'>'Number one
>in 1945 corporations paid 50% of federal taxes, now they pay about 5%''
>''Number 2
'>'Number one
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That's terror.
>Post existential USA war had higher taxes
Really shocker there, Specy
You think you know better than FEMA what to do with this month's Ambrosia shipment?
>in 1945 corporations paid 50% of federal taxes, now they pay about 5%
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Thats bullshit, but I believe it
t.illuminati paid shill
It's going back to the people. We've won this round agent.
>tfw playing games like Deus Ex and reading 1984 and Fahrenheit 451
sometimes you wonder if the people who made these were time travelers
Paul. I thought you were in Hong Kong.
>It's going back to the people.
That's terror.
Why is every fucking line in this game so memorable?
this game is too real
Woah a in a country devoted to capitalism corporations eventually bought off the government? What an imagination these guys had!
hitler wanted to do this and it was a good thing, where's the problem?
No he didn't.
Rhetoric! And you believe it!
if you try to draw a connection with the EU here, you are wrong.
>in 1945 corporations paid 50% of federal taxes, now they pay about 5%''
They also had a much lower corporate tax rate. But let's not go there.
In the same way you can also say that you could afford a house and a family as a single earner.
Nowadays it's impossible to do that.
> hajibob refugees invade Germany
> rape and impregnate every female they can
> kill anything they can't impregnate
> baby hajibobs burst from their mothers' wombs and start raping and impregnating everyone as well
> they sweep across the EU killing and multiplying exponentially
> Soon the EU is populated by nothing but shit skins with the exception of Merkel who smugly fingers her dusty vag while thinking about how wonderfully diverse the EU is now
Cant believe i missed Morpheus on my first playthrough, this thing was spooky.
I completely missed him on my last playthrough
Hello MJ12, how is Bob Page doing?
It's in Morgan Everett's apartment
time to watch it again
This shit right here completely spoiled the surprise in Maggie Chow's apartment.
It really shouldn't have been all that much of a surprise if you were paying attention, as she was the one walking away from Bob Page and Simons at the very start of the intro.
>implying anyone noticed that or remembered it
ITT: glow in the dark CIA Niggers
I'm genuinely interested - why do you think that doesn't apply to the EU?
What makes you think it applies? EU is no big conspiracy, it was just an attempt to avoid further World Wars by making Europeans cooperate through economy.
There's no language, culture or "taste" agenda. Everyone speaks English, except for the French and Germans, but that's because of the USA, not England.
I though that was the point but the subtitle made it a bit too obvious.
he’s 100 percent BLACK.
>no agenda
what the fuck am I reading
Missed the three defining words there.
they pay member states to help preserve indigenous culture though
t. Jean-Claude Juncker
So which meme did you go for in the ending?
I went with Tong first because I thought it was just pushing problem ahead of us, I didn't get that it meant a return to the middle ages.
so then I went back and picked the AI ending, which I now believe is probably the best choice.
Is that why they flood said states with subhumans who want to destroy said culture?
The other two are just sentencing the world to a repeat of different periods it's already been through. Same thing happens with the Invisible War endings. The AI control ending is the only one that actually moves things forward
She's literally talking about the EU you dull fuck. i hope you feel stupid as a toilet paper parachute