>another hero without any mechanical skill requirement whatoever
First Moira, now this. What`s Blizzard's agenda?
Another hero without any mechanical skill requirement whatoever
>another hero that counters the actual skill based heroes like Genji and Tracer when they attempt to gank the backline
Dead game
>wants a mechanically demanding game
>plays Overwatch
> genji
> requires skill
Aside from aiming, which helps most characters that aren't support or Reinhart, genji requires as little skill as every other hero in the game
>mechanical 'skill' is more important than all other skills
Genji is a high skill hero, and if players can't muster the skill to play him, Genji is really bad (skill level as a roaming aggregate of Skill Rating [SR℠] curated by the players' Matchmaking Rating [MMR℠]). Doomfist is a high skill hero similar to Genji. They're both risk-reward melee heroes, but Doomfist is inherently different to him from a design standpoint. He's a warlord. Genji is a warrior. Doomfist's characteristic strengths are as a combat leader, whereas Genji's are in a singular warrior of Nihon-koku. Implementation of these different skill-types required thoughtful planning on Blizzard™'s part, especially regarding technological implications. Blizzard™ asked themselves, "how can we translate the qualities required for a successful warlord into Doomfist play without affecting the currently perfect implementation of Genji?" This skill gradient is properly emphasized and implemented by Blizzard™'s Network Inconsistency Compensation Effects℠ for Guaranteed heuristic Indemnity in Synchronous Emulation® (NICE℠ GuISE®). The "pixel perfect" aspect of Doomfist play (all high level) is intentional, and frankly brilliant. It makes sense for Doomfist to require more skill than Genji in-game because his existence as a warlord necessitates both leadership, planning, and raw skill in the combat arts. Every kill on Doomfist is that much sweeter. Genji requires only mechanical skill and weaponry, such as his nihontō and ryū school hira-shuriken, along with the yamato-damashi, yamato-gokoro, and ryūga damashi and gokoro (ult). The design philosophy is clear in their ultimates, as well. Meteor Strike requires far more executive level planning than Dragon Blade, and it shows. Doomfist's "strengthening of humanity" begins with the player -- (You). Well done, Blizzard™, my hat's off to ya'.
>another hero that rewards good gamesense over mechanical skill
First Moira, now this. What's Blizzard's agenda?
what does she do
heals, smacks people
doesn't sound very creative
>Oh no she ruined the shitty dive comp
it's fun tho
Cant wait for the futa sfm porn
That actually remains to be seen. Don't be too surprised if that isn't the case.
WE NEED TO STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS FUCKING GAME RIGHT FUCKING NOW. we are Sup Forums. We decide what game lives and dies and its time to kill this soywatch
Right, I mean theoretically she should. I like her concept at least.
I forgot that this game existed. Is it f2p yet?
Genji has an infinitely higher skill requirement than any hero who does not require aiming, e.g Moira, Mercy, Girl Torn etc
>aiming is the acme of skill
ok kid
it's a shitty ash clone
why you still playing this game user?
I hope they don't nerf her, Bridgette is a lot of fun
is this autism lads?
I haven't played overwatch since late 2016, post her skins?
Scientifically futa on female is the least gay type of porn there is.
but why does zarya have to always be the futa? can't pornographers underdstand the dichotomy and juxtaposition of maintaining the feminine aspects of a butch woman whilst defeminizing a traditionally feminine character with a futa cock. when will they know true inner peace?
they must cater to the lowest common denominator of skill levels so that children, women, and cripples can buy and play the game and throw your matches.
lmao imagine spending hours drafting then writing all that shit without so much as a (You)
why would they nerf her she doesn't do shit or bring anything good to the table other than armor post ult
I see a lot more futa Widow and Mercy but maybe we're not in the same places.
this is true, but my waifu if always give a big cock and insanely off model massive muscles. a true injustice
Thank god I uninstalled this garbage, apparently she gets life steal by smacking her hammer around and sometimes mathematically wins 1v1s 100% of the time against certain heroes
Shield bash is a fucking fun skill
>Reaper/Rein/Moira/Roadhog ults in your face
>Shield bash them out of it then rocket flail them away
>good gamesense
>when your and your enemies exact movements are dictated by cooldowns and meta and heroes like this
are you trying to say that gamesense doesn't real?
I even did it to a Genji. He started ult in air, the second he landed it was bash, whip shot, swing, and he's dead
You know if she does throw a wrench in dive forums and the "pros" will throw a fit until she's nerfed to obscurity.
It's dive forever, boy-os
I'm trying to say OW has as low a demand on gamesense as it does every other skill requirement.
It's the same as all the others, there are opportunities for skill, but they're all suppressed by failures in game design making optimal play sub-skillful
what would you describe as a game that requires good game sense more than mechanical skill?
isn't understanding those cooldowns part of what provides a need for skill?
>not stun-swing-punt comboing Tracers
Släng dig I väggen.
This is what Genji players want to believe. Genji's a shitter magnet because you can mash your face against the keyboard and get stuff done. At least mention McCree or something.
>implying Winston isn't the highest skillcap character in overwatch
Winston really needs a buff now. His Tesla Cannon does absolute shit against Briggs+Lucio/Moira autohealing. They should change his shield so that it can block or cut off healing outright.
when will they fix quad tank meta?
but shes awful healer and damage dealer. only thing she has going for her is her ult.
Mid 2017.
>Dive on team
>They can't heal at all
>You can do this every 7 seconds or so
Wow, so much balance. Please go work for Blizzard.
I want to fuck Tracer.
