Buy game

>buy game
>say word
>money stolen

how did we fall so low as a society that this has become acceptable?

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fuck off frog

because it works and they buy the game again

if they lost a customer and they refused to buy the game again, they would stop doing it

Stop making this thread 3 times a day frog

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>this thread again
Maybe read the EULA before agreeing to it

Singleplayer m*sterrace here. Stay j*lly.

neo-Sup Forums will defend this bcause lol Sup Forums butthurt tears sooo much better than the left amirite Sup Forums


Stop posting this garbage

Is that guy chargin' his lazer?

>Play a really good game
>Gg guys well played!
That isn't toxic that's good sportsmanship they're banning you for

>buy game
>be an annoying asshole to everyone
>get banned

Stole that 4

It's easy to get a 4 bro

based lazzah poster

>some twelve year old said nigger so many times he got permabanned and thinks Sup Forums will come to his rescue

>having to rely on the shock value of the words "nigger" and "faggot"

You fuckers don't try hard enough with your trash talk. Shit was annoying 15 years ago.

You got banned in the game and you're going to be banned here too. Face it: no one wants you.


Damn I guess it is

Show me proof this happens

>playing multiplayer games in the first place
You were screwing yourself over from the beginning.

>commends a 4
>gets a 4

>buy game
>just shitposting
>someone gets their feefees hurt
>get banned

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>Stopping after one page
What the hell, man?

Remember to sage, everybody

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>Tell someone gg
>Game wasn't good
>Get banned
Now I'm at the same level as kids that scream nigger.

>playing multiplayer games
But why

The absolute state of shitposters LMAO

No, no, no, you do it like __6

>that shit art
It's for the best.

>be toxic
>get banned

i don't see the problem here. stop dropping the N bomb as well

Shit I didn't even notice, my bad. OP confirmed for fag.

That's not how it works
You just proved you are making bullshit up to be angry about

>The only people who get banned are people who are toxic
How low have we sunk that "noob" is toxic?

>be nice
>get banned
Please ban AAA games, Trump. Just put a uranium bullet into this industry, already. I will not weep for it.

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This is still up?

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Not an argument.


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What is that? iPhone shit?

Go away redhypercar, you fucking autist.


nigga is that hard to just play the game and not play the Chatroom simulator? you have to be autistically anoying to get banned in a game

Spam thread.

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>Violate terms of service
>Get banned
>Cry about it on Sup Forums every day
>Talking in multiplayer games
>Playing with anyone outside of your friend group
>Not having a group of online friends that you play with exclusively
Hold a pillow over your face.

>make rediculous claim
>ask for proof of said claim
>2+2=4 asshole!
simply epic

>tfw I don't have to worry about any of this because I only play single player games

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shoopfag is a million times worse than soyposters
Prove me wrong.

>pol shitposter is at it again
fuck off

Fuck you shoopdewoop is saving Sup Forums




Sup Forums*
Get it right, phoneposter.

They only come after soyposters tho?

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It's sad really, nlntoddlers have been so mentally broken they've resorted to decade old memes


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Shoopfag is literally saving the board, while soyposters have been trying to kill it.

Do you even know what that word means?

Its one guy. Same tactic as barneyfag.

we don't make bad threads, we make threads bad

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>These people who derail shitposters with goofy memes are the worse ones
Lmao ok

you dumb as hell

that's how I fall asleep every night, user

Check out my 5

Hey buddy you dropped this

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Sup Forums tears are a delicacy though.
They contain the highest concentration of impotence, paranoia, cringe and pent up anger out of any substance known to man.

>he missed the good era of gaming
sucks for you, nigger

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Sorry man, shitposters smelled blood in the water, Sup Forums as re the site lolcows now.

We need more old memes to make a comeback.
Almost every meme after 2012 ended has sucked.

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Getting people like you banned is my favourite pastime OP

>break terms of service that you agreed to
>get banned
Oh wow what a shock. Try this: Stop being a piece of trash.

I think the bigger problem is that people are willing to pay full price up front to basically rent a game long term and not even own it. Read the terms and conditions before paying for shit, and don't give companies who do this shit your money.

>we need more reddit memes, these Sup Forums memes are weird and hard to understand

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So did you because you were born in 2006.

It means I automatically win the argument shitlord. Take that!


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I guess you win, this literally never happens because I didn't screenshot it. Good job user. I also never had sex because I don't have photographic evidence, nor do I have evidence that I ate a burrito yesterday, so none of those things ever occurred.

>damage control

I was born in 86 and video games were never good.

>Pepe and Wojak
>Not Reddit
>Not used by literally every major site at this point


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>Sup Forums is now full of pussies that can't handle trashtalk

Youre right we should boil it down to Pepe, wojak, and open mouth and make it way easier for an outsider to understand this community and not stand out without lurking first.

Fuck off with your newfaggotry 2016fag

Jimmy rustles was the beginning of the end of memes for me. Shit wasn't funny, except for the one time someone got the news to say a person with a hostage was named jimmy rustles and was obsessed with gorrillas

Multiplayer only games were a mistake.

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>soy and wojack
>not reddit
How fucking out-of-touch are you with the state of the world?

But shoop posters are the ones posting soy threads in the forst place. Remember barneyfag?

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Unfortunately for you, this isn't Twitter and you can't just expect people to Listen And Believe your accusations without evidence.


soyjak is iconic.

Yeah, because rage comics and OVER 9000 were just the pinnacle of comedy.

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