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ahah who use still that shit
SSD are life dude stop wasting your time

you store everything on SSDs?

If you don't run a hard drive and store it well, is there any reason to expect it to fail?

clicks are okay, it's when it starts clacking that you should start worrying

It's going to fail even faster if it just sits on a shelf and is never used.


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What mechanisms would cause it to fail faster?
Seeing as use, as well as starting up/shutting down are the biggest mechanical wears.

>mfw people actually own external disk hdd

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Based on quick googling, a part might get stuck when the lube dries. Even if nothing gets stuck the magnetic memory will degrade in 10 years or something. If you really need to store data for a long time, archival dvds are the best choice currently.

>archival dvds are the best choice currently.

nigga please

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Hey man, I just bought another 4TB SSD for $90. Thank god I don't have to rely on those shit ass 240gb HDDs.

Well we can cure lube drying with proper air-tight/sealed storage
As for the magnetic degredation, everything I find seems to point to very old tape-style memory.
I mean there are sources saying HDD are magnetic but any sources regarding degredation in such media are talking about tape.
Unless we start talking humidity or temperature, but that's proper storage again.

Hard drives do degrade magnetically just like tapes. The magnetic domains will get disoriented over time like in any permanent magnet.

>spend $100 for 250gb msata ssd
You are either very lucky or lying. That said I am very pleased with my ssd.

This is unironically scary.
When an HDD starts going bad, it's somewhat easy to notice it before it's too late to do anything with the data.
When an SDD starts going bad. It's just as quiet as before. Then it just shits the bed without any warning and you lose everything.

Tape drives are way too expensive for private users

No data is safe if you don't have at least two copies of it.
RAID is not a backup

I generally keep my SSD's small enough that a daily backup takes no longer than a few hours. If you aren't backing up your shit in at least one other place, you never cared about it in the first place.


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>If you aren't backing up your shit in at least one other place, you never cared about it in the first place.
I'd have to buy twice as much storage to be able to do that. That's expensive as fuck.

Anons, don't ignore your HDD, it may come to bite your ass when you least expect it.

t. Someone who almost lost his data.

>command input pops up for a split second and closes itself

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I don't find this humorous. I lost nearly 2TB worth of movies, series and music.

Even the damn backup NAS broke from falling over. Do not buy Buffalo.

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>consumers using tape drives
Lol, this shit is enterprise only. The 3PAR storage device at the bottom costs a fucking bomb due to its data redundancy. You don't need that kind of shit to store your porn and isos.

What the fuck do you hoard anyway? Who cares if porn collection got corrupted. Internet exist for a reason.

*explodes and burns up your home*

>Who cares if porn collection got corrupted. Internet exist for a reason.
lol who cares about saving shit, it's not like it's going away from the internet amirite guize

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Can I get a few TB without spending over 100$ yet?

You mean produces mustard gas and kills your family in your sleep.

>*CLICK* for 4 fucking years
>Still running
Classic WD is the shit yo, hope it last another decade.

*rattles because it weighs 0.5 ounces and your fans are too strong*