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Fucking moron hahahah stupid fucking nigger ahahahahaha
they do realize his skins white because he's permanently coated in his wife's ashes right?
kek, based post
i thought kratos was black in white face too
Why is it always about race with these fucking people
You think they actually played the game? Or if they did, paid attention to the story?
>nu is literally his name
>lefts showing they never play the shit they talk bad about
what a shocker..
>i thought a spartan was black
American history in action
>not white
By that logic Samurai Jack should be black then.
We wuz Spartans too? Damn black people were in every place and every time period. Consider me WOKE
You do realize that he's white before that happens also right?
because they have no other meaning in life and no other subject to talk about. it seems to me that at this point, only literal retards talk about race all the time. there are no arguments, only whining and shitty demands. they could as well make their own stories with a shitton of minorities but they just don't.
t. literal fucking immigrant from a second world shithole who lives in germany and never gives these people attention because they are insane
Seriously who cares
why do Amerimutts keep trying to change Euro history to appease their Overgrown black children
>there have been no people of color in ancient greece
Sup Forums
For all the black recasts, this one would at least make sense. As well as Kratos sounding like a black guy in the first game. Being black during Greece's golden age would explain why he keeps getting screwed over, despite his accomplishments.
Oh the ironing
Wait isn't he based off of like ancient Greeks or something. Were they black?
Of course he is, he's a spartan.
>amerimutt History in action
1/10 for making me reply
He's European but not white, greco aren't white
age was not kind to judge.
Thats still caucasian, which is the only general qualifier for "white".
Consult your Koran for guidance
Y'all niggas best not be talking shit about Teal'c.
No. They were white user. With tans becuase they didn't spend 18 hours a day indoors
Clearly they don't know why he is called the ghost of sparta.
Funny thinkg that they don't understand that kratos is not white, that color is because those are the ashes of his wife an daughter that cover his entire body.
th-they know that's a curse put on him, right? that's not his real skin colour...
>mfw i get white nationalists on /vpol/ to admit that the achievements of the Hellenic world were all the results of PoC
>I can find one poorly documented exception where a black man was in ancient Greece therefore Kratos should be BLACK
This is how retarded you sound. Same with the Kingdom Come Deliverance SJWs
this shit just writes itself
>a retard who obviously never played the games says something retarded about a character's race
Just an idiot trying to get likes/retweets and stir "controversy" in an appeal to seem progressive. Nothing to see here.
Is he saying that he fits as a black character because all Kratos does is fuck everything up, kill people in ridiculously cruel and painful ways, cuck Ares and destroy civilization?
I don't think I'd want that as a representative of blacks.
Why didn't the proud black man refuse to take the job voicing disgusting wypipo character? Is he Uncle Tom?
Please get your facts right.
Zeus was black and so were most other Gods and greeks.
>Thats still caucasian, which is the only general qualifier for "white".
If you're a dumb american or politically opinionated
That's a not a Black man
Thats a Shol'va
>looks like a black guy (in the old games)
>voiced by a black guy
yeah hes a spartan but he was black. Someone needs to photoshop some cornrows and some melanin on kratos' old model and you'll see what im sayin
he's white you dense motherfuckers
he's just tanned
underrated post
tweet posters should be fucking gassed
>guy who hasn't even played the games making an uninformed statement
From 520 BC. One is African, one is Greek.
You silly, don't you know? Blacks secretly did everything behind the scenes while whites only stole their accomplishments, abused and enslaved them. Everything that has ever been done had an uncredited black behind it.
Posting Twitter screenshots should be a bannable offense.
500 replies inc
He's fucking Greek. If Greeks are white than I'm a fucking albino
>greeks traded with people who were dark complexion
>therefore make all greeks black, trojans too
>make a interractial threesome with two nigs and a white woman
>its what homer would have wanted
This. Kratos is an unlikeable asshole who abuses women and kills people for his own selfish reasons. Maybe he should be black
he was dark as fuck, the man probably sweat olive oil
>american education
so when will Sup Forums get nuked? at this point i'd be grateful if it happens
No it's not. All whites are caucasian, but not all caucasians are white.
Persians for one are a pretty cool guy compared to other middle-easterners, but they still aren't white
I personally can't wait to play though the Elder Scrolls VI: Redguard as an argonian
Greeks weren't white, romans weren't white. However, they weren't niggers either. These civilizations are revered because their achievements served as a stepping stone for white nations that replaced them. You know, cause white people recognize merit over gibs me dat
There are only 3 races. Caucasoid(Cro Magnum Man), Negroid (Homo Erect), and Mongaloid (Neanderthal) everythibg else is a mix or an adaptation to an area over time
I thought you said consult your Krogan for a second. I'm disappointed.
Based BBC with the truth bombs.
Redguards are great though
If he was black would he be the Shadow of Sparta instead of the Ghost of Sparta?
BBC loves the BBC
Modern greeks are mixed with turks.
Anyway, you wont find snowniggers in a 250 days all sun country
I can't wait until they make an Edo period samurai mini-series with blacks in it.
What a surprise, it's a fucking bait account meant to rile people up. No one can be this retarded
this is photoshop
if you've told me 10 years ago that Sup Forums would become SJW-central, i would have never believed it
Christ how did this happen
>implying PoC = African people
> These civilizations are revered because their achievements served as a stepping stone for white nations that replaced them.
>white people storm through and destroy rome
>white people treat the Byzantine empire as a strange oriental "other"
>leave it all to the Arabs to preserve and advance hellenic culture
>implying any of this is proof of white people recognizing merit and using the achievements of the ancient world as a stepping stone
Teal'C is Kratos? Holy shit I'm gonna play all the games now, I just dismissed them as babby shit like the nu-DmC
>his twitter handle
>dumb anons not realising this is a fake controversy to make people look at GoW and draw interest for the new title
>lets see what the greeks themselves thought they looked like.
oops, niggas gonna nig
i thought it's a man with dick
Only in the new one. It was Terrence C. Carson in previous games.
He had an olive complexion, nigga was brown as fuck.
>let's see what gamergate thought they looked like
Still wondering why there is this obsession with making Jack the Asianest man to ever Asian man, and yet continue to employe a black man to voice him. Jack could easily be the black he clearly is, but people are too cowardly, too meek, too self absorbed to do fix it.
Why americans are so obsessed with being white?
Nioh had a nigger samurai, does that count?
I always thought it was weird that they got a black guy to voice a white character
not that it really mattered in the end, the voice actor did a fine job
Greeks had no eyes, confirmed.
The proof is the fact that you can read the works of Homer, Plato or Ovid these days, which are recognized as the finest pieces of literature ever. Not to mention the fact that various Yurop nations kept calling themselves "roman empires" literally a thousand years after Rome fell.