Got this for free for PS+. My first exposure to Soulsborne genre...

Got this for free for PS+. My first exposure to Soulsborne genre. Not nearly as hard as advertised; beat the Cleric Beast on my first try.

This game is really, really repetitive. Setting, aesthetic, and animations are cool, but I'm fighting the same exact dudes over and over again just to level up while avoiding the big threats.

Any tips on things I could do to enhance my enjoyment of this game? I'm not really having a good time here, and I went in with big expectations.

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Poorfags don't get to have expectations

You beat cleric beast on first try? Whoa dude, that's seriously hardcore. Cleric beast is like super hard dude. Oh wait, it's the easiest boss in the game by far and some normal mobs are harder. Come back after the DLC, scrub.

>I'm fighting the same exact dudes over and over again just to level up
you're doing it wrong, you shouldn't be grinding to level

>Any tips on things I could do to enhance my enjoyment of this game?
by NOT avoiding the "big threats"

I don't usually tell people they're playing a game wrong but this absolutely. BB is more than generous enough with echoes to not even need to grind. Also if you already find it easy why do you even feel the need to grind?

Nope, if you're not enjoying yourself so far, you're probably not going to enjoy the rest. It's more or less more of the same, but with increasing scale.

Then again, Bloodborne is by far the most overrated game in the genre, and I'll never understand it's crazy popularity. Dark Souls 1 was the peak, and it was mostly downhill from there.

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Be quick, if you manage to platinum BB in less than 10 days you'll be the new legend of Sup Forums.

Bloodborne being a good game is a meme. It's okay, it just has a really, really insufferable fanbase that won't shut the fuck up about it.

Lol, Cleric Beast is easy. Wait till you get to the Father.

Also, game is basically a 3D metroidvania. It opens up more and more as you on. My advice, leave this thread to avoid spoilers, and explore every corner.

That sure is a funny way to spell BotW.

How is it free if you have to pay for playstation plus to get it?

absolutely everyone just buys it for multiplayer, and would buy it regardless of whether games were included. Therefore it is kind of "free".

This is the reason so many people refer to the games as free, since no one has payed extre for them, they bought ps pus for multiplayer and got the games as a bons

are you gonna get plat in 10 days senpai?

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Amelia says "hi" - literally a case of "let her jump forward against the wall, then hit her and repeat"

>stuck on logarius, cant git gud, decide to just fuck it and summon
>two summons, wait 45 minutes in between
>both die in the first phase by falling off the roof

this is what i deserve i guess

I don't fucking understand how some owners of ps4 let alone some people on Sup Forums only get this game because its "free" on PS+ right now. Must have for this system

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It sold about 3 million lol

>He actually paid for this repetitive lorewank

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neither amelia nor cleric are the easiest. anyone that doesn't say the witches of henwick is fucking retarded.

Actually, Logarius isnt as hard as Shadow of Yarnham imo. You have to keep close and use a fast weapon, also it's pretty easy to stagger him.

I rarely see people talk about how great BB is. I see more threads about how people were disappointed by it or call it shit.

probably because he's like DSP and he keeps getting killed so he wants to spend 5 hours doing monotonous repetitive grinding so he can be overpowered

It's a long ass run getting there and there's no means to knowing there's a boss fight so I wasn't prepared my first time.
On the other hand, with Amelia I killed her first time

yeah i can pretty reliably get him to his second phase but i have shit patience which is what always gets me into trouble. i gotta farm some blood vials today and then ill probably be able to finish him off tonight

If you're not enjoying the gameplay now i doubt it'll click anytime because it doesn't really change. You'll keep running down corridors and fight groups of 3-5 faceless mobs till the end of the game, only with a change in scenery.

the run to get there has nothing to do with the difficulty of a boss fight.

you seriously died to the witches of henwick? wow i feel sorry for you.

