>yfw the Kingdom Come Deliverance female character DLC is just you in the kitchen and farming
Yfw the Kingdom Come Deliverance female character DLC is just you in the kitchen and farming
well memed, my gamergate brother in arms.
shadilay MAGA KEK!
>mfw it's stronk woman needs no man tier garbage
>the gamergays will never stop REEEEing about minorities and women in video games
Pretty funny idea desu
They could probably even make that decently fun
Has Sup Forums come up with a good response yet? It's been almost two years.
No. We're back to the drawing board
I would unironically enjoy a DLC where i can play a poor peasant girl that gets repeatedly gangraped by vagrant knights.
this but replace vagrant knights with saracens and moors
>this is what Sup Forums looks like
they were the soyboys all along
>ask money for actual campaign
>deliver (not even that yet) shitty DLC
>"Is that how you got your job?"
>too old
why are people so obsessed with playing as a female in the first place? I think the devs are stupid for listening to that request.
Like I just stated a new game in Nioh for the first time in 9 months and one of the first messages that pops up when you get to the map screne is YOU CAN PLAY AS A FEMALE, just progress far enough to get the reskin! Like is that the most important thing to people?
game is much longer than promised 30 hours tho
If there was a fun game where you could only play as a grill, wouldn't you be excited for a male character?
i didnt really care that I coulnt play as a dude in Dead or Alive volleyball
men and women are fundamentally different
Not really. I don’t care who I play as in a game. I only care about the game being fun. That’s why I don’t mind playing Subnautica.
>why are people so obsessed with playing as a female in the first place?
>no u
The majority of the video game playerbase are lonely virgins who can’t even talk to girls, so playing as one at least let’s them pretend they know one.
Dios mio...
el tenebro.... EL CREATURA!
>tfw it costs 30% less than a regular DLC pack because women have a shit work ethic
>have to cross dress
>ultra hard difficulty
That would be pretty based if they did it right
Why not make a Jeannu vidya?
so...that's why...it's called sub...
Wouldn't you get raped every single time your identity was discovered?
>muh rape
It was close, but Jonah got BTFO in the end. Back to the drawing board, boys.
What's all this about
We were so close, bros...
Some Actor (Jonah Hill) had an interview in France but the woman interviewing him humiliated him on live television, so Sup Forums has been trying to come up with a good response. This happened almost two years ago, by the way.
>you’re ugly and I wouldn’t have sex with you
Where’s the joke?
Sup Forums being assblasted and not being able to accept defeat is the joke.
he's sitting right there
I was in that thread and her comebacks were all shit. Jonah won.
la abominacion....
it's just bantz mon ami
Amy Schumer walks on stage picks up mic, almost drops it twice while fumbling it taps it to test its on, it screeches “Ahem. Welcome to my comedy special. I’m Amy Schumer and I have a vagina.” A few small chuckles begin. They slowly increase until most of the audience is giggling at the joke. They don’t stop but Amy continues on to her next joke. “I have periods too.” The audience suddenly roars into laughter. Tears streaming down some people’s faces as they struggle to breathe. Amy still goes on. “One time I woke up and my vagina was like ooh I’m a vagina” The audience laughs so hard they can’t breathe. Amy Schumer walks off stage. The crowd is still roaring with laughter. People begin to pass out due to inability to breathe from laughing so hard. Amy Schumer walks back out, for one last joke. “I have boobs too” That’s it. Amy runs off stage as fast as she can. The crowd starts going insane. People are ripping each other’s faces off, there’s blood everywhere. People begin stripping naked and throwing their own feces. Security can’t control them. Anyone that tries to stop them is instantly mauled. People begin eating each other’s limbs, still laughing the entire time. This crowd has become an uncontrollable mob. Swat teams burst in through the windows, but they can’t stop the beast. The main floor is now covered by a thin pool of blood. 1/4 of the audience is dead by now, but the laughter is louder than ever. The military gets called in, but they don’t know what to do. They send in teams from every entrance to try to stop the mob, but they’re taken down quite quickly.
>ultra hard
Eventually they decide the only option is to bomb the venue. They clear out everyone within 16 blocks. A Rockwell B-1 Lancer is flown in. The bomb levels the entire building. As military rushes in to check for casualties only one person is left laughing. It’s coming from under the stage. It’s Amy. She’s covered in dirt and rubble, and she’s bleeding. She’s giggling to herself. The soldiers try to get her out from under the stage, but they can’t reach her. They attempt to coax her out but she isn’t moving. Eventually, after what seems like years, she stops laughing. Everything is silent. Nobody moves, you can hear the sound of everyone’s breath in the crisp, cool air. Amy slowly turns around and scans her audience. “Do you want to hear a joke?”
The End.