Xbox is dead. They NEEDED this game to be a success

Xbox is dead. They NEEDED this game to be a success.

What reason is there to even own an Xbone? 5 years on the market and I can't think of a single exclusive of note beyond the typical Halo/Gears/Forza that are worse than their 6th and 7th generation installments ever were. Wasn't this game supposed to save them?

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The people who subscribed for the game pass won’t get suspended while the people who actually paid the game won’t be able to get in the game until the developpers fix the damn problem lol

Is it just me or is every console game nowadays no different than an early access title?

no one expected Sea of Shit to be good, hell it's not even the type of game Xbox players like.

>went up to 6.1 after the Sonyfags were done spamming 0 votes


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Where the fuck is Crackdown 3? Release date is gone again.

>english for sea
>3rd world language for drive club

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>user reviews

these never count

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>Where the fuck is Crackdown 3? Release date is gone again.
Probably going to be going the way of scalebound.

What is going on at Rare? They had all this time to make a game and they failed this hard. It's not even like the game is very complex or the graphics are advanced. There's barely any content. Other developers have put out bigger and better looking games in a shorter amount of time.

but the game was almost finished, I saw the gameplay footage

Honestly. What could you add to a pirate game that isn’t a simulator? Ship battles, treasure hunt, kraken battles. That’s it

I just see xbone trying to be relevant and it's just floundering. Why would they keep teasing a game and not release it? What kind of budget does it have to keep stringing fans along?

raiding, looting and raping

He learned english in 4 years.

Isn't this a PC game anyway?

How is it so relevant to xbone?

Most of the talent left Rare a decade ago when they were bought by Microsoft and relegated to making shit-tier Kinect games

Free with pass, and one of the games with cross-play iirc.

TLOU and Uncharted are legit 0/10s. Naughty Dog fucking blows.

>mfw playing this on pc and enjoying it knowing it's not my beloved console's failed saving grace and instead just another acceptably enjoyable pirate game to hold me off until the next one

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Give it a fucking rest

We won. You lost.


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God this is sad

>game is out
>still 0 reviews

Talking about a red flag, or should I say black flag?

>free with pass
Maybe they recognized that it wouldn’t be great while nearing completion, and figured the best course of action would be to try and boost subscriptions to Gane Pass


Lol does anyone even play that boring old horseshit?

I don’t play those games, but that’s just like...your opinion, man.

>Xbox is dead

Then God is dead.

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>paying for fortnite

No idea haven't tried sea of thieves, I'm trading my xbone s and PS4 slim for a ps4 pro soon so idk.

Isn’t Fortnite surpassing PUBG now?

Not that guy but yeah I think so. Being multi plat is a boon for it.

One is free other is not.

>buying a ps4 pro

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You don't like it so I shouldn't? Nice argument

Not everything needs to be so hyperbolic user. Are you saying that you can't think of worse games than tlou and uncharted? Go look at the "all games" section of the steam store, not just popular or trending, to see what some legit 0/10 games really look like.

This, more interested in Crackdown 3, this and State of Decay 2 can burn.

>Slim for Pro


That’s this entire thread!

Around June from what I heard.

>buying the game in general
Don't care if you got it for PC or Xbox, this game is a piece of shit and you're retarded for praising any version and or part of it.

Gimped performance desu.
More like this forum but yeah probably.

game has a lot of potential
really fun with a group
incredibly boring solo or with two

no end game content but the best part is pirate hunting

Fuck you Gaben ball licking sonybro! My Xbox One has plenty of uses in my home. I print alot of documents and it keeps them from flying off my desk. Not to mention that I can play video games on it. What can your fucking gay ass Desktop Playstation 4 with Steam do? LMAO Sell you digital copies of games for the same price as one with a physical disk? HAHAHA, enjoy your chinese porn game exclusives like that pretentious one with a goth girl protag like 9gagger homo.

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So what will the “”””””””””journalist”””””””””” metacritic score be? I think they’re gonna overrate it give it 72 when it’s really a 45

Man I feel bad. MS will close down RARE in a year or two. Before working on sea of thieves, Rare were the primary developper for the kinect and that shit failed beyond belief. Press F to pay respek

S to spit on their grave, Killer Instinct prove other devs can make their games better than they can, Rare can fuck right off with Lionhead, they won't be missed.

>Caring about user scores
Gamers are some of the most pettiest fanbase in the world.
You're better off asking random people on the streets than taken user scores seriously

>PUBG btfo by fornite, the most popular game in the world, because only one was on ps4

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