New dlc coming out today/tomorrow (depending on your time-zone).
Fire Emblem Warriors
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Literally negative ass
Is this even fun? I’ve never played a dynasty warriors game, but it seems so repetitive.
>fire emblem
>Shit characters the dlc
and they expect people to pay for this
Its about time we heard something about it. Now the real question is if Olivia is a clone or not?
Nobody give a shit you virgin weeb nu-FE shitter.
As a musou game it's pretty bad.
Ok that’s what I thought
What weapon is Olivia holding?
It's pretty much guaranteed that Olivia will not be a clone with Owain and Tharja being in there.
I think its a sword.
I know it's a sword you nerd, I'm asking which one she's holding.
>#FEWarriors new update patch also adds a Strategist Blessing which switches the game to Strategist mode: Your controlled character can't deal damage but other allies will fight much better in return.
#FEWarriors new update patch also adds a Strategist Blessing which switches the game to Strategist mode: Your controlled character can't deal damage but other allies will fight much better in return.
>Still no hector
>Still no ike
I'll pass
No. It's easily the worst Warriors games I've ever played
>b-but you never played it
Major gripes
>clones, clones and more clones
>fateswakening wank
>dlc characters are more clones
>the character select/swap screen is fucking cancer, can't be rearranged and if you're favorites or on the middle or bottom of the list too bad LOL
>weapon trinagle is ass in this sort of game, you constantly have to change people and micromanage where your retarded teammates
>menu is uninspired and ugly. Ugly 3D renders with lowered saturation
>want to download for Olivia and Sage Lissa but don't want to update Switch
>Stealing an empty case from a gamestore
Is there no level you fags aren't willing to stoop to?
>lissa has a lot of undergarments
Not fair
I've been waiting to buy this game until this dlc was out so this is good to know
>>the character select/swap screen is fucking cancer, can't be rearranged and if you're favorites or on the middle or bottom of the list too bad LOL
>Your controlled character can't deal damage but other allies will fight much better in return.
Surely there is more to it than this. Being unable to deal damage in a musou game while watching the AI fight itself is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
>that ass
Come on KT, what are you doing?
Warriors games can be so much better. The graphics and performance is beyond bad for a 2017 game console. Switch deserves better. Olivia is so ugly in this game, I blame the engine.
this is what selecting characters looks like in FeW. Instead of your standard select screen they tried to emulate the convoy from FE games.
Only this is fucking annoying when trying to find specific people. You can't rearrange it or put your favorites on top. Sometimes maps will change your characters based on stupid criteria and you'll have to reset your favorites.
Lissa is just too cute in that costume.
>buying and playing shitty games just because DUDE WAIFU LMAO
In comparison, here's Hyrule Warriors character select screen. There's big icons with the character's faces on them, and there's more than 2 people per fucking row.
FeW's cramped menu's for everything
Is so ugly and repetitive.
why is her ass so flat?
tharjas looks good though
>reading is hard gib big picturrs
Nigga, wut? It's pretty much the best musou released. The only plausible reason why you can hate it is if it doesn't have a specific character you want or you don't like musou's in general.
It's for FEfags. If you never played FE you wouldn't understand.
Hey, waifus are the shit.
But I'm still mad that Ike is not in there
I bet if they added Hector, Ike and Ephraim, half of the complaints about the game would be gone
Dont listen to this absolute retard.
This is hands down the best musou ever released. And i am a diehard fan playin since DW2.
I've played every FE you dumb faggots. It's an ugly cramped mess.
Depends. Do they have unique movesets? IS the UI still fucking ass? Yeah, more characters and rep would be a good thing, no shit you autist.
Not even. They'll just scrounge up even more obscure characters to complain about not being in. People are prepared to hate on this game no matter what.
>Fates DLC and SD DLC reveals started weeks in advance with trailers for each character
>Awakening DLC is a load of fucking nothing until surprise it comes out tomorrow with only a couple screens that give no indication of how they play
Real promising.
playing this game is an obligation for fire emblem fans because we wanted a fire emblem warrior years ago.
We got shafted with an awful roaster. But still bought it anyway for that reason.
I'm sure you have, sweetie.
>It's for Awakening and Fates fags
>be a company that makes spin-offs that celebrate series by including characters, places, events, items, etc from a variety of games into one fan-fare title
>put almost as much detail and love into said spin-offs as anyone else
>get to Fire Emblem and fuck it all up because IS is at war with each other over old school and new creators and fans
>get a Warriors game that is just the most recent titles and a couple of fan-faves
>DLC continues the horrible trend
That's pretty much why I bought it. I wanted to give it a chance but I knew it would be shit and sure enough it was. It's even more re-enforced now because NU-fe fags are coming out of the woodwork to claim the contrary.
It's sad when mobile gacha shit does a better job at fanservice than a legit console game.
Have sex.
Dont listen to this absolute retard.
This is hands down the worst musou ever released. And i am a diehard fan playin since DW2.
Oh look, a Robin clone. Why are people excited for Tharja again?
I'd rather have Ike in FEW instead.
I got a 3ds but not a single fire emblem game
Which should I start with?
The problem isn't the characters that are in. The problem is that literally half the cast are clones and even the DLC packs have clones in them. I wouldn't mind if the cast had been entirely Awakening/Fates characters as long as they each had unique movesets.
Im a fire emblem fans not an awakening and fates fan so this shitty musou doesn't interest me.
Awakening or Birthright
Fire Emblem 7
>none of the complaints even affect the gameplay besides clones
>It's sad when mobile gacha shit does a better job at fanservice than a legit console game.
