*ruins everything for everyone in multiple eras and dimensions plus powering up a planet destroying flea*

*ruins everything for everyone in multiple eras and dimensions plus powering up a planet destroying flea*
so this is the power of women leaders, huh

Attached: default_Queen_Zeal.png (420x480, 347K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cross isn't canon

>puppet ruler king who doesn't even know his chancellor is a giant monster deer tick and is content to run kangaroo courts instead of listening to reason

Chrono Trigger didn't have any good leaders.

I mean she got some damn good results.

it wasn't her fault, lavos told her to do it and because shes so independant after her husband died she had to dndafsdfjknc

would still fug

Ayla was a pretty good chief. Not her fault Lavos caused the ice age


Unfortunately, you're wrong.

Hot, though

>Schala: I won't activate the Mammon Machine!
>Dalton: Schala, activate it OR ELSE!
>Schala: o-okay...
>Zeal: Schala, increase the power input on the Mammon Machine
>Schala: I won't, it's wrong!
>Schala: o-okay...
I mean, all she had to do was take her own life, Schala is partly responsible for all this mess, and so is Magus, as he could've done plenty of things to stop it but decided to play the false prophet shit.

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Well she succeeded for a time. Managed to destroy the world and remain immortal for thousands of years

I don't think I've ever seen official art of her before

Azala was also a good chief and only called down the red star when it was clear her people were doomed.

What could have Janus done anyways?

Janus? Not much.
Magus disguised as the prophet? Stop Zeal instead of waiting for Lavos to be summoned and attempt his revenge.
How stupid is he to think stabbing it in the face with a red stick would be enough to kill it?

Killed Dalton, rebelled against his mother, destroyed the machine or at the very least dropped the act and told everyone about the whole shitshow that would ensue if they didn't stop that retarded plan. If anyone dared doubt his identity, all he had to do was give hard proof using his OP magic skills, since the game even spills to the player that he's stronger than his sister ever would be.

There was no logical reason at all for him to keep quiet like that, or at least didn't warn his sister, it was retarded and a big plot hole in CT.

According to the original devs of cross, the people who actually made the game and know the intentions behind it, cross is not canon as a direct sequel to trigger. Instead, it was intended to be a different universe to trigger in the same way all the mainline final fantasy games were to each other.

According to SquareEnix, a shitty port-producing company that has ruined more classic squaresoft games than EA has destroyed smaller gaming companies, cross is a direct sequel to trigger after they had to add extra content to the DS port to justify their lack of understanding of cross's purpose as a game.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

Good thing people should only play the original snes version

in my mind is not real

In CT it was just back in forth in time, but CC went to alternate dimensions, so this makes it pointless to argue about it being canon or not. It could be or not, even if it does, it doesn't necessarily mean much to CT's dimension, that's how I see it, at least.

No it's cool, he hadn't joined the party yet so he was still high level and had all his skills.

I would assume his plan was to kill Lavos and then disappear letting his sister and himself live their life, and he knew attempting to interact with Schala would have undermined his will to see this through.

I can agree with that. For all we know trigger could took place in a different dimension than home world/another world/dinopolis world.

Whether or not Cross is canon is up for debate, but one thing that can't be denied is that OST is god tier.

Cross is a fantastic game, I wish more people would realize that you can enjoy both Trigger and Cross, and not like just one.


Cross shots the bed when it comes to story, has too many characters and a lengthy (albeit intresting) combat system. It's good but it's not fantastic by any means

LOL. Giving men orgasms doesn’t matter.

>According to the original devs of cross, the people who actually made the game and know the intentions behind it, cross is not canon as a direct sequel to trigger. Instead, it was intended to be a different universe to trigger in the same way all the mainline final fantasy games were to each other.
Source: My Ass

Chrono Cross was written and directed by the main writer of Chrono Trigger. Where has it been said ANYWHERE by the original devs that they didn't consider Cross canon? Or is this another instance of "user makes up his own headcanon so his hate is justified"?

Iirc a majority of the "Dream Team" behind Trigger weren't apart of Cross

>Whether or not Cross is canon is up for debate
It's a direct sequel to Trigger, and Cross was written and directed by the main writer of the first game. Oh and he's also the main writer on Radical Dreamers and the director of that game too. So, why the fuck is Cross not canon?

