Isn't using SOS flares basically cheating?

isn't using SOS flares basically cheating?

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For the monster maybe. When a second person joins you have to deal with the increased health and damage until their dumbass gets there. Otherwise it's basically the same as searching for a room dedicated to hunting a specific monster only you're allowed to join mid-hunt instead of waiting 10-15 minutes for rands to finish.

Yes, literally the same as summoncucks in souls games.

Affinity or attack augments?

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Except the multiplayer scaling in Souls game is pretty weak and doesn't make up for how retarded the AI becomes when it has more than person to fight.

Doesn't matter. If the game is perfectly soloable but you decided to get help anyway, you're a fucking shitter.

Except for elder dragons, I basically found that it was always quicker and easier to solo a monster than to bother with an SOS flare so that I can get shitters who do bad damage and cart hard

>inb4 you shouldn't be calling other people shitters if you do multiplayer

i kill monsters the first time solo, but if i'm grinding for materials, i think it's more fun with a group


Homie needs help bro
You help a homie out


Reminder to kick all ranged hunters on sight, they do nothing but drag down hunts

youre a shitter if you cant kill quick with ranged weapons

it can go bothways, you can get 3 godlike randos or the idiot that dies 3 times. its a gamble

The exact opposite, setting off a flare ups the challenge of trying to defeat a monster before some HR 15 Hunting Horn "I'm helping" faggot wastes your carts

No the game's difficulty is a joke solo and having to carry 3 people is slightly harder but still a joke.
Finished everything solo and now i'm doing mostly multiplayer cause it's fun to see 4 people beat the fuck out of a monster while tripping each other and that sorta fuckery

This all bows/guns do is add 10 minutes to your hunt and use up your carts

Question to anyone who started out with World.
What was the very first weapon you tried out?
What was your first "Main" weapon?
How long did you use it until you decided to branch out to others?

>Durr I get under 5 minute kills with my shitty peashooter weapon that only does 1-2 damage per bullet unless I waste all my slicing and sticky ammo


Long sword, still using it, other weapons look gay

I’ve been hunting Bazel over the last week, and I just want a damned gem, but faggots keep trying to capture him. I’ve just started kicking people if they set up a trap after I’ve warned them not to. It’s getting aggravating.

looks like someone doesn't understand critical distance.

They fucking beefed up Spread in World, it's kind of nuts. Actually worth using now

This does not help

I just want to be damage

Dude, I've lost hunts way more summoning because people are reckless retards and you only have a limited amount of lives

If you're doing investigations you get better rewards for capturing, and generally have a better shot at getting the gem that way.

I only ever once got a gem from a carve, and it was from Xeno'jiiva of all things, but he has like a billion carves.

Conversely, I've gotten tons of gems randomly as rewards from other monsters for doing investigations and captures.

You deserve everything, why not just hunt solo, dipshit?

This, especially elder dragons
I may cart once to Xeno stunning me or Teo combo exploding me, but when 3 other people are there it may as well be an instant quest fail.

>being so shit that you even lose while with other people
Sorry to hear that you're forever a shitter.

drop rates have been confirmed the same for carving and capturing for MONTHS now god DAMN

I’ve hunted Bazel 26 times and only got two gems from him out of carves. I know it’s possible to get it as an investigation reward, but so far it hasn’t helped me.

Investigations, son. Doesn't matter if it's killed or captured, those sweet Silver and Gold slots are all you need.

One affinity, the rest into damage

Doesn't matter. This game is a fucking joke thanks to


Seriously being able to cultivate near infinity of those kinda killed the meta game or me.

Flash Bombs were always a thing.

>using any kind of items besides your weapon
Nice to know that you have to rely on a crutch to do remotely well.

They were always ez mode?

But ranged weapons have the highest dps

But you get a chance from a carve and a reward, vs just the reward after capture. That’s why I want to slay rather than capture.

Sometimes I don’t have a lot of time to play, so I allow people in to make it go faster. Other times, I don’t have an investigation and have to join someone elses, and it almost always ends with a capture.

>He doesn't use speed kill strats
If you play online I'm sure your teammates hate you

At least if the monster flies

yet everyone is so shit with them

Why would you ever go for the kill instead of just capture? Is there an actual situation where capturing is worse?

Flash pods are gay and so are you if you use them for anything other than to stop a flying wyvern.

there are specific instances where the Rare item is a lot more likely to drop from carves, like Odagaron

this --> Also, a lot of the endgame monsters fly. I remember killing teostra for the first time. Solo'd him without carting cause he would repeatedly try to fly away and I'd just flash him down.

Is there a list of these, then? I've been trying to figure out how to optimize farming things like the Paolumu wing, but even when I (assume) I've broken it's wings and capture I don't get any.

Certain things only come from carves, though investigation bonuses also can yield them. I’ve double-dipped on certain rare drops before.

isn't that exactly what they're for?

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>speed kill strats
Literally what is the point, also
>playing online with literal mouth breather shitters
Fuck off

Is the jho update up yet

1. Way to be racist against the japanese user
2. You clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Some of us aren't antisocial NEETs with all the time in the world to waste

It's strange because the game is actually easier when you don't use the SOS flare.

>Monsters have less health and damage
>Dont have to worry about some shitter carting your 1 faint 5 reward investigation

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yeah, Multiplayer scaling is really strong in World. It was probably done because playing 4 player in the older games made the hunts absolutely trivial.

midnight GMT

>implying gooks are people
They're fucking shitters who has to use shit strats to get by

I bet you get mad at people who throw you in fighting games, don't you?