Oh you must mean blood starved beast
Oh fuck, forgot about them. Bsb is second easiest.
He's easy as fuck. Just parry him. Or use the music box and charge r2 then visceral him and when he transforms then molotov him.
Because I don't play single player games that much and I wasn't at all interested in the game until I heard about the yandere nun and saw the doll.
If you want help, check out the general in /vg/, there's usually people willing to help

I beat Logarius on my second try. When he gets in second phase where starts being more aggressive he's really easy to parry, especially his lunge from the sky or whatever. Swords are a little bothersome so it's easier to bum rush the thing casting them as soon as it's placed.

I had 50 insight too, user

>music box

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Don't bother OP- it's an inherently easy and extremely disappointing game.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I destroyed the game's legacy in the process also.

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>Dark Souls 1 was the peak
you reek of piss and shit and I can smell you even from here

On my second run I wanted to get evelyn and chikage early so I fought him around level 40 I think.
It was horrible.

>this game is easy
>*grinds levels for no reason*

so? those guys that spawn barely even notice you unless you're 5 inches away from them. only when you get to like NG+5 or 6 does that fight get anything other than laughable

Didn't take long I guess.

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oh fuck i never even realized you could parry those flying lunges, thanks man

so you're complaining about fighting the same people over and over, while avoiding other enemies to get to the same enemies over and over?

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Got a ps4 a month ago, literally completed the game and all the chalice dungeon in a week. The only reason I'm not completing the main game is for the old hunters dlc.... But I think I might be a bit over leveled now. As for how hard it is, gotta say this is one of the easiest soulsborne games i tried. I even made it even harder for myself but not leveling up unless I beat a boss, one boss killed, one ticket to level up. Had a harder time with Nioh desu.

everyone who likes it has already made threads praising it. at this point it would be shilling essentially.

the games a mess overall but fun.

>but I'm fighting the same exact dudes over and over again just to level up while avoiding the big threats.
You are a complete fucking retard
Just stop playing the game, it's wasted on a brainlet like you.

Use your words
>over leveled
You're not

>50 insight
is this bad?

i normally have a pool around 40 or so.

>blood starved beast
It's so sad when people forget about Celestial Embassy.

I agree OP, the game is inherently easy.

> run past every enemy without being touched
> gifted cheese items for bosses
> dodging makes you almost invincible
> can hold 24 vials at any point giving you circa 12 extra lives for bosses
> locking on gives you 100% auto aim, rendering accuracy null and void
> spectres and notes literally show and tell you what to do every step of the way
> attacking replenishes your own health (unbelievably.....)
> a core game mechanic is that you can summon 2x people to do anything remotely difficult for you (which I didn't need to do, due to all of the above)

It's not a very good game, PS4 users just like to use it to justify their purchase.

well i platinumed bloodborne in 10 hours.

Okay okay third easiest boss
t. never played the game

Congratulations. I don't think it really matters if you find it hard or not. The casual crowd memed the Souls games into some uber tough game, when they were never meant to be. Sure they provide a challenge but they're no harder than the usual Japanese action game that releases.

having more insight makes some enemies harder and makes beasthood less effective but it really doesn't do that much for most fights. if you use beast blood pellets just use the insight to buy shit from the messengers.

as far as the witches of hemwick fight, if you have 0 insight then none of those guys spawn when you fight, but like i said they really don't give a shit about you unless you get right in their faces so it's pointless to even care about it.

I'm literally level 180 just from the chalice dungeons. How is that not overleveled for the dlc?

>grinding for levels
>game is too easy

wowie gee i wonder why

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Check my trophies, Cloud__ffvii (2 underscores).

See for yourself......

If you want the actual easiest boss in the game, use the Bowblade against the Emissary. It's strange how an easy boss could be easier.

>using communion ruin

I understand that. That's why I'm curious as to why the original poster finds that fans don't shut up about it.

youve done nothing but grind lamo

>says game is easy
>grinds and "avoids big threats"

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So you're saying there's a way to make the game even easier than it already is?...