>Iirc a majority of the "Dream Team" behind Trigger weren't apart of Cross
Ok, they weren't part of the dev team. Where did it imply anywhere then that the original dev team didn't consider Cross canon? Plenty of games change dev teams.

I never said it wasn't canon but you can't deny the lack of talent in the original Dev team that Cross didn't compare to

It's literally on the cross wiki:

We didn't want to directly extend Chrono Trigger into a sequel, but create a new Chrono with links to the original.[24] Yes, the platform changed; and yes, there were many parts that changed dramatically from the previous work. But in my view, the whole point in making Chrono Cross was to make a new Chrono with the best available skills and technologies of today. I never had any intentions of just taking the system from Trigger and moving it onto the PlayStation console. That's why I believe that Cross is Cross, and NOT Trigger 2.[27]

—Masato Kato

When creating a series, one method is to carry over a basic system, improving upon it as the series progresses, but our stance has been to create a completely new and different world from the ground up, and to restructure the former style. Therefore, Chrono Cross is not a sequel to Chrono Trigger. Had it been, it would have been called Chrono Trigger 2. Our main objective for Chrono Cross was to share a little bit of the Chrono Trigger worldview, while creating a completely different game as a means of providing new entertainment to the player. This is mainly due to the transition in platform generation from the SNES to the PS. The method I mentioned above, about improving upon a basic system, has inefficiencies, in that it's impossible to maximize the console's performance as the console continues to make improvements in leaps and bounds. Although essentially an RPG, at its core, it is a computer game, and I believe that games should be expressed with a close connection to the console's performance. Therefore, in regards to game development, our goal has always been to "express the game utilizing the maximum performance of the console at that time." I strongly believe that anything created in this way will continue to be innovative.[7]

—Hiromichi Tanaka

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You clearly have the reading comprehension of a chimp then. What you posted says that their goal in making Cross was to not be shackled by the stylistic choices of Trigger, and instead make the best game that they could with the tools made available to them. There is literally nothing in there about canon or alternate universes, or any of that nonsense.

Attached: You.png (348x348, 80K)

This is saying that it's mechanically different from the first game, thus why it's not called Chrono Trigger 2. This says NOTHING about how Chrono Cross is not canon to the Chrono series. Please, fine me a quote saying how the story of Cross isn't canon, because you won't find that.

Nice job trying to twist facts by the way.

Cross is Canon, but remember that Serge's home world is the one where Guardia falls. Another world, which is technically the original where Serge died, is completely fine.

What the fuck was the inside of Lavos

Is Cross really that bad, or is it one of those "it's only bad in the context of a sequel to a great game" situations

Guardia falls in both, because the split happens either at 1006 A.D. or 1010 A.D., and Guardia falls in 1005 A.D.

The thing is that the fall doesn't burn an entire nation to the ground, because that's stupid. Guardia bounces back, and becomes one of the founders of Chronopolis.

The latter. It's a cool game on its own.

The ladder. If the word Chrono and the half baked connections weren't there it would be a good PS1 game. It's just a shame because all of its flaws look especially worse compared to Chrono Trigger

Cross is a good game, people just resent it for killing off the party from Trigger and the story is confusing as fuck. Everything else about the game is excellent though.

It's neither. It has a some real bad pacing issues where you kind of lose track of your motivations, the ending has a bit of a text dump that is kind of lame, there's a huge party but you have a max party size of 3 with your MC always taking a slot, and if you're retarded and can't read then you think the story kills more characters from Trigger than it actually does. Those problems aside, it's an amazing game with some of the best atmosphere in any JRPG.

Also from the wiki:

"Kato and Tanaka decided to produce an indirect sequel. They acknowledged that Square would soon re-release Chrono Trigger as part of Final Fantasy Chronicles, which would give players a chance to catch up on the story of Trigger before playing Cross. Kato thought that using a different setting and cast for Chrono Cross would allow players unfamiliar with Chrono Trigger to play Cross without becoming confused.[28] The Chrono Cross team decided against integrating heavy use of time travel into the game, as they thought it would be "rehashing and cranking up the volume of the last game".[28] Masato Kato cited the belief, "there's no use in making something similar to before [sic]",[27] and noted, "we're not so weak nor cheap as to try to make something exactly the same as Trigger ... Accordingly, Chrono Cross is not Chrono Trigger 2. It doesn't simply follow on from Trigger, but is another, different Chrono that interlaces with Trigger."[29]"

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>but is another, different Chrono that interlaces with Trigger.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.