Not completely. The mobage isn't restrained by things like a limited roster size or trying to give everyone a moveset and working animations. Of course it's easier to please everyone and include more when all you have to do is give a unit some stats, hire an artist and VA, and call it good. That being said, even if you're going to do 1/13/14 only, there are far better choices to pick from than what we got.
>wah it's ugly wah wah
Is that all you have? This is 100% a subjective complaint. I couldn't get into HW because I found it ugly (hearts do not transfer well at all to musou health bars, everything about Adventure mode's layout and progression was awful) but I didn't make it my life's work to throw a bitch fit in every thread. You're shitting your diaper because you don't like the menus as if the menus are the only part of the game you have any knowledge of.
You mean a game where literally every unit uses the same animations excluding special snowflakes like Ike?
Let Oscar come with him. That man always neds up being my MVP in every run and I want to tear more shit up with him.
>if they had put Roy and Ike in it this would have been considered GOTY 2017
It's amazing how little supposed Fire Emblem fans care about gameplay. I guess that's why people praise Echoes so much.
Yeah, clones really made me disappointed in the game. It makes sense for characters like Chrom and Lucina, but the rest are just incredibly lazy.
haven't seen you post in a while.
>musou shit
>being GOTY ever
It's good to see your entire argument hinges on a hypothetical
Blame whoever decided to put that hack Hayashi in charge. Never played a single FE game in his life before development started. Then just played Fates where he waifu'd Hinoka and threatened to remove other characters when anyone brought up if she was really needed.
So feminazis won't get jealous.
So it's basically nuFEfags ruining the entire series again.
>weapon triangles is ass/retarded teammates and having to constantly change people
.not a complaint about gameplay
Maybe it's because the gameplay is so shallow and barebones so little could be said of it. Even more so than your average Musou game. But I doubt you've even even played one so you wouldn't know.
>Pirate Warriors
>Dragon Quest Heroes
Even Hyrule Warriors, as barebones as it also is to those titles is still superior despite being a predecessor.
Heroesfags need to die.
Cipher is good.
This is a retarded response considering all traditional FE games follow this rule somewhat when people have the same classes and heroes plays like a traditional FE game. But I don't really expect anyone unironically defending warriors to not be retarded.
>one of the best things about musous is the varied characters and unique movesets
>"let's make half the cast clones even when it isn't logical and sell more clones as DLC!"
>lol why do people dislike this game
You can't give me a feasible explanation as to why we had shit like all 3 Pegasus Knights playing exactly the same in the base game. Or every single bow user in the game playing the exact same with the exact same visual effects. The roster is disappointing as fuck because it felt like they put no effort into it, especially coming after stuff like Hyrule Warriors and Pirate Warriors. And don't say they didn't have enough material to work with, because the movesets that are unique are pretty flashy and creative. They just got lazy.
It's the new blood at IS saying "But we saved FE!" that's keeping the old blood and old fans from having a good FE Warriors. They shoe horned as many Awakening, Fates characters into roles when there has been a history of more iconic characters who could have easily filled those roles.
Yeah, because it still celebrates all FE, not new FE. Fucking mobile game does better job of it than Warriors.
Never have I seen a series fall from grace so fast. It really make you think when the majority of those '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''FANS'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' only play some shitty gacha games and literally pay to get new characters they don't even know about but hey its an anime guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurllllllllllll ohhhh my 12312321 waifus xD
So Fire Emblem is now a hack-and-slash? Well atleast it isn't a fucking waifu simulator anymore like in Fates.
>awakening faggot this mad people don't like warriors
The series fell from grace when fags like you joined it's ranks cock sucker.
I don't think Warriors is good even for what it is, but Heroesfetuses are fucking pathetic. No shit a png simulator is going to have more characters than an actual full fledged game.
>dumbass jumping to conclusion that im a awakeningfag
Its literally since awakening that this series got ruined.
Literally could have been any other sword user from awakening.
Probably the devs weren't very passionate about the whole thing when the wanted to put in Donnel in the game but ISIS opted to put in Lucina instead because fuck you. There's also Hayashi as a factor in this whole thing who's a notorious fucking hack and major faggot with his *laughs*
Okay, but where's the trailers?
>add in armor break feature
>be too afraid to show skin
What was the point? There was literally no reason to have something like this in the game other than showing off girls in their underwear. Yet they have everyone except Camilla be in shorts, pants, or some other form of non-revealing clothing. I bet Olivia's will somehow cover up more of her ass than her default outfit and Tharja will be wearing boy shorts that make no sense to be under her bodysock.
Playable Owain finally, Olivia is a mediocre choice, Cordelia continues to take up space, Tharja is another Robin clone, but goddamn that exalted king costume is great.
>Tharja is another Robin clone
Who was the clone before her?
Yeah, FEW's interface is a fucking mess.
>Add in even more shattered armor that isn't even fucking sexy, it might as well be the leather underwear from monster hunter
>Olivia's sexy as fuck outfit
To decrease the enemies defenses in another way and to kill them quicker.
The outfits though? You got me there.
>Playable Owain finally, Olivia is a mediocre choice
>says this while defending Roddits character of the year, le funny theater man
It's among the best in gameplay though. I really hope ordering your officers will be a thing in other musou games in the future
Did this game do well? I was curious who'd buy it because Warriors games might as well be all about fan service but FEW leaves 90% of the franchise ignored
Sold above average for Musou in Japan and Koei said they were happy about the game’s digital sales.
90% of the fanbase are Awakening and Fates shitters so it probably sold well.
What was that last Warriors game they actually tried to make good?
Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition.
Good amount of unique content and also brings in the 3DS fixes.
But will it reduce the amount of grind in adventure mode or buff useless movesets like Fi?
Pirate Warriors 3.
HW was the shit. So much love put into that game. Tons of content too and all the characters were unique and inspired.