Terrible bug in an old game

>terrible bug in an old game
>look around the internet for a solution
>cocksucker25: Found the fix. Its easy just download: " Please Log in - Register to view this link"

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>try to get old game to run on windows
>nothing works
>patches are all in PMs, please register, and search this porn site for the password

>boot linux
>start the game with Wine
>it works

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>find fix
>read replies
>fuck yeah! Thanks!
>you’re my hero
>dude thank you
>click on link
>it’s expired

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>bothering to play buggy old games in 2018

google 10minutemail

why would you play anything other than LoL? just seems like a waste of time, especially single player games.

ain't nobody falling for this shit

seriously. if i really care i can just watch a stream of the playthrough or watch a summary of the story on youtube.

better than spoonfeeding feminist propoganda and/or shitty gambling practices into your mouth

>here you go user, it's that tomb raider game you like, with a protaganist with a hairy man ass face, pancake tits and special burka outfit!

Don't feel like playing that? Well how about star wars battlefront 2! or overwatch!? what's that? you don't like gambling lootboxes where you end up spending thousands of dollars on shallow games?

Well that's too bad, it's current year bitch!

>bug in old game prevents completion
>search forums, someone discovered an exploit to bypass the bug without any drawbacks
>dev posts in the thread, says they're working on it
>patch removes exploit, bug remains
>developer discontinues patches and support because their next game launched

Modern games are almost all interactive movies, they cater to casuals so are stupidly easy and you're finished with them in 4-5 hours.

Just watch the entire thing on youtube and you get 99% of the experience.

He didn't say anything about modern games.

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>Cocksuxk26: "Never mind I fixed it"
>No solution posted

>being this mental and obsessed

>seems like a waste of time, especially single player games
>yfw you got a friend who actually argues like that

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yeah, because watching a movie is the same as acting in one.

Wat Gaem?

Huh. I'd never heard of this before. I hate being old.

funny as shit that no one ever posts the games they're having trouble with

you might find a solution instead of reposting the same tired ass thread just so you can "fit in" with Sup Forums

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throwaway email addresses have been a thing for an actual decade though. so youre what like 40? that must suck.

Seriously, what game?

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HoMM 6 has a ton and support stopped when 7 was announced, though it's hardly an "old" game

Yep. 40.