Dude you're actually proving their point more and more, just quit while you're ahead

You did killed Magnus in 1v1 combat as Frog, did you?

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>a direct sequel is a continuation of a story from when it last left off
>a standalone sequel is a sequel that takes place in the same or a similar universe yet has very little if any narrative connection to its predecessors and can be appreciated on its own without a thorough understanding of the backstory
Technically speaking, Cross is not a direct sequel but a standalone sequel.

Attached: 1389487173475.png (700x700, 35K)


No Toriyama, Not Canon
Kill yourselves Crosscucks

>the main writer of Chrono Trigger.
Kill yourself. Kato only did 12000 BC.

Considering that is exactly what she wanted, I'd say she did a fantastic job.

The OST is goddamn shit
I don't get why people like that corny Celtic shit

t. Merkel apologist

HI SQUARE ENIX! Fuck you for those shit iOS ports by the way.

It takes place on the same planet, with several returning characters. By your Wikipedia definitions, it's a direct sequel.

I'm not saying she was right, I'm just saying this is what she wanted and managed to achieve it. Say what you will but the woman gets results.

>several returning characters

oh no no no...

Reminder that the retconned bullshit ending in Chrono Trigger DS is not what the Original Dream Team intended
Reminder that Masato Kato is an egomaniacal petulant child who added that shit in in the DS version even though the whole original Dream Team disagreed with him in back in 1995
Reminder that everyone who defends Kato and this whole bullshit is a pathetic Crossfaggot that needs to be hanged.


I can't after seeing all the shit he went through. Magus did some bad things but he still has the chance to make amends and set things right.

Post amazing Chrono Cross music.


It's fucking shit
The battle theme is atrocious
And I don't get why people like shit like Time's Scar or the like either. Just sounds like underwhelming forgettable music with no memorable melody.

>their goal in making Cross was to not be shackled by the stylistic choices of Trigger
that includes the story, friend
"Accordingly, Chrono Cross is not Chrono Trigger 2. It doesn't simply follow on from Trigger but is another, different Chrono that interlaces with Trigger"

That's not a statement of game mechanics, they literally set out to make a completely different game which borrowed some themes from Trrigger to make it a chrono title.

Rewind back to the original argument:
>Instead, it was intended to be a different universe to trigger in the same way all the mainline final fantasy games were to each other.

"Accordingly, Final Fantasy 7 is not Final Fantasy 6-2. It doesn't simply follow on from Final Fantasy 6 but is another, different Final Fantasy that interlaces with Final Fantasy 6"

#wow #whoa

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>Reminder that the retconned bullshit ending in Chrono Trigger DS
DS is still the best version though.

>even though the whole original Dream Team disagreed with him in back in 1995
Anywhere I can read about this? Sounds interesting.


>takes place on the same planet
applies to both direct and standalone
>some characters make a cameo appearance as plot devices and nothing more
>the story, events, and main characters had nothing to do with the original
>convoluted plot aside, someone can play cross and understand what is happening without having touched trigger
it's standalone.

The only way cross would be direct is if we continued from Chrono and co. finding his mom and cat(s) to playing through Dalton fucking over Guardia and Porre, which then leads into the events in cross through a huge stretch of Kato's imagination.

>One Punch Meme
Exactly my point.
Back to >>>/reddit/ faggot

>the whole original Dream Team disagreed with him in back in 1995
A source for this would be great.


I don't have a link but tl;dr he threw a fucking pity party for himself over everyone getting mad at him for wanting to change EVERYTHING instead of the proposed direct sequel because I JUST WANTED TO CHANGE IT UP A LITTLE LOL XD!

You literally meet characters from Trigger. The main antagonist is the main antagonist from Trigger, pissed off about the events of Trigger, where the characters from Trigger killed him. You read a letter from one of the party members from Trigger talks about her actions in Trigger, you meet one of the party member from Trigger, etc. etc.

There is a vast chasm between taking thematic cues like in FF compared to actual interweaving stories. Your insane headcanon that there's a completely separate but identical universe in which Cross takes place is idiotic and unfounded by anything but your own fan fiction.

