Happy 1 year anniversary!

happy 1 year anniversary!

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Did anybody actually even play this game?

some youtubers and people that didn't know what they were spending their money on.

rest in peace

tfw it's been a year already


i was actually hyped for ME:A. i thought they would make a comeback. fuck.



you sure got him there

i think i'll just pirate this.

i love going into random threads on random boards and call random posts reddit. triggers people so hard.

the "How could this happen to me" meme existed before Reddit did. Maybe even before even Youtube existed. Who knows it may have even started here.

not even worth the effort.

I love how bioware are so worried they are trying to get thier fanboys to mass buy anthem

"pls buy or we will get shut down guys!"

I really hope they go bankrupt.
fuck them

Don't bother. It's not even enjoyable to mock. It's just plain boring and dull.


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Anthem is DOA. People have such a hate boner for EA, no matter what they put out everyone will rally together to shit on it.
And after Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 Bioware deserves to go down in flames.

time will only speed up from here user. make it count. im serious it happens fast.

What kind of vidya do angara have?

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>11 posters
nice same fagging

no one even said anything about a meme
the fact that the little faggot wrote it out in full caps
like a mouth breathing retard
is cringeworthy as can fucking be


fuck off newfag

nice detecting skills

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I picked it up cheap and played through it like 2 weeks ago.

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The whole game? What did you think? Memes aside I'm genuinely curious. Even my Bioware fanboy friend never finished it.

lel no, no samefagging here
>pic related
see? i presented undeniable proof xd

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the fuck is that cropping

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Cool, so the rest were from one guy.

>tfw I'm nearly 26 and still on Sup Forums

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>1 year
fucking end me

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yeah really didn't put much effort into it

The combat was alright, but the writing is fucking atrocious, like bad fanfiction tier. Still has lots of bugs too despite the updates.

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nice try fag but there's no fooling me

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I bought it on sale and played it for about 3 hours before dropping it. I might pick it back up at some point because I was such a fan of the first 3 but it wasn’t a good game by any means when I played it.


Pirated it (and I'm usually the type of faggot who buys games) Played for 60-90 minutes. Quit. Uninstalled.
That was the end of that.

i ran through it twice like an idiot to see if there were any choices i missed. there weren't.

how is this even working though? if you're a biodrone what do you love about their games? It's the whole waifu simulator thing for the most part. At least if you judge by the fanart and the posting in /dag/ and /meg/. How do you justify buying a game that replaces your waifu with xXx_KwikSkope69_xXx and if it succeeds it means your favorite developer is only ever going to work on that game for the next decade probably? It's better if BioWare dies.

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since we're having a flashback shitposting thread, who has the breast expansion edits of ryder and the white haired woman?

I've probably been on Sup Forums longer than you've heard of Sup Forums, bud. ;_;

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I did. Four times.

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2007 was 11 years ago.

ME has some really autistic hardcore fans. Hell the series even still has a general on /vg/

/meg/ is unironically king of /vg/

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is there a mod that does this? might make the game worth replaying.

I did, I liked it.
It's still terrible though


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>Sup Forums hate her when it comes out
>faggots start memeing her up with autism
>Sup Forums suddenly likes her

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sara was always best girl. there were tons of people asking about incest in prerelease threads and on /meg/ there were lore discussions about how it should be fine because you can prescreen genes for any defects.

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I thought it couldn't get any worse after ME2 but then came 3 and proved me the fuck wrong. Then i thought it was finally over but no, this happened and it somehow managed to be even worse.

Why do all my favorite games either die or get ruined for the masses. I just want good vidya.

Someone claims this was datamined. This true?

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For what purpose?

I did.

Found it to be alright. Gave me the desire to play Mass Effect 1 and 2 again.

I did. forced myself to finish the story... so boring. didn't care about anything what was going on.

I was hyped for it when i saw this
As soon as real footage was shown however everything fell apart. I still can't believe how much they fucked everything up.

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It was fun!

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To see what's new in the patches, then accidental replay after each patch. Also Sara.

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Sup Forums is a diverse and inclusive community and we don't bully the mentally handicapped you bigot.
Sara is pure. PURE

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I'm playing it right now, picked it up for about 10 canadabux.

It's not as bad as I thought. Multiplayer is great, exploration/gameplay is fine, characters are uninspired but fine, everything's passable until you talk to someone and then you realize this was made by people who don't understand human interaction at all. Everyone has a weird nasal robot voice, everyone's making awful jokes at bad times, everyone looks uncomfortable in every scene, the animations are terrible and glitchy... it kind of reminds me of Deadly Premonition, but with DP the team knew they were doing a shitty job and leaned into it with a goofy Twin Peaks knock-off, I think the Andromeda devs didn't know how bad they are.

Also within an hour I made a femRyder that looks remarkably better than any other character in the game.

Sara is love, Sara is life.

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Damn! You fine, sis.

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Scooter, you rapist, why aren't you in jail yet?

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sexual bullying is allowed though right?

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True desu.

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He is. Inside his mind.


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it started on ytmnd and newgrounds

>caps is now reddit

Is there nothing that isn't reddit to you fags? In fact you seem to know an awful lot about reddit, maybe you're the one that needs to fuck off back there.

>exploration/gameplay is fine
Elaborate. Because the exploration is literally just driving around until you run into the next bandit camp with 10 mobs guarding one chest containing 3 crafting items and one ammo pack.
Broken up by the occasional "visit 5 places on the map to push a button" quests.

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It's silly, but fun.

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that's really hypnotic

do you think bioware did a full body scan on her model?

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I find it funny the one time they made a gay that wasn't shit and was actually interesting was a Turian you couldn't romance

>tfw someone fugs her
Life is simply unfair.

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>see a questmarker on the map
>turn around and drive away as fast as possible because i can tell it's just another "scan 10 crates"-quest

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Now it's Sara's ass appreciation thread.

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My word

>manage to make a qt skinny redhead biotic god thanks to mods
>only romance option is the obnoxious nigger on the ship
Fuck you too bioware.

mass effect fags only care about fancy cutscenes and subpar sci-fi schlock writing

It's not good, it's not bad. I've only explored Eos and a bit of Voeld so far but everything looks nice and there's just enough interesting stuff to keep me going. Randomly found a datapad that gives me a quest, exploring the vault was pretty fun, etc.

I'm a complete autist who unironically enjoys Ubishit maps though.

>not lezzing it up with the other qt redhead

you're just playing the game wrong at this point

cutscenes weren't even fancy. they switched to frostbite and they still have the dumbfuck glitch where your equipped weapon gets replaced by the awful looking fishgun.

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>all these Mass Effect threads lately
thats it
im replaying the trilogy
I've legit lost count how many times.

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renegade femshep is a best

That annoying oirish pseudo accent kills any boner.

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maleshep is way better, always found femshep to be whiny and bland

plus you can't snuggle a bald biotic

My niggah

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>implying maleshep isnt the whiniest bitch around
>romancing jack
let me guess, you save the council too?

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