Yep, disappointed that everyone the bumfuck hyped the games difficulty to kingdom come but I still enjoyed the game alot.

bait to talk about bloodborne

20 blood vials is more than enough though. if you ever need those 4 extra blood vials maybe the game is a little harder for you than you're admitting.

I did use the fully upgraded moon rune when I started the chalice dungeon.

that's ridiculously overleveled. if you want to do the DLC don't level up any more, start NG+ and then do the DLC after you beat the first 5 bosses or whatever and get the item.

i was level 100 and i beat ludwig in about 30 seconds so you'd probably kill him in 10.

>wtf why is grinding so repetitive

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If you don't like it no one is gonna give you "pro tips" to enjoy it, you dumb cunt. Just move on to something else.

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>but I'm fighting the same exact dudes over and over again just to level up

>Performs repetitive task for no reason
>Complains about repetition

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So you beat 180 bosses? Also why the fuck are you grinding that much?

Dark Souls 1 is strictly worse than Bloodborne.

>grinding mobs
>complaining about repetition
Just advance through the game already

Are you retarded?

>grinds instead of getting better at the game

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>this game is so easy, i just keep grinding xd

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Leveling up is not a core mechanic, its only there so you can determine your characters build, leveling up isn't going to make your character significantly stronger.

My point is the game is easy enough already...

Thanks for supporting my argument and helping to destroy this game's legacy...

>My first exposure to Soulsborne genre.
Kill yourself, faggot

Bullshit. The difference is night and day

>helping destroy this game's legacy
Try to clear the game at level 4 then try again at level 100

someone actually believes this

Nope, especially early game, the only stat that makes a difference is endurance, but you only need 20 at the most in Blood Born. You put stats in meet the requirements for weapons, the weapons do the bulk of the damage, any extra stats you put into it will be just be maximizing the effect of the weapon.

Probably unintentional grinding since I was mostly in the chalice dungeons because of the runes and weapons. Also blood rocks

Yeah I already stop leveling up, mostly use the blood the buy items. But even then my inventory is almost full of all items that I can buy with echoes. I really need to get the dlc soon.

You don't automatically level up. You have to actually go and spend your echoes to level up meaning you didn't unintentionally grind to level up.
Recommended dlc level is like 70, you'll be fine.

I mean what else am I suppose to do with the blood then. I don't really wanna lose all these blood echoes of I die to some bullshit enemies.

>somehow bloodborne has repetitive enemies but botw not
I wonder who is behind this topic

Buy bolt and fire paper and other consumables

You are insane. There's literally no reason at all for leveling endurance, the only time I did it was during my first playthrough and it changed nothing. Skill makes all the difference to visceral attacks and Vit allows a great deal of mistakes during fights. I've played the game side by side with my cousin, he could tank most of Orphan's attacks at level 120, while he couldn't even get to his second stage at level 90

Buy shit. Who cares if you lose them if you can just get them back doing dungeons
Endurance does help but you don't need it any higher than 20

Like I said, that's what I've been doing now that I hit level 180. Now my inventory is almost full of the crap.

Get 990 blood vials and bullets

I found 20 to be too much, but 15 is not quite enough, around 17 or 18 is the perfect number.

How the fuck do you end up at level 180 on NG?

Well you fucked up leveling for no reason other than I could

It depends on your weapon and whether or not you use Counterclockwise Metamorphosis

20 endurance or bust

not him but it's not hard if you do all the chalice dungeons and have moon/heir runes equipped. once you get to the depth 5 dungeons you can get like a million blood echoes in 10 or 20 minutes.

Ah yes, that game where you can defeat three quarters of the game's entire enemy selection by walking around them in circles. A masterpiece.
I believe the proper word is complimentary.

Chalice dungeons. Just chalice dungeons again and again for those blood chunks and rocks. I'm actually quite baffled on myself on how I got to level 180. Maybe it's time to stop bloodborne for a while.