New Attack on Titan game looks pretty good.
that feel when you can't go grim reminder 2.0
New Attack on Titan game looks pretty good
Bending over Historia and fucking her in every room of our house!
Phoned in localization: the game
basically samegame 2, now with character creation.
I'm in love with some of the weapon designs.
Sasha is objectively the best girl
That's not Hanji
That's not Hisu.
Mein neger Sasha is a very close third after Annie though
Worth buying on the switch? I can get it for $45 new as best buy.
Reminder that 50% of blacks in AOT are murderers.
>He doesn't like our lord and saviour Ogweno.
>He doesn't appreciate him dispatching and defeating the rebellious spawn of Eldia that is Udo.
Ogweno is a true champ, can't wait to see him again.
Can't wait for Ga(r)bi to get fucking eviscerated.
Where'd his wife go?
thats not Annie
>you cant make black characters in the editor
Any fix for constant "stopped working"?
Krista was the best girl before she turned out to be Snowflake McFateful
I don't like attack on titan. Is the game good though?
I want Mikasa to rape me
She's still the hottest, though.
>mfw prettiest girl turned out to be a carpet muncher
It's okay at best
The gameplay is pretty fun but gets repetitive
>>mfw prettiest girl turned out to be a potato muncher
Here bro I fixed your opinion
>tfw can't really make any cute characters
Why aren't you playing as best girl?
I have a passing interest in this, does it have RPG elements, how deep is the customization, can your character have a uniform and casual clothes like story characters, can you punch Anne in her stupid nose?
That’s not Hitch
user pls
I maybe could have taken your opinion seriously if you said Hanji, but this? Come on
Pieck is for...
That's ugly
>Thinks Gabi is ugly
Woooh lad.
Killing horribly
Hitch sounds like Bitch
Gabi is literal and figurative shit.
Hitch is a bitch, but if you wouldn't hatefuck that slut and then gently caress that fluffy hair then you're quite clearly gay.
I'd fuck her.
Best girl is Mikasa. I'm not sure how this is even debatable.
I'd rather fuck Historia.
Gabi is just a little cunt.
Mankasa is not even a girl
She's like the only blonde in the show without blue or green eyes, terrible.
>literally meme girl
the best kind of bitch
Lets not forget that Hitch is playable character
Historia is cheap and easy.
Pic related.
At least Gabi will put up a fight while i pound that arse and cum in her filling her under aged pussy with my seed.
Her hair is more like light brown.
Blondes are like Crista or Erwin.
The best colour combo is hair black as it comes with the deepest green eyes.
Nothing anybody could say or do could sway my opinion on this.
>First game.
>Playing as Armin.
>"I-I hope I can be useful to everyone!"
>Fucking murders the entire map of Titans on his own.
Settle down, Beastchild. Shit.
Can you romance her as a female OC?
>Sasha is objectively the best girl
Plus she has a dick which makes her an 11/10
Glad my man is playable.
>Reminder that 50% of blacks in AOT are murderers.
Just like in real life.
Not really.
Most niggers kill other niggers.
I won't touch it unless I can date Renamon
You can take her on dates and use her for missions.
You can date Renamon
Do you get multiple saves, or slots for OCs?
I'm not familiar with this meme
as I have a serious cuckquean fetish, I somewhat agree
Yeah there are 5 save slots.
Everything you do in one save slot carries over the NG+ and you can keep swapping back from NG to NG+ at will with all the upgrades and shit you get in the other.
One thing i like about these game is that anime character actually acknowledge us.
So, is this game actually good, or just "if you really love AoT" good?
Better than the first one?
Neat, can you go on missions or otherwise interact with your other OCs?
That's the worst fucking part. Suddenly you're a major player in the universe and you happen to be incredibly talented and thoughtful. You're well liked by everyone almost right off the bat. Japan seems to love this Sue scenario but it's fucking garbage writing.
Annie is the greatest.
No other character even comes close.
No other character is as well written or deep.
If you disagree, you're objectively wrong.
Every arc without her has been shitty and lacking.
I'm tired of following around the flat and boring characters.
She is the most human character and by far the most interesting.
Legitimately, the plot and entire manga is suffering without her.
Other characters like Eren or Historia just can not bring anything to the table.
Vilify her all you want, but she is able to sacrifice for the greater good.
Eren and friends? A bunch of boring faggots. Ymir? A shit.
Annie brings great characterization and literary merit. She makes the whole manga.
Nobody has shown even an ounce of the depth she can bring.
Not Levi, not Eren, nor Historia.
In one short monologue, Annie blew all the other characters out of the water.
Eren and Mikasa are fucking shits.
Isayama needs to step up his fucking game and drop the fujobait brigade.
Seriously, why isn't Annie the main character?
Luckily, she will wake up soon and make this manga interesting again.
I will wait for her.
Everything I do, I do it for her.
What do?
This is correct
Work at it user, you can do get to friendship rank 10!
>unlocked Rico
Finally, best girl
Can't see shit. The manga was always bad for this, you can barely tell who is who and what the fuck is going on half the time.
>despite being the hottest shit in the Walls, killing titans left and right by yourself, you fucking die at the end
Fuck this gay ass game
How do you unlock characters apart from those from the main story
What did she mean by this?
intuition comes with being best girl
Dunno specifics, but I put a lot of damn attention to spending them with her, did the mission you get at 5 friendship and did even more shit with her and the game unlocked her
to be fair, we have a fucking death flag because in the end we’re not in the mc circle like all the other badasses
I expected this the moment I realized I was the third member of the Thomas and Mina circle
I ended up skipping past the tutorial for this, but what's the difference between solo and joint training? I can spend more emblems to guarantee a success in solo, but what about joint? Does it build friendship with the partner I choose, or is it just for the occasional Great Success?
t. never read a manga
How is it? I didnt play the first one but I am caught up with the manga. How is the created character implemented?
Pretty good,.
Awfully. You're a Sue.
I've been reading manga (Japanese Comic Books) before you were even born you little shit. AoT is just drawn badly and has an even worse story and it's popularity made it worse because the author needed to figure out what the fuck he was doing in order to meet demand because the first few volumes were made clear that there was never going to be an end and everyone was going to die. Then the fucker said LET'S PUT A TITAN IN A WALL! I don't understand why you normies eat this shit up.
You’re treated as if you’re another member of the cadets with the main cast, in the first chapter you’re largely ignored outside of the few characters you squadded up with and I guess the scout corps is when they start treating you more like an asset
Should I get it for PC or console?
Tokyo Ghoul is even worse, or at least the sequel is, hardly ever know what the fuck is going on or which characters are which
>you normies
Nice projection
Actually Isamaya improved his line over the years, thank god it's still monthly
PC for the eventual mods.
How the hell do i get rid of image verification?
And go back to typing the letters. Image verification is a fucking nightmare.