and spicy food.

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I don't have a favorite

Vietnamese-American here. I look too much like Elliot Rodgers.

lowest int race so I can experience the oogabooga life

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and how often race and species used equivalently here?

cute asian girl

Because all the faces have been shopped unto another face.

No your standards are fine. Some of those grills are 10/10s.

Don't care. Aslong as they're not coons and sandpeople.

these faces are extremely edited.

>europeans realized the "fat american" stereotype isn't even true because america is barely in the top 10 fattest countries, and dozens of countries are close to follow
>europeans struggle to think of a single thing to make fun of americans for
>enter unfunny amerimutt meme
>force the meme as hard as possible
>vast majority of americans are only confused by this joke because it makes no sense to them, they are barely even mixed
>mexicans living in america get butthurt because this "amerimutt" stereotype looks like them

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Dude, Elliot could have gotten mad pussy if he wasn't an autistic coward. If you look like him, just take a shower and ask a girl out.

It was rarely an independent Nation. Hell, Japs owned the place for a good 100 years until ww2

How many Americans did you poll to obtain a signifcant enough sample that you can state the "vast majority of americans are only confused by this joke"?

Europeans need a coping method while they slowly sink from the world spotlight.

what poll did you use to obtain a sample that every American is only 56% white?

Well, 35ish years.

Why are atlantid the best looking?

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Asian, but I'm black IRL.

>not mediterranid

Europeans are better and more suscesfull

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>most mega-corporation are American based
>most Americans have a higher income rate
Yeah man sure.

...As migrants flood your streets and martial law is declared in more than one of the core EU nations

>As migrants flood your streets
what is this meme
I almost never see migrants, only in major shitty cities

They have some quite interesting history. They had their own 'three kingdom's' period with 3 different states each rising to power at some point in their history until one finally took control of it all. Also in some points they've been strong enough to fight against Chinese and even win to some extent.

Sure but they still retained their country, language, culture and identity. I guess in a way as a Finn I feel like the two countries have been through similar shit being between two much stronger nations for most of their history.

Chinese never actually conquered all of it. Sure for most of history they paid tribute to whatever Chink dynasty was at power at the time but that's still different. And like the other user pointed out, Japs didn't control it that long. Actually their earlier attempt at an invasion was absolutely BTFO'd by one crazy Admiral in the Korean fleet.