>step out of shield
>get healed
That just might be too mechanically challenging for the general player-base. What was I thinking?
Why do you need to be good with machines to play as her?
this tbqh it's a fisher price game
I too wish there was more non-futa porn of Zarya, but my biggest issue is when they make her like twice the size of everyone else for some reason. Not only does she have to be futa, but she has to be an actual giant as well? What is up with that?
>dive comp
Keep dreaming, faggot
I don't think theres a single close-range character that doesn't get their shit pushed in by the brigadier general
That stun is insane and I hope they change it somehow. I don't know how they can change it without it fucking up the counters to the flankers and honestly I'm afraid of what they'll implement since they keep doing questionable bullshit.
>sombra's hack goes on a 2 second cooldown whenever she's hit, making random dva spam from two maps over a viable counter.
>instead of ramp-up damage on junkrat's mine so he can't spam it, they fuck it over by adding fall-off based around distance (meaning you can't hide the mine on a wall or something a bit father off if you're trying to make use of your awful beartrap)
>another obnoxious kit to fight against
glad i dont play this shit anymore
Judging by your “winston needs a buff comment”, you’re not thinking at all.
>played the fuck out of her in the PTR
>comes to live
>get her in Mystery Heroes
>wreck shop with her, knocking out Tracers and Moria left and right
>people already crying she's OP'/broken despite having really hard counters
Can't do shit against the better tanks, Junkrat or Pharah, maybe stop playing the 1-trink ponies like Tracer, Genji, and Moria and get some skill.
0/10 bait m8/8 xD le cake
>genji and tracer are skill based
What did he mean by this?
I at least want a mechanically interesting character.
Almost none of Brigitte's skills bounce off her other skills. She has no kit synergy, same with Moira. They're character created to balance the meta, not to be holistically competent kits
so every team is dumb enough to stand in a fucking cluster to get encompassed by Winston shield every time? Do you play in Bronze or some shit?
OW is a dumb as fucking shit game since it tries to make characters that require little to no mechanical skill be on the same level as the ones that do require skill and practice so that casuals can join in on the fun. It's a cute idea but it really doesn't work, the end result is that the non-casuals get frustrated when some literal retard presses LMB in your general direction while spamming abilities. Moira is maybe the worst offender of this, now Brigitte joins that club.
List the last five games you've played faggot
makes my dick hard
SFM porn when?
>Ana can't do shit in the current dive meta and
>tfw blizz just keeps adding new "anti-dive" supports and further pushes Ana into irrelevancy instead of giving her some proper survivability
Even if Brigitte manages to put a stop to anti-dive, she does so by replacing a support "slot" so we're just gonna see Brigitte and Moira/Zen in every anti-dive. It seems that every change and hero addition Blizz makes they do so with no regard as to how it affects the rest of the game.
>Tumblr the character
Dark Souls Deus Ex Northgard Divinity Original Sin Titan Quest
can't wait for ur buttmad strawman reply baby xoxo
Overwatch is just shit, literally league of legends in first person, spent one year of my life playing this pile of crap before realizing it. I just went back to tf2, at least there's no literal children telling me to "flex" because im "unskilled" in a game with cooldown abilities.
It's a fucking INSULT that you aren't required to aim in a fps game.
i think overwatch is more about tactical skill than mechanical
>action rpg fan
>crying about unskilled games
t. plat trash
>Hey everypony isn't this gayme just so much fun
Called the strawman. I just played it, doesn't mean I'll defend it on a gay forum for an Overwatch-loving faggot.
Get back to your match baby, better pick support again or I'm reporting you ;))
I love when TF2 kids call overwatch low skill when they're about the same shit outside of top level comp tft2 which I know none of you play.
>overwatch is garbage because not every hero is viable
meanwhile the only viable comp is 2 solly 2 scout demo medic
>tfw just enjoy occasionally firing up OW to play it casually
>also loved TF2 and play Siege on the side
Why can't we all just get along?
>They should change his shield so that it can block or cut off healing outright.
Yeah what we really need is do things that bring back the Dive Meta because everyone wants that again.
??? winston is already a must pick masters+
>Play OW with friends a few times a week.
>Play TF2 during holiday events.
Best of both worlds.
If you want mechanically demanding heroes there is:
And much much more!
>he plays overwatch
Having skill in a game promotes toxicity.
>dive meta is gone
News to me. I know that triple/quad tank has become popular again thanks to Moira being able to shit out AOE heals, and Brigitte is only gonna make this even stronger. It seems like the meta is always gonne revolve around the tanks and supports.
Zen will always be my favorite character just because he's the only support that can 1HKO
Delete this hate symbol right now.
but they all get "countered" by the easy ones
>another hero that is easily counter by Pharah
Dive isn't gone fully but it's not the absolute cancer that it was before
Being over 18 and playing online pvp games as an adult promotes toxicity.
Real men play single player
this char does nothing but make my roadhog boner even bigger because getting armor inbetween heals is just infinite health. It feels so hard to die now
The only character that can hard counter anyone is Sombra.
If you can't kill/avoid your soft counter, you just need to get good.
You sound like you have roughly 0 testosterone or competitive drive.
You should be dicking on everyone as genji or tracer if you're good. They have no hard counters.
What counters a god tracer??
Anyone with enough health to not die to her peashooters, a widespread/auto-tracking weapon, or CC. And they need to be a god too.
You can't hard counter a tracer in the sense of killing her easily but you can make her useless or a mild annoyance at worst.
Please, Ana will always be used thanks to Biotic Grenade, Sleep Dart, Nanoboost, and being the only long-range healer.