Using anything I disapprove of is cheating.


I use SOS flares on monsters I want to steamroll.

I hate Black Diablos so much. Feels good to sit back and watch 3 random gooks whale on it for 5 minutes.

Diablos and Black Diablos aren't so bad if you use Charge Blade Guard Points

Is this the most shitty soyfun game to hit in recent memory? I can't understand why anyone would genuinely enjoy this save for the soyboys who delude themselves into thinking that they're having fun.

>When a second person joins you have to deal with the increased health and damage
>And damage
Did you mean to say defense? Monster damage doesn't go up with extra people.

>people actually use wyvernsnipe

Wyvernheart a best. Wyvernipe is for retards that are allergic to causing big damage.

say soy one more time and see what happens

i'm warning you, my wife is a badass and her son WILL kick your ass

This game produces heroes you ignorant cucklord.

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>Muh soy
Christ, just shut up already. You can re-type a buzzword you saw, we get it.

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What the fuck are you even trying to say

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Im running a heroics crit draw greatsword build am i chad?

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I see them as a way to get a room started without waiting for it to fill. You risk getting some real shitters but that's okay.

I honestly have no idea what that means
So far I've been just choosing the weapons and armor that have the best attack and defense I can get while still looking cool and it's been working out alright

Having a palico with you solo is closer to cheating than SOSing. Nerf Meowlotov

Oof, hit a nerve.

Sorry I only speak English



>Some of us aren't antisocial NEETs

you have to go back

Daily reminder to all poorfags waiting for World pc that you can play p3rd and fu and others ONLINE with ppsspp and huntserverse (and find hunts in the huntserverse discord, which is active all day)

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And if the person leaves the stats don't go back down either, so if you were in the middle of a heated battle I hope you guys got them down to skull status because now you've got a super monster on your hands

Affinity always. Stack them if you have to. Affinity averages out to a 2.5% dps increase, while flat attack is like 1%. Only exception is if you already have 100% affinity, but that's not possible without very specific conditions.

Affinity unless your weapon has a severe negative affinity mod and you're not gearing to compensate for it.

I tried Gun Lance because it sounded awesome but then I got interested in the doot hammer and it's system. I guess Hunting Horn isn't loved around these parts but I could care less, I love using it.

I'm wondering if this user hates them because they stay back while playing songs or they have a need to run in and smash bitches over the head because I do both

Wait this is confusing. If you're doing investigations won't there be a specific type anyway? Like, everyone knows you're supposed to be there to capture or hunt?

I like playing with people and the random nature that the monsters take on when they fight multiple people.

This game is really easy solo.

you can always capture the monster, even if the quest says "hunt"

I'm waiting until the patch to pick it up again because of those damage buffs that were teased in the patch notes.


Affinity unless the weapon has extremely low raw (Like 200 or less)

Many sets will probably have Weakness Exploit anyways so stacking more affinity on top of that isn't a bad thing.

tried them all in the practice room. Chose Insect Glaive, been using it the whole game so far. I tried the hammer once in the social hub arena.... thats it.

I have no idea how good (or most likely poor) my damage output is, but it's fun bouncing around and being able to slice necks and tails by standing in the same zip code. Fuck bow users shooting me out of the sky when I'm trying to mount though

Long sword all the way through xeno, then rolled hammer for a bit and currently trying out insect glaive

Daggers seem gimmicky

yes hello when is pc

Started with Kingswood but couldn't handle the slowness of attacks so switched quickly to SnS. Ratholos was giving me trouble because I didn't know about flash pods so I switched the LBG and basically didn't look back. Now I'm fucking around with more weapons endgame to learn them.

Tried everything in training room.
I went with Greatsword because it felt simple with big boy damage if timed.
I still am using it 60 hours later, I even tried branching out to other weapons like gunlance and bow, heavy bow but I guess I didn't found them as fun as GS.

>Daggers seem gimmicky
Press R to activate edge mode
Demon Dance on a monster's tail/face when you chew at their ankles enough to trip them
Chug Dash Juice to prolong edge mode

"Daggers seem gimmicky"
>he said while playing insect glaive

A good IG user pretty much never leaves the ground, the jumping attacks are a shitty meme and they're actually worse at mounting than any other weapon if a ledge is around

The attacks are average, but it's great for mobility

Affinity gives a 2.5% dps boost the first time you do it, but then it's only 1.25% for each subsequent augment. Attack gives +5 true raw which is a 2.5% dps boost for a 200 true raw weapon. So really it should be Attack if your weapon is less than 200 true raw, Affinity as long as you are at less than 100%, and Attack if you already have one affinity augment already.

IG is already one of the most mobile weapons on the ground

While that's true, well timed polevaults go clear over almost any projectile and can sail clear over a lot of charging monsters.
I think there's a clip of someone safely jumping over Nerg's divebomb too, but I wouldn't risk that timing personally

Critical distance is trivial to maintain now thanks to the insane mobility and range mods. Spread/pellet feels weird now too since you don't have to let the pellets spread out.

So xenojiiva gems aren't rare right? I just killed it for the first time earlier today and carved one gem and got another in the rewards, I did it again right after and carved one from the body and one from the tail. I then helped someone out with their xenojiiva hunt and got another one in the rewards. Do I even need this many gems? What's the difference between the optional one that the game says pops up now and then, like z.magdoros, and the xenojiiva event quest?