People are going to buy this again. Why? haven't you played it enough times over the past 7 years?
People are going to buy this again. Why? haven't you played it enough times over the past 7 years?
Is Dark Souls Skyrim of Souls games?
Some people haven't played it yet.
I never played it
I'll wait to see more info / footage about it and if it looks like it's worth it, I'll get it on Steam
>haven't you played it enough times over the past 7 years?
nah 1 invasions are the gift that keeps on giving and it wont be ruined by gear memory just because of how good the levels are for invasions
Souls fans are autistic, I know from personal experience
The Playstation 3 is a 11 year console with 512mb split CPU/GPU RAM. Any and all comparisons of Dark Souls 1 Remaster should be between modern PC and consoles, that means the bar is much higher for a 2018 release made for 2017 Switch hardware.
Imagine blightown. 9fps incoming.
Nah I’ve only played it once and Blighttown ran at 2fps on my 360. I’ll buy it again for 60 fps.
I’m sure all those annoying lines and stuff will be gone in the full release
>I never played it
The absolute state of Sup Forums
There's nothing else coming out until GoW.
Yeah I probably played at least 1000 hours in it so I don't see myself going back to it for a long time
there's going to be a free network test next month. just play it for free then and see if it's worth the $40.
This is a shitty argument unless you've already played every single game ever made.
you're an absolute retard
you can get das1 for 5 bucks, slap on dsfix and you got das remastered
jesus christ I can't believe how fucking dumb you are , you stupid piece of shit
Online will be far better in the Remaster.
>and if it looks like it's worth it, I'll get it on Steam
I know reading a full sentence might be difficult for you, but please try a little harder next time
>aven't you played it enough times over the past 7 years?
hahaha no
>and you got das remastered
enjoy waiting 20 minutes everytime you boot the game to connect to the servers if at all lmao
it's going to be the same as DS3 so it'll most likely just be gank squad bullshit and vets on SL1 invading and trying to get new players to quit.
You are absolutely correct and Bamco knows it. That's why DaS hasn't been on sale in a while on PC.
>it wont be ruined by gear memory just because of how good the levels are for invasions
*5-man ganks your path*
We still not saw ps4/xbo remaster. It can be on ds3 engine, and this old shit only for switch.
>It can be on ds3 engine, and this old shit only for switch.
I’m willing to bet money that the switch version isn’t even the remastered, and just the base game. It actually looks worse than the base game
Well it is true, do not judge game by switch version. Can be more in real remaster.
*holes up in the rafters of anal rodeo*
*pulls the lever of the bridge*
*hides on the swinging pendulum in sens*
not false if colossal
Imagine the Nintendo only fans getting their hands on this. Imagine all the vagrants.
It won't be on the DaS3 engine.
They said it won't be, but it would be good if they at least fix the color for the lava areas
Better question
>how will Fromsoft manage to further ruin online play
Ok, but it can be much more than original game.
Textures for minimum.
I'm not judging it on the Switch version, but I'm not holding my breath, either.
Whatever happens, I'm going to play the shit out of it and like it, but I think your expectations are far too high. It's just a guaranteed quick buck for Bandai Namco.
Because it's fun, I want to play it on ps4, and I'm not a poorfag so the money is a non-issue. Perhaps you should get a job?
Dark Souls 1 is not worth playing once 3 came out since it's actually a finished game.
Bullying Ninbabs in Undead Burg
>I'll get it on steam
if you get the remaster on steam, that's exactly why you're such a fucking idiot
>screenshot the only moment where the fps dips in a scene full of particles
No fun allowed.
I hate that so many people think like this.
"It's newer so it must be better"
I rather pay for darksouls twice, than any soybased AAA release
>I'll wait to see more info
>and if it looks like it's worth it
with a little bit of effort, you might be able to comprehend the original post and not paint yourself as a fool for posting silly responses
Watch the PS4 and X1 versions look exactly the same because Namco are lazy fucks and people blame the Switch for "holding the game back"
>dedicated servers
>i-it's the same I swear!
>can't read
>console with 512mb split
but its only half of that, you - piece of shit
>working online
>surge of players for release
why would you not play it? May be the last chance to have some fun in sens fuckhouse before the game dies for real
what is this
you are the main problem
buying remaster after remaster after remaster and not moving on.
>my nastalgia
>my buggy abused pvp
>my 9 fps blight town
>my deep lore
>my best souls exp.
>my ...
just die already fucking proletarian, you've been milked for so long and still want to be abused like a little whore you are
>people actually going to ng+ and playing online so gravelording works
I dunno OP
>512 MB
not him but esl fucks should read several times before commenting for the reading comprehension to kick in if they can't understand first time
>buying remaster after remaster after remaster and not moving on.
the only remaster I've ever bought is REmake before this, stop making huge presumptions
>so gravelording works
I don't get this meme. I always avoided the covenant because of all the nay-saying but I gave it a go a few weeks ago and got a constant stream of blues in my world. I had like 3 guys all gunning for me at the same time in Darkroot at one point, along with all the mobs they aggroed. Shit was fantastic.
I only just got into the series with DS3 so it's releasing at a good time for me. The online probably won't be the same as when it first released but at least it won't be dead.
Holy shit it's pathetic.
If you actually watch the video, it's only a dip that spot and all consoles dip at that spot
I'm going to buy it again on PC.
>I only just got into the series with DS3
Why start with the last game of the series?
>you are the main problem
>buying remaster after remaster after remaster and not moving on.
literally me when it comes to Dragon's Dogma
and I would buy it again if there's nother version coming
Maybe people should make better games.
I'd buy Bloodborne but it's not on PC and never will be
>What if we put a 2 minute timer on all phantoms and bump up the cost of covenant rewards to 70-80-90?
Higher chance to get into it? I've tried demon souls way back and it turned me off from the series early on. Also I was originally planning to play DS3 in co-op with a friend but after the first area hurdle I got hooked. Didn't think I was missing out this much.
Well, they're pathetic, what was your point anyway?
I am because I only played DS up to undead parish. I'm a hearty DS3 and BB player. The worst kind.
Make it like ds3 but you don't need the dried finger to summon a 5th ally and if you invade you get a half health penalty and you can no longer use humanities to heal up
What are you talking about?
The entire game dips below 60 fps :^)
Well, developers don't always fuck up games on the sequel. Are you imploring that all sequels are made to be crap?
Thats not logically equivalent with what I said.
Sequels are not always an improvement over the original and they should be played in order in most cases anyways. This is widely accepted for books and movies yet not in video games for some reason.
Watched the video, how does it dip so often? Did they manage to get Blighttown footage yet?
>People think the Switch is powerful
It literally dips all the time during boss fights and action sequences. And this is in areas where the FPS isnt usually an issue.
>Downgraded textures from the Xbox 360
Is this the reason why Nintendo can't get away from the shitty cartoon/anime artstyle for literally all their games? Seriously, when are they going to stop using washed out, dull textures.