No it fucking isn't. The colors are not accurate, the resolution is lessened, the music and sound effect don't sound as good.

Are you kidding me?
The original ending was a happy one, there's your disagreement.
Kato wanted a bad ending and got butthurt when he didn't get it hence why he inserted that retarded shit in the DS version several years later and why he killed Crono and co. in Cross.

Attached: You Heat.png (678x618, 508K)

Advantages of the DS port:
1. second screen for menu

Advantages of SNES original:
1. No upscaled pixel graphics with a fucked up palette
2. No aforementioned retconned bullshit
3. No shitty fetch quest that wastes the whole singing mountain concept
3.1. No Endgame items from the fetch quest that are so needlessly overpowered when prism armamentsalready existed
4. No useless monster arena that nobody touched
5. No cutscenes

>and why he killed Crono and co. in Cross.
Things that didn't happen.

Attached: maxresdefault (3).jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

The SNES version ending should clue you in

But if you want a more definitive source

>Incidentally, the idea that I had at that time was for Crono to really die, and the others would have to go back in time and enlist a version of Crono from the night before the Fair. >Then after the final battle they would have to return him to that point in time and bid him farewell. But that idea was rejected (laughs). They said it had to be a happy ending, so we eventually settled on the story with the clone as it is today.



Honestly I would have been okay with this idea.

And he didn't kill Crono or Marle in Cross.

>The original ending was a happy one
There's a whole lot of endings, and all of them are in the DS version. If you don't like the Dream Devourer stuff, then don't do it.

So you're saying that the DS version is worse because it has more content that you can ignore anyways?

Advantages of the DS port:
2. A translation that doesn't suck

But he clearly did

There's only one canon ending(and variations) and the rest are all what if goofy endings.

Dream Devourer ending was clearly meant to overwrite the original ending since it directly hints to Cross.

>the DS version is worse because it has more content that people can point to and say is bad and brings down the overall quality of the game
ftfy, not to mention the rehashed bullshit forcing cross as a direct sequel

>people still are shitting on Woolsey

Attached: nigga-please.jpg (456x545, 18K)

Also for proof that the original ending was a happy one

>The SNES version ending should clue you in
The fact that the SNES ending is not like the DS ending does not by itself prove that anybody attempted to make the SNES ending like the DS ending back in the day. Or that anyone added it in for the DS version because they were being "a petulant child".
Either way, thanks for that link.

And the "Woosley was ALWAYS shit" revisionist faggots show up. Well I GUESS IT CAN'T BE HELPED now can it? 1:1 translations for moon game never work. They don't have to be the opposite end of the spectrum like with Ace Attorney or Treehouse but there is a middle ground. SNES era jrpgs wouldn't be NEARLY as memorable without Woosley. I was around when the GBA ports of FFIV and VI were out and people shit on them despite being a more "accurate" script.

Evil women are the best.

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>A character shows up explicitly to tell you they aren't actually ghosts
>You go back in time and find drawing Kidd made of them LONG after the Fall of Guardia
>Lucca is on good terms with Porre military by that point
>Lucca also writes a letter AFTER the fall of Guardia saying she's worried the actions of her and her friends might one day catch up to them, very obviously implying they are alive to be caught up with


But that translation does suck.
It's just a shitty wordier version of Woolsey's. It's not that much more accurate and a lot of Woolsey's shit is still kept in anyways.

The only thing is...a lot of the writing in it feels stilted and awkard as fuck.
Like for example "Your death was owed to weakness" sounds very awkward and almost like it was translate by an ESL retard who doesn't know english grammar all that well.
Should have been "Your death was due to your weakness" or "You died because you were weak" or something like that.

pure, unadulterated autism
it's a fucking JRPG not high literature lmao

See you retard and kill yourself.

That is the post I replied to. What are you on about?

t. Crossfaggot

...wait whatd they do to the ending for the DS port?

i haven't even beaten trigger

You can just not play it and it would be the exact same thing as the SNES version but with a good translation. How does an optional boss fight and a scripted scene rewrite the original game?

I was asking for a source on the rest of the dream team shitting on Kato, mostly because it sounds amusing.

>Woolsey was ALWAYS shit
No, CT's trigger was just shit.

As opposed to the edgelord wizard demon prince saying "You got whacked 'cuz you're weak"? It doesn't need to be perfect to be better than the original.