Translated Steam release

>translated Steam release
Are you excited?

Attached: 94_A_2.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks like shit.

What is it?

no not particularly, or at all actually

Where's my fuckin' money, ewn?

what is it you literal retard

I don't see it


It's a pretty good porn game, all things considered. The combat is pretty easy though if you even think about what you're doing for a second

fuck is this shit?


>asking to be spoonfed
>OP is the retarded one though

this is not Sup Forums you retarded piece of shit

This is every h-game thread on Sup Forums.
Stop making them, just post on /vg/.

>rpg maker shit

sorry I asked


>can't find source
>cries about Sup Forums
>still calls others retards

Attached: 1453505204072.jpg (234x230, 15K)

Is growing pubic hair being shown as a feature?

looks like quality game

show me how to find it based on OP pic you literal retard
fuck off to Sup Forums you fucking autist

Attached: RJ201363_img_smp4.jpg (800x600, 649K)

>spoonfeed me pls
How about no. Also, you pretending that only Sup Forums hates spoonfeeding just shows how new you are.

Attached: 1461350725214.png (126x206, 15K)

Yes, and you actually need it to get some scenes like the razor commercial

looks like some crappy porn game

because you can't find it you literal retard
fuck to Sup Forums you worthless piece of shit

It's one of the better ones, in my opinion
I wouldn't waste money on it though, either get the untranslated version and MTL or wait for and pirate the translated version (if it's real)

no search engine is giving any results, what now you worthless retarded piece of shit

>needing translation for something so on the rails like Civil Protection
Climenia is overrated shit, only good thing about them is they have good art.

>he won't spoonfeed me, better imply he can't find it in hopes of showing how to search for source
Last (You), my friend. Don't spend it all in one place though. Good luck begging for sources in the future.

with the influx of normalfags over the years Sup Forums has become quite spoonfeeding-friendly

because you can't find it you literal retard
fuck off to Sup Forums you cocksucking autist

what is it, can't find it you literal retard?

But he asked you how to find it using only OP's pic. You can't so asking for source is acceptable. Prove him wrong and teach him how to find it.

still waiting you literal retard

I spoonfeed every saucefaggot I see just to spite retards like you.

did you leave in shame you cocksucking retard because you can't find it?

not that guy but what the fuck are you talking about? source to OP image has already been given in at least two posts in this thread

the point is you can't find it with any search engine while those Sup Forums autists whine about spoonfeeding

Man you guys got mad.

Search engines aren't the only way to search for source though.

I don't understand the hate. I mean, sure, it's a little annoying to scroll through threads where 25% of the posts are "sauce/source?" but the cocksuckers who whine about spoonfeeding are even worse.

>Search engines aren't the only way to search for source though.
Post how to find it you fucking faggot or shut up.
Fuck off retard, OP should have posted the name you fucking piece of shit.

>"but the cocksuckers who whine about spoonfeeding are even worse"
>you lived long enough to see someone post this unironically

Redditors like you are why porn boards are nigh unusable.

Jesus, this thread

Visit /hgg2d/? dlsite?

Post mega, it's a tradition to pirate Clymenia's games i'm not breaking it now

You still didn't post how to find it you fucking autist.
So you have no proper way how to find it, huh?

if you cannot prove that this is a video game, then the jannies are going to flatout delete your shit thread you gigatard

It's true, though. In the end the thread devolves into spoonfeeding warfaggotry DON'T SPOONFEED! I'LL SPOONFEED WHOEVER THE FUCK I WANT!

Why do you keep assuming you're talking to the same person? I already gave you advice.

What do you expect you retarded faggot when OP doesn't post the name and it's impossible to find it you fucking retard.

Is this ABDL
Is she wearing trainers underneath?

...For what?
OP's pic turns up nothing for me in search engines as well, which is why I'm assuming he asked for the source.

All you have to do is never reply to beggars you retard.

you mean worthless advice
>Why do you keep assuming
I don't you fucking idiot

>Post a thread where people can't find the game title easily even with search engines
You're a fucking faggot.

I'm not against spoonfeeding. I'm against the faggots that whine about spoonfeeding. The solution where everyone wins is to just ignore saucefaggots I guess?

Why is there a Sesame Street reject?

Over two hours of shitflinging and we still don't have a fucking name.


Anyone who isn't a retard got the name an hour ago.

It's because in the game you're essentially trying to be some sort of idol/mech pilot hybrid and to gain fans you can appear in interviews/commercials/shows. In this one you're in a kiddy show where they do crafts
Yes, essentially every fan-gaining opportunity turns into porn shoots the more you do it

So are you going to tell me? Or are we going to start this stupid shit over again

The name and the dlsite link have both explicitly been posted ITT, faggot
But just for you, I'm going to delete the post where I said the name

I don't see why one post with the name of whatever the person can't find is worse then a whole thread of bitching.

I got it already, too late faggit :^)


>But just for you, I'm going to delete the post where I said the name
you can't do that so late